@Susan60 Yes we are! A week in Lisbon, then train north to Coimbra for 2 days. Then we start walking... in the direction of the Spanish border, on the #PortugeseCamino (edited somewhat due to our age and limitations). So we'll be seeing a lot of local countryside and small towns etc.
Right, well the house is spotless (for the house sitter), packing's done, and we're all set for an 8.30am uber tomorrow. If only I could get the husband to disentangle himself from work... may be a long night. Next up: Strasbourg! #PortugeseCamino
Packing done. Some housework still to do for the house sitter, a few minor errands, haircuts x2, and scripts to fill. Newly arthritic foot (me) and hip (him) both playing up, so we are toning down the training a bit. Lift-off in three days. #PortugeseCamino
This upcoming #PortugeseCamino is going to be a real case of no pain, no gain, with the full suffering option. I'm not religious, but I have a newly arthritic foot that will really test my mettle. Fabulous timing.. not. 🤢
Penultimate weekly training walk to Kingston from Woden: done. #canberra #PortugeseCamino
New house sitter has just been for a tour of the cat (and house). She's good. Am indebted to her for all my spring cleaning, there's no way I'd have got all that done otherwise. Just over 2 weeks to lift-off. #PortugeseCamino
Righto, I'm saying farewell to these trusty Italian hiking boots. Cost me a fortune in 2006 but have given me excellent service, including walking the best bits of the French and Spanish caminos in 2017. They are waterproof, and by no means worn out, but after wearing them today for 3 hours at the Wetlands I'm in agony with my one arthritic foot. They are just too firm and unforgiving. Out! New footwear is ready to go for the #PortugeseCamino next month. 😪
Interesting human coagulations in old Kingston: certain trendy cafés chockablock when others (which are just as good, including the coffee) are virtually empty. And we're the only ones at the Japanese, a treat after our weekly 7.5km walk. #PortugeseCamino
Up early for our regular Saturday morning 7km walk over the mountain to Manuka. Need to beat the heat today. #PortugeseCamino #training
We did another Saturday morning 7km jaunt over the mountain to Manuka today, salivating all the way at the thought of lunch at the Japanese. They weren't open, grrrr. Waited weeks for a bus home. Have cooked dinner and now I have collapsed... #drink. At least I won't have to cook when we get to the #PortugeseCamino.
One and a half hours exactly. Not bad for 2 old farts, with a decent mountain to cross. #PortugeseCamino
Off on a long distance training walk with the spouse, prepping for the #PortugeseCamino in May. Going over Red Hill, 7.5km finishing at the Kingston Hotel for lunch. Deploy the double socks! #drink
An entire day spent with our #PortugeseCamino friends (5 of us in total), trying to book accommodation along our route. Because we are avoiding bunkhouses this time, and looking for hotel-type accommodation (coz covid and old age!) our options were limited in some places so the itinerary had to be changed here and there. Anyway, it's done now, thank Dawkins. #drink #herdingcats
#portugesecamino #drink #HerdingCats
Some friends don't answer texts, some don't answer emails, some don't answer their phone, some don't read the group whatsapp properly, some only respond to one question when several were asked. Very few cover the lot, reliably... so gotta remember everyone's blank spots in order to best communicate with them. It's doing my head in, particularly when important things have to be organised. Srsly... is it that hard? Herding cats. #PortugeseCamino