TRIGGER WARNING: Hawk attack GIF & photo of man "after" using an umbrella (no blood, the hawk hits the top of his head tho). Hawks protecting their nest have halted mail service (they can draw blood!) for about 20 homes in central TX. Good for them!
#federally #protected #red #shoulder #hawks #protect #nest for #fledgling #birds #halt #mail #delivery in #central #Texas #TX #postal #service #attacked | #use #umbrellas
#federally #protected #red #shoulder #hawks #protect #nest #fledgling #birds #halt #mail #delivery #central #texas #tx #postal #service #attacked #use #umbrellas
To commemorate National Postal Workers Day, here's the #musicvideo for a song I wrote called “Her” (from the SHELTER collection) – dedicated to all #postal workers, especially our neighborhood #mailcarrier who lifted our spirits during the height of #COVID in 2020. This #piano #vocal song was recently remixed and mastered by Matt Bishop.
#musicvideo #postal #mailcarrier #covid #piano #vocal
Oh btw the new #postal mailing changes happening on the 9th of July are going to be having a major change on how mail gets around #Alaska , there is still a lot of things up in the air right now but the sure thing is that more and more of our mail is going to be going and coming by barge and that the service standards for mailing into the holidays at the end of the year are going to be a nightmare for logistics and peoples wallets.
#PSA on #dogs and #mail #postal carriers:
les regalo una #postal de #zacatecas desde el cerro de la bufa. Las nubes siempre aliadas en este tipo de escenas.
Is the murder of a #Milwaukee US #PostalService #worker part of a larger trend of increased armed #robberies against #postal #workers nationwide? YES
#milwaukee #postalservice #worker #robberies #postal #workers
Today in Labor History May 19, 2018: William Burrus, president of the 360,000-member American Postal Workers Union from 2001-2010, died at age 81. He was the first African-American to be elected president of a national union by direct member voting. Burrus was born in West Virginia. After serving in the U.S. Army, he moved to Cleveland, where he worked sorting mail and joined the union. He helped the local coordination of the national postal strike of 1970. As a result of that strike, postal workers won collective bargaining rights. He served as president of the Cleveland Local of the APWU from 1974 to 1980. He became president of the national union in 2001.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #AfricanAmerican #BlackMastadon #union #postal #strike
#workingclass #LaborHistory #africanamerican #BlackMastadon #union #postal #strike
London United bus drivers denounce Unite’s below-inflation pay ballot
Die #Busfahrer von London United verurteilen die Reallohnsenkung der #Gewerkschaft Unite
London United #busdrivers denounce #Unite’s below-inflation pay ballot
#Traffic #Driver #Greve #Strike
#London #Railstrike #NHSStrikes #NHS #Postal #RoyalPost #Tfl
#Busfahrer #gewerkschaft #busdrivers #unite #traffic #driver #greve #strike #london #railstrike #nhsstrikes #nhs #postal #royalpost #tfl
#Religious #zealots go #postal (again)
The current #SupremeCourt #religion case harks back to a 19th-century fight over #Sunday #mail.
#religious #zealots #postal #supremecourt #religion #sunday #mail
Lost Judgement ist nicht das einzige #Game was ich mir gegönnt habe. Ich hatte erst bock auf #Trash. Also habe ich mir Postal 4 geholt, tut es nicht! Ich wollte Gameplay Bilder machen, aber ne😅 nach ein paar Sekunden habe ich wieder aus gemacht :nkoHehe:
#Postal #Postal4 #Postal4NoRegerts #PostalDude #Playstation #PS5 #PS5Share #ShareYourGames #Gaming #Zocken
#game #trash #postal #postal4 #postal4noregerts #postaldude #playstation #ps5 #PS5Share #shareyourgames #gaming #Zocken
Imagine an interaction between these two
Today in Labor History March 18, 1970: The first mass work stoppage in the 195-year history of the U.S. Postal Service began on this date in New York City. The walkout was illegal, giving President Richard Nixon the excuse to send in federal troops to sort the mail. But the strike succeeded in forcing Congress to raise wages and reorganize the postal system and marked a new militancy among postal employees.
#LaborHistory #WorkingClass #postal #union #strike #nixon #congress #wages
#LaborHistory #workingclass #postal #union #strike #nixon #congress #wages
That wasn't so hard after all: more #EVs for #USPS
#ElectricVehicles #electrification #electrictrucks #Transportation #transport #mail #Decarbonise #decarbonization #energytransition #USA #UnitedStates #Sustainability #sustainable #Truck #trucks #deliverysolutions #fleets #fleetelectrification #postalservice #postal
#evs #usps #electricvehicles #electrification #electrictrucks #transportation #transport #mail #decarbonise #decarbonization #energytransition #usa #UnitedStates #sustainability #sustainable #truck #trucks #deliverysolutions #fleets #fleetelectrification #postalservice #postal
Content warning just in case.
I just want to nerd out a bit about #Postal and how it turned from a horror game to a comedy first-person shooter. I'm really fascinated by this, really.
So, my favorite entry is honestly Postal Redux, which is a remake of the original Postal, a horror game where you are the horror.
idk why, but compared to its spiritual successor Hatred, it's actually pretty decent and offers a better look into the mind of a spree killer.
If you are either interested in or mystified by #StampCollecting & #stamp #collectors, you might enjoy the appropriately named documentary, "Freaks and Errors: A Rare Collection":
(currently on #AmazonPrime)
Virtually all the collectors are men 🤔 , but the film does profile Cheryl R. Ganz, former Chief #Curator of #Philately at the @smithsonian National #Postal #Museum, a specialist in #zeppelin stamps & postal memorabilia
#stampcollecting #stamp #collectors #amazonprime #curator #philately #postal #museum #zeppelin
Bueno, voy a ir presentándome para ver a quién me encuentro por ahí. #mutuals #Introduccion #presentacion
Soy un programador aspirante a #gamedev fanboy de #CSharp de 23 años. Friki desde que nací. Consumo cualquier juego de mesa, anime/manga o videojuegos, eso sí, fiel siempre a #Steam y #GOG :gaming1_steam:
Soy DM, Dungeon Master o como a mí me gusta llamarlo, Game Master (ya que el roleplay ya no son cosa solo de mazmorras y juegos de mesas) de #CyberpunkRed y #ConanExiles 🎲
Amo cualquier tipo de settings, pero mis favoritos son el #Cyberpunk y la #AltaFantasía.
Me encantan los #WRPG / #JRPG, además del #Terror y la buena narrativa. Pero como dije antes, suelo jugar a cualquier género 🕹️
La música que más suelo escuchar es el #Drumandbass, el #Phonkpunk y cualquier música de género electrónico que me agrade, y las bandas sonoras 🎶
#Videojuego 🎮:
🌃 #Cyberpunk2077
:gaming_xbox: #Halo
⚔️ #Talesof
⚔️ #Smite
⚔️ #TESO
⚔️ #AgeofEmpires
🗺️ #ConanExiles
🧟 #ProjectZomboid
🌱 #StardewValley
:anime_db_vegeta2: #Postal
💫 #FinalFantasy
😈 #Chainsawman
🤖 #Eightysix
💌 #Oregairu
☯️ #TwinStarExorcists
⌛ #SteinsGate
Amo las obras que tienen romance. Siempre a favor del Pure Love Story💞 . Además, creo que le da mucha más personalidad a los personajes tanto en las series como en los videojuegos :gaming_pacman3:
Desarrollando un Simulador de Citas con el nombre provisional de Love Tycoon en Unity :gaming_kirby22:
🔁Dadle RT si queréis. ❤️
#mutuals #Introduccion #presentacion #gamedev #csharp #steam #gog #cyberpunkred #conanexiles #cyberpunk #altafantasia #wrpg #jrpg #terror #drumandbass #phonkpunk #videojuego #cyberpunk2077 #halo #talesof #smite #teso #ageofempires #projectzomboid #stardewvalley #postal #finalfantasy #manga #anime #chainsawman #cyberpunkedgerunners #parasyte #devilmancrybaby #eightysix #oregairu #dororo #twinstarexorcists #steinsgate
Royal Mail faces threat from ransomware group LockBit
LockBit has said it would publish stolen data on Feb. 9 if Royal Mail failed to pay a ransom.
Separately, Royal Mail said on its website that the disruptions to its international services due to the cyber incident were continuing and only some of the services have been restored.
#RoyalMail #UK #mail #postal #postalservice #LockBit #ransomware #malware #security #cybersecurity #hackers #hacking #hacked
#postalservice #LockBit #ransomware #malware #security #cybersecurity #hackers #hacking #hacked #royalmail #uk #mail #postal
Roses Are Red Because If You Shoot A Duck I’m Scared Of Toasters #rosesaree #rosesarered #card #postcard #greetingcards #ValentinesDay #ValentinesDay2023 #valentinesgift #valentines2023 #postal
Greeting Card:
#rosesaree #rosesarered #card #postcard #greetingcards #valentinesday #valentinesday2023 #valentinesgift #valentines2023 #postal
🤖 Introducing: Stamps Bot
A bot posting random postage stamps every day for your enjoyment