The Port of Oakland has announced the Terminal Modernization and Development Project at Oakland Airport and asks for community feedback on the upcoming changes. Attend online or in person, send comments by email, or use the OAK website to submit questions and concerns.
#alameda #oak #oakland #OaklandAirport #PortOfOakland #PublicMeeting #TerminalModernizationAndDevelopmentProject
#alameda #oak #Oakland #oaklandairport #portofoakland #publicmeeting #terminalmodernizationanddevelopmentproject
A meeting on May 10 discussed the expansion of two turning basins in Oakland Harbor. Ken Der explains that the modifications propose to help larger vessels to navigate the tricky harbor so that the Port can remain competitive with other ports along the West Coast.
#alameda #oakland #shipping #OaklandHarbor #PortOfOakland #TurningBasins #UsArmyCorpsOfEngineers
#alameda #Oakland #shipping #oaklandharbor #portofoakland #turningbasins #usarmycorpsofengineers
Students can apply now for a scholarship from the Alameda Chamber Foundation or a paid summer internship with the Port of Oakland.
#Alameda #Students #Scholarships #Opportunities #PortOfOakland #PaidInternships #HighSchoolSeniors #AlamedaChamberFoundation #AlamedaChamberAndEconomicAlliance
#alameda #students #scholarships #opportunities #portofoakland #paidinternships #highschoolseniors #alamedachamberfoundation #alamedachamberandeconomicalliance