I really enjoy how Dana’s faith is depicted (other than when Mulder tries to use it as a bludgeon).
This desk dude is the mole right? For sure.
Yup, it was desk dude! I am not surprised he got deaded quickly but I was sure Smoking Man was going to be a fakeout. I wonder if it’s just a slower fakeout…
Scully is in remission, yay!
So the cancer link was real but the cure wasn’t? Not super surprising. And a cliffhanger.
S05E02 - Redux II
Everything is rough. Mulder is revealed. The cure is actually real.
Side note: why did they decide Scully’s brother had to be like this?
I’m both glad Mulder doesn’t think it’s Skinner and a bit mad he’s probably right again and Scully’s wrong again.
Another Samantha? Why would he trust this one?
I hate that Smoking Man is kind of a fascinating weirdo.
Wait… he finds a camera and barges into another apartment… so was he not found in his own apartment? And no one thought that was weird? Or was he moved?
Oh I think my ploy idea might be right! I’m surprise no one else verified the identity of the body though…
This actually makes a lot more sense. Scully dismissing all of Mulder’s word post-death just because didn’t quite make sense.
I really hope Skinner isn’t the FBI person. Makes me kind of sad Scully suspects him.
I was waffling about whether to do a #PossibleXphile binge tonight or not. I’m honestly so conflicted about this show because I love the concept and I love a lot of the Weird of the Week episodes and concepts and even ~parts of~ the Big Plot but the way Mulder is written sometimes frustrates me so much.
Plus I think it would just be a better show if the solutions to the mysteries were more varied and nuanced and it wasn’t a given that Mulder would be right.
There’s just something about “who cares about science, if you know the truth any evidence against it must be fabricated” that feels icky in this time of disinformation etc.
I was about to be happy that they let Mulder actually feel doubt for a moment, but it feels a bit cheapened since it’s part of his (presumably staged) suicide and obviously the tension of whether he’s really dead is long gone, heh.
What a cliffhanger tho! wonder if I would’ve believed it at the time…
Meanwhile one of the mountaineers is killing all the others just before Mulder gets there.
Scully’s brother is kind of a dick and really offended that she’s not giving up on her life quicker while she’s dying.
Why is this decided non-doctor cutting this body apart?
I really wish the conspiracy in this show was… smaller? It’s so vast and advanced that any anti-conspiracy stuff is automatically part of the conspiracy itself. It’s be more interesting if it was more nuanced.
Scully is being ambushed by a priest at a family dinner and Mulder has found an alleged con-man with proof of aliens. True to form he tries to weaponize Scully’s faith against her to try to get her to go with him, and then insult her when it doesn’t work. Sigh.
Scully’s cancer got worse, and it strikes me how unusual it is for a character to just… be sick. Without it being Big Plot. Though I suppose it’s both here.
S04E24 - Gethsemane
Season ended so I’m expecting a cliffhanger.
We begin with the implication that Mulder is dead, then Scully supposedly betraying him and sudden you were flying over a snowy mountain.
So… fake death or was it someone else off-camera all along?
Also it’s weird to me that Scully would blankety be like “this work has no merit” when she’s seen so much weird shit with her own eyes. Like, a middle position is reasonable.
The other alien abductees commit suicide so of course Mulder wants to continue the dangerous treatment even though he doesn’t actually know if what he’s remembering is real or not.
That gun shot fakeout was really unnecessary.
Meh. This should’ve been more interesting.
S04E23 - Demons
We begin with Mulder waking up from a dream about his childhood to find his shirt covered in blood.
He is briefly reasonable, calling Scully, and then refuses to get medical treatment for his unexplained amnesia.
I can’t even blame this cop for thinking he’s the killer but how this all is written still makes everyone seem like they aren’t quite keeping up with their own conversation.
Honestly Mulder’s insistence on total honestly, loyalty and transparency when he does not live by that himself and goes off on his own whims constantly feels pretty narcissistic at times.
I wonder if Scully will continue seeing ghosts until her cancer is cured… probably not but it would be interesting!
I enjoy these scenes w Dana and her therapist. Nice to get to see her without her work face on a bit more.
Mulder stop touching this guy randomly and without asking. Meanwhile this local cop can go fall into a deep ditch.
Called the dying enhances psychic ability angle two mins before! Go me!
Wait… evil nurse? Ugh she can also fall into a ditch. With spikes at the bottom.
Poor, poor Harold.
Oh, I was curious if Scully would tell him. And of course he’s a dick about it.
I really just want someone to release the bees in this smoky board room. Or like , anywhere that isn’t this schoolyard.
I feel like Mulder should give Skinner a little more of the benefit of a doubt but it’s not like he’s usually level headed with this particular stuff so I can’t say I’m surprised. At least he was easy to sway.
I don’t normally encourage violence but I really want Skinner to just shoot this asshole!
Aaaah I fell for that fakeout for one glorious moment.
#PossibleXphile two days in a row? Yup!
S04E21 - Zero Sum
We begin with a smoking break and a bee infestation. And then Skinner being suspicious at Mulder’s computer. And at a weird (unclear if crime) scene. And disposing of a body. Can I just say: What the fuck??
Of course it’s Cigarette Man pulling the strings.
Small pox bees? Great…
And now Mulder knows it’s Skinner. The plot thickens!
I’m amused that this lady is like “the first one must be the fake”. I guess it makes sense cuz you can tell yourself you’re remembering wrong.
Mulder did you break the corpse?
This is not the Mulder you are looking for!
This is a setup right? Scully has to be more than a little suspicious right now.
I really hate that she somehow didn’t realize he was being weird. This show keeps disrespecting my girl. Ugh.
All right, time for bed!
S04E20 - Small Potatoes
We commence with a newborn with a tail and an entirely too unsurprised physician.
I feel like there we a Criminal Minds episode that was similar to this. Dude thinking he’s “helping” women get pregnant without their consent.
Oh he’s a shape shifter! So is he an alien hybrid then?
Wait hasn’t Scully seen shape shifters before? Oh yeah, they just addresses this.
Love how Mulder is like “this guy isn’t classy enough to be half alien” lol
Mulder needs to learn the difference between scientific theory and scientific actual reality. Just because someone theorized something doesn’t mean it will necessarily be proven.
Anyway I do like a good “scientists righting their wrongs” plot!
#PossibleXphile time!
S04E19 - Synchrony
Academics are arguing and someone is time traveling in order to, possibly, freeze his academic rivals? Or maybe save people, who knows?
Mulder is being an ass as usual and pretending that because time travel is theoretically possible according to quantum physics that somehow makes it a perfectly reasonable explanation Scully is closed-minded for not accepting right away.
S04E18 - Max
I thought Max was dead. Maybe not?
Wait, had Dana not met this man with the mustache? Or did she just not recognize him? Odd.
Now Fox isn't recognizing him either. Did I just imagine that he was one of the sneaky investigator dudes?
Welp, that's that. Time for bed.
Like, I just expected there to be suspense around the issue for as long as possible, rather than it being basically canon from jump and occasionally super explicit.
I look away for one second and Mulder is going midnight diving.
Is this a two-parter? Yes, yes it is.
Did Mulder just see a dead alien?
Also did they pull in Pendrell just to get someone shot? That seems silly, could've just been a random bar person in that case.