कर्मों का फ़ल ll Law of Karma ll Karma a Boomerang ll How Does The Law Of Karma Work?Satvinder kaur
#lawofkarma #themindmotivation #consiousliving #Growth #Motivation #SuccessTips #Motivationalvideo #postivevibes #inspiredaily #inspirationalvideos #motivationalspeaker #success #mentaldrive #nofears #positiveattitude #thegoodthought #GrowthFormulla #SuccessFormula #BusinessMotivation #BadaBusiness #Mindset #Lifemotivation #Education
#happiness #motivational
#lawofkarma #themindmotivation #consiousliving #growth #motivation #successtips #motivationalvideo #postivevibes #inspiredaily #inspirationalvideos #motivationalspeaker #success #mentaldrive #nofears #positiveattitude #thegoodthought #growthformulla #successformula #businessmotivation #badabusiness #mindset #lifemotivation #education #happiness #motivational
Meet Dr. Tucker, now a centenarian
Still going strong, a neurologist he's been
His life is a journey, and he's seen a lot
Four keys to his life now are he's got
Stay positive, learn often, give back, be kind
Refuge for his soul in them he will find
#drhowardtucker #neurologist #longlife #positiveattitude #poetry
#drhowardtucker #neurologist #longlife #positiveattitude #poetry
@bortzmeyer Au moins les serveurs sont sur des AS différents #PositiveAttitude
Et celui qui tient semble nantais. :)
@gardeningwell @ClimateActionZack
We have to encourage all we can.
True we can't do a much as individuals, but if everyone said that and didn't bother it would be a whole lot worse than it is.
Keep up your good work and positive attitude, Zack.
You can be proud of yourself.
"Can we fix it? Yes, we can !" - Bob the Builder.
#ClimateAction #ClimateActionZack
#Positivity #PositiveAttitude
#climateaction #climateactionzack #positivity #positiveattitude
Other things your child should learn #shorts #learning #teach #acceptance #positiveattitude #positivity #life
#life #positivity #positiveattitude #acceptance #teach #learning #shorts
The Dyslexia-Stress-Anxiety Connection:
Dyslexia can have a much greater impact on some that live with it. Aside from commonly known symptoms, it can sometimes be accompanied by debilitating stress and anxiety. Dyslexia is nothing to joke about.
Keeping your glass half full seems to be recommended.
Great information from the International Dyslexia Association:
#dyslexia #anxiety #stress #PositiveAttitude #disability #accommodation #InvisibleDisabilityRights
This is a salvaged migrating repost from a former instance.
#dyslexia #anxiety #stress #positiveattitude #disability #accommodation #InvisibleDisabilityRights
I didn't say that I was one, just that I admire them... #PositiveAttitude #reality
How many of these apply to you?
If you have good mental wellbeing, you are able to:
- Recognise the good in yourself, such as your positive attributes and achievements you have made.
- Feel and express a range of emotions.
- Feel engaged with the world around you.
- Live and work productively.
- Cope with the stresses of daily life and manage times of change and uncertainty.
#mentalhealth #wellbeing #mentaltoughness #youvegotthis #recognise #thegoodinyou #positiveattitude #achievement
#mentalhealth #wellbeing #mentaltoughness #YouveGotThis #recognise #thegoodinyou #positiveattitude #achievement
#introduction Hi everybody. 🙂👋 My name is Anne and I'm from Finland. I created my account today so I'm now studying how to use Mastodon.
I work as a Specialist and I'm interested in Service Design and different cultures. I love cats, #cooking, nature, kayaking and reading/listening books and nice music. I'm a gentle soul with a positive mindset. 🙂
#finland #cats #nature #kayaking #hiking #simpelife #PositiveAttitude #books #music #movies #singlewoman #travelling #humanity #cultures #people
#introduction #cooking #finland #cats #nature #kayaking #hiking #simpelife #positiveattitude #books #music #movies #singlewoman #travelling #humanity #cultures #people
On a dû te dire qu’il fallait réussir dans la vie. Moi je dis qu’il faut vivre, c’est la plus grande réussite du monde. Jean Giorno
#vivre #bonheur #joie #carpediem #positiveattitude #goodvibes
#vivre #bonheur #joie #carpediem #positiveattitude #goodvibes
Chacun possède un talent dont le monde a besoin.
#confianceensoi #estimedesoi #positiveattitude #laforceestentoi #motivation #penséepositive #affirmationpositive #unique #pourunmondemeilleur
#confianceensoi #estimedesoi #positiveattitude #laforceestentoi #Motivation #penseepositive #affirmationpositive #unique #pourunmondemeilleur
Aujourd’hui sera incroyable, alors réveillez-vous et souriez ! La positivité est un choix qui devient un mode de vie.
#biencommencerlajournée #sourire #positivité #bonheur #positiveattitude #goodvibes
#biencommencerlajournee #sourire #positivite #bonheur #positiveattitude #goodvibes
Le bonheur est une chose fragile dont il faut profiter sans compter. Anne-Marie Revol
#bonheur #joie #carpediem #momentpresent #petiteschoses #positiveattitude
#bonheur #joie #carpediem #momentpresent #petiteschoses #positiveattitude
Soyez heureux… non pas parce que tout est parfait, mais parce que vous choisissez de vous concentrer sur les moments parfaits.
#bonheur #positiveattitude #bienêtre #carpediem #pleineconscience
#bonheur #positiveattitude #bienetre #carpediem #pleineconscience
Soyez heureux… non pas parce que tout est parfait, mais parce que vous choisissez de vous concentrer sur des moments parfaits.
#bonheur #positiveattitude #bienêtre #carpediem #pleineconscience
#bonheur #positiveattitude #bienetre #carpediem #pleineconscience
Au milieu de chaque difficulté se cache une opportunité. Albert Einstein
#opportunité #résilience #motivation #éveil #introspection #développementpersonnel #laforceestentoi #positiveattitude
#opportunite #resilience #Motivation #eveil #introspection #developpementpersonnel #laforceestentoi #positiveattitude
Pour être heureux, il faut le décider. Il ne suffit pas de se lever le matin et attendre de voir quel genre de journée tu vas avoir. Tu dois décider qu’aujourd’hui, il n’y aura de place que pour les bonnes énergies.
#biencommencerlajournée #goodvibes #positiveattitude
#biencommencerlajournee #goodvibes #positiveattitude
Soyez patient. Certaines choses demandent du temps.
#patience #confiance #optimisme #positiveattitude #goodvibes
#patience #confiance #optimisme #positiveattitude #goodvibes