And the logical thing for #Labour to do is to move as many as possible of its identified supporters onto #postalvoting as soon as possible. There should be particular emphasis on those who wold not wish to remove masks to vote in person and on low income voters. Done on a sufficient scale this should mitigate matters sufficiently to increase the chances of a overall majority for #Labour in the #UKGeneralElection2024 very substantially.
#labour #postalvoting #ukgeneralelection2024
It is not immediately clear why this was so. There was a reliable counter measure already available, namely persuading known supporters to apply for #postalvotes. This was entirely feasible. Yet there seems to have been little effort to encourage #activists to promote #postalvoting.
Yet references to this appeared rather late in the #labour campaign - and are thus unlikely to have had much effect in consequence.
#postalvotes #activists #postalvoting #labour
Apply for #PostalVoting in #UKElections here: