"I think about bell hooks - who reminded us that patriarchy has no gender - as she wrote extensively about the negative stereotypes of Black masculinity; specifically, that these harmful beliefs 'continue to over-determine the identities Black males are allowed to fashion for themselves.'... We don't need to tie ourselves down to these dated understandings of who we need to be based on gender."
#ToxicMasculinity #PositiveMasculinity #PatriarchyHurtsMenToo
#patriarchyhurtsmentoo #positivemasculinity #toxicmasculinity
Listening to @profgalloway on CNN. He is describing an ongoing crisis with (and of) men.
It makes for sobering listening.
#mancrisis #men #positivemasculinity #thenewmen
YouTuber Salari reviews a few of the increasingly more common examples of #PositiveMasculinity to be found in popular #VideoGames, in addition to shouting out smaller (and very cool) channels.
#BeAMan #BoostBus #SocialIssues #PatriarchyHurtsMenToo #GodOfWar #GodOfWarRagnarok #RDR2 #YakuzaSeries
#yakuzaseries #rdr2 #GodofWarRagnarok #godofwar #patriarchyhurtsmentoo #socialissues #boostbus #BEaMan #videogames #positivemasculinity
#BeauOfTheFifthColumn just did a follow-up to the video about dating red flags. https://youtu.be/xtgEZnaGujs
Apparently that got under some guys' skin, guys who have been steeped in #incel & #RedPill ideology. He does a great job of pouring cold water on their theories.
It's sad when young men get caught up in that BS. Can you imagine how badly it would go if you if you talked like that on a date?
#PositiveMasculinity, #ToxicMasculinity, #dating, #PUA, #Men
#beauofthefifthcolumn #incel #redpill #positivemasculinity #toxicmasculinity #dating #pua #men
This is such a great video. Great advice from Beau about dating red flags, how women deal with them. And a young guy who wrote in who is learning to self-reflect and wants to change. I'm rooting for the guy. Change is good.
#BeauOfTheFifthColumn, #PositiveMasculinity, #ToxicMasculinity, #dating, #PUA, #Men
#beauofthefifthcolumn #positivemasculinity #toxicmasculinity #dating #pua #men
Still not sure what I think about the angle this article takes - I would've leaned more on despair than narcissism - but they're right that #masculine insecurity is a crisis that must be taken seriously.
I have a different perspective on this because I identify with these young men in a lot of ways. I managed to find my way without any of these bad outcomes, but I was "involuntarily celibate" before social media.
#PositiveMasculinity, #incels, #ToxicMasculinity
#masculine #positivemasculinity #incels #toxicmasculinity
I don't have a complete definition for "positive/healthy masculinity" (the opposite of "toxic masculinity"), but I think it should include:
- It's OK to cry. It's *healthy* to cry. We should cry *more*, when facing a sad situation, movie, book, etc. Or when facing a tough situation and being very stressed out.
- It's also ok to cry when feeling very happy 🥲
#healthymasculinity #positivemasculinity #toxicmasculinity
This was perfect. He said everything I've been wanting to say lately in a few minutes.
#masculinity, #PositiveMasculinity, #BeauOfTheFifthColumn
#masculinity #positivemasculinity #beauofthefifthcolumn
@misc @futurebird @tomwarren
I get what you're saying. I've been thinking what we need is good old fashioned human moderation. I used to moderate and be an admin on a music site. We were pretty good at it. But finding good mods is probably harder now. I've seen it go wrong on reddit. Tankies may take over a subreddit & kick out other leftwing factions. Or someone tries to start a #PositiveMasculinity sub & next thing you know red pillers and fascists have taken over.
On the Dodo side, someone asked about #positivemasculinity and how people imagine this.
Someone shared a picture of Captain Benjamin #Sisko and his son Jake and I wanted to share this with you.
Image Source: CBS via Vulture
#positivemasculinity #sisko #startrek #startrekdeepspacenine #ds9
Why do all these hysterical ass ugly bitches with fake lips and fake tits keep insisting I'm a misogynist? #positivemasculinity #rolemodel #wholesome
#positivemasculinity #rolemodel #wholesome
Yesterday was international Men's day - male-identifying people, I hope you take a moment this weekend to reflect on the influences for positive masculinity in your life. Who showed you that it was OK to be emotional, to cry, to love, or just to cook and do the dishes. #toxicmasculinity is defeated one example at a time.
#toxicmasculinity #internationalmensday #MensDay #positivemasculinity