📖 Num artigo publicado na Aniki: Revista Portuguesa da Imagem em Movimento, a Leonor Areal procura desvelar o conteúdo até hoje desconhecido de diversos filmes de Manoel de Oliveira que não foram realizados, revelando "uma faceta desconhecida e marcadamente realista na primeira fase criativa de Oliveira".
🔓 Para ler em #AcessoAberto: https://doi.org/10.14591/aniki.v10n1.903
#histodons #FilmStudies #ManoelDeOliveira #PortugueseCinema #EstadoNovo #Censorship #NewPaper
#acessoaberto #histodons #filmstudies #manoeldeoliveira #portuguesecinema #EstadoNovo #censorship #newpaper
Film of the day: BELARMINO (dir Fernando Lopes, 1964) I coulda been a contender: sharp, moody documentary study of a Lisbon boxeur that never made it to the big leagues, doubling as a moving time capsule of a certain period and mode of being Portuguese. #PortugueseCinema #documentary #portugal #sixties #boxing #lisbon #jazz
#portuguesecinema #documentary #portugal #sixties #boxing #lisbon #jazz
Film of the day: RABO DE PEIXE (dir Joaquim Pinto & Nuno Leonel, 2003, director’s cut 2015) Leisurely portrait of an Azorean fishing community shot over a year, taking its time to understand the rhythms and challenges of daily life; though first completed in 2003, a 2015 directors cut restored the project to its original design. #PortugueseCinema #Azores #fishing #2000s #documentary #sea #maritime
#portuguesecinema #azores #fishing #2000s #documentary #sea #maritime
Film of the day: LÉGUA (dir Filipa Reis & João Miller Guerra, 2023) Stodgy melodrama of modern rural hardship, interesting for its overlapping of documentary sources and fictional narrative, but ultimately unable to find its own, personal way out of the much overworked territory it wants to explore. #portuguesecinema #region #NorthernPortugal #drama #family #workingclass
#portuguesecinema #region #northernportugal #drama #family #workingclass
📖 Caterina Cucinotta e Jesús Ramé assinam um dos capítulos do livro "Literatura, Artes e Religião. Ensaios sobre Redenção", onde analisam o processo criativo de #AnabelaMoreira através do estudo de três personagens de filmes do #JoãoCanijo.
#histodons #FilmStudies #CulturalHistory #Cinema #PortugueseCinema #Arts
#anabelamoreira #joaocanijo #histodons #filmstudies #culturalhistory #cinema #portuguesecinema #arts
📖 The book "ReFocus: The Films of João Pedro Rodrigues and João Rui Guerra da Mata" includes a chapter authored by Caterina Cucinotta, on the contributions of João Guerra da Mata to art direction in Portuguese cinema. 🎥
👉 You may find it here: https://bit.ly/43f9b45
#histodons #FilmStudies #ArtDirection #PortugueseCinema #Cinema #CinemaPortuguês
#histodons #filmstudies #artdirection #portuguesecinema #cinema #cinemaportugues
Film of the day: NAYOLA (dir José Miguel Ribeiro, 2022) Visually extraordinary, this animated tale of Angola's recent history as seen through three generation of women is a masterpiece of attentive, inspired artwork overserving a rather conventional magic-realist plot. #PortugueseCinema #animation #Angola #civilwar #drama #family #women
#portuguesecinema #animation #angola #civilwar #drama #family #women
Film of the day: SOMBRAS BRANCAS (WHITE SHADOWS, dir Fernando Vendrell, 2022) Uneven biographical fantasia that uses author José Cardoso Pires' stroke as the setting for an exploration of his life and work, hovering between the inspired and the hackneyed.
#PortugueseCinema #drama #writing #literature #PortugueseLiterature #biography
#portuguesecinema #drama #writing #literature #portugueseliterature #biography
Film of the day: VIVER MAL (LIVING BAD, dir João Canijo, 2022) Intense, emotionally violent triptych of family crisis loosely inspired by Strindberg and working as a superior companion piece to MAL VIVER.
#Berlinale73 #film #drama #family #Strindberg #PortugueseCinema #hotel #mothers #daughters
#berlinale73 #film #drama #family #strindberg #portuguesecinema #hotel #mothers #daughters
Film of the day: MAL VIVER (BAD LIVING, dir João Canijo, 2022) Mommie dearest: tightly wound tale of mothers and daughters trying to make sense of their lives, exquisitely framed and performed, building on its director’s usual portrayals of family dynamics.
#Berlinale73 #film #drama #family #PortugueseCinema #hotel #mothers #daughters
#berlinale73 #film #drama #family #portuguesecinema #hotel #mothers #daughters
Portuguese filmmaker #JoaoPedroRodriguez's The Ornithologist tells a gay ornithologist's long and winding journey to self-discovery/sainthood in a series of misadventures while kayaking/hiking through the picturesque wilderness of Northern Portugal. Fernando is seen kayaking, observing rare birds through his trusty binoculars and communicating occasionally with his boyfriend through his cell phone. But the reception is spotty in the wilds. There is a constant reminder that he is being observed too from the sky, the top of the cliff or trees, that this is not a one-way affair. The increasing absurdity, punctuated by beautiful images of nature, this leisurely paced film is an intoxicating mix of madcap imagination and sensory cinematic experience that is truly hard to forget. It would make a great threesome with Honoré's Metamorphoses and Giuradie's Staying Vertical as examples of recent playful, eccentric and adventurous queer cinema at its best. #portuguesecinema
#joaopedrorodriguez #portuguesecinema
João César Monteiro directs and plays the protagonist in Comedia de Deus. João is a well dressed, studious old bachelor who works at an ice cream parlor, making such fabulous concoction as Paraíso & others. He only hires beautiful young girls to work there, emphasizing on maintaining impeccable personal hygiene. We get to learn his weird sexual kinks these girls supply him with. He collects girl's pubes with special notes in a handsome bound book named "Book of Thoughts". He gives a milk bath to a girl w/ the intention of making ice cream out of that tub of milk. The thing is, with long, intriguing face, João is not in the least creepy. There are many other funny in-jokes in the film- especially the João's hilarious, long winded speech at the possible joint venture celebration with a French businessman whose name is Antoine Doinel. God's Comedy is an offbeat, often funny film and it showcases the director's unique comedic style. #comediadedeus #portuguesecinema #JoãoCésarMonteiro
#comediadedeus #portuguesecinema #joaocesarmonteiro
Film of the day: NÃO SOU NADA — THE NOTHINGNESS CLUB (dir Edgar Pêra, 2022) Portuguese modernist poet Fernando Pessoa as the beating heart of an oneiric neo-noir fantasia of crime and desire; a dream to look at, though like all dreams it may not always make sense. #IFFR2023 #poetry #FernandoPessoa #noir #fantasy #dream #FemmeFataleTrope #PortugueseCinema
#iffr2023 #poetry #fernandopessoa #noir #fantasy #dream #femmefataletrope #portuguesecinema
Film of the day: A PRIMEIRA IDADE (THE FIRST AGE, dir Alexander David, 2023) Intriguing, semi-improvised dystopian fable whose formal freedom manages to hold the viewer's interest through a reasonably slight narrative. #IFFR2023 #film #filmposterart #filmfestival #PortugueseCinema #dystopia #utopia #fable #fairytale
#iffr2023 #film #filmposterart #filmfestival #portuguesecinema #dystopia #utopia #fable #fairytale
From the visual void we are introduced to a static noise. This static noise decked w/subtitles is an omnipresent being, guiding us through Super Natural, a visual aural invitation to a group meditation called film watching. Shot in stunning backdrop of Madeira, the film remind us that we are all connected in this world; the air we breathe in, the rock we are standing on, the fruit we eat, the various sea creatures, a little plastic bugs, our bodies, our imagination, our consciousness.... Shot in various style - super 8, VR computer graphics, instagram images & using a group of people, some w/disabilities, some not, it wants us to acknowledge that we are part of the ecosystem in an unstable world we live in. Jácome & his collaborators use loose visual and words associations w/vivid colors & humor. The non-narrative images holds its shape together like a collage. The film is a sensual meditation on human existence & connections with one another. #exerimentalfilm #portuguesecinema
#exerimentalfilm #portuguesecinema
Film of the day: AMADEO (dir Vicente Alves do Ó, 2022) Bewilderingly muddled biopic that seems unable to bring modernist artist Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso to life or explain what it really wants to say about him, while surrounding the character with most of the tired genre tropes.
#film #filmposterart #biopics #art #AmadeoDeSouzaCardoso #modernism #painting #portuguesecinema
#film #filmposterart #biopics #art #amadeodesouzacardoso #modernism #painting #portuguesecinema
In Vanda’s Room is the second film in what later termed as Pedro Costa’s Fontainhas Trilogy. This is the film Costa made after Ossos, his attempt at capturing the realness of the Lisbon’s slum & its inhabitants w/ heavy filming equipment & larger crew while imposing himself as one of them. He saw the futility of achieving that, gave up on large scale filmmaking & lived in the slum w/ a small DV camera, recording everything. The cinema has never been the same since. #portuguesecinema #pedrocosta
The colonial past is ingrained in everyone's faces - former booming slave trading post, also inhabited by pirates & used as a penal colony only to be abandoned after 19th century. Elliptical narrative has no stronghold in this but the glorious nighttime cinematography & the beauty of volcanic surroundings make up for its lyrical poetry. You can totally see Costa’s later impressionistic approach to filmmaking brewing in the midst of Casa de Lava.
#isaakdebankole #inesdemedeiros #portuguesecinema
#isaakdebankole #portuguesecinema #inesdemedeiros
Due to busget issues, a film crew is stuck in a small Portuguese mountain town w/no actors. #MiguelGomes uses the woes to his advantage and concocts a charming hybrid film. He slowly builds the relationship btwn the townspeople & the audience. There are scenes of normal folks talking about the movie production taking place in their town. Everyone has a role to play. There is fluidity to Gomes's filmmaking that is gentle yet furiously inventive. #portuguesecinema #film #aquelequeridomesdeagosto
#miguelgomes #portuguesecinema #film #aquelequeridomesdeagosto
For 2 1/2 hours, we follow Ventura, an eldery resident of Lisbon's slum known as Fontainhas, as he visits his various 'children' & have lengthy conversations with them. This DV shot film is remarkably beautiful. As with his other 2 in the trilogy, the film is an immersive experience: with its quiet protagonists and deliverately slow, leasurely pacing, you get to 'live in' with these souls in their darkness, listening to their stories. #PedroCosta #fontainhastrilogy #portuguesecinema #docufiction
#pedrocosta #fontainhastrilogy #portuguesecinema #docufiction