On July 2, 1971 Beneath the Planet of the Apes debuted in Mexico. Here’s some fan art to celebrate!
#BeneathThePlanetOfTheApes #1970s #ScienceFiction #SciFi #DystopianSciFi #SciFiArt #ScienceFictionArt #PostApocalypticFilm #PlanetOfTheApes #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#beneaththeplanetoftheapes #1970s #sciencefiction #scifi #DystopianSciFi #scifiart #sciencefictionart #postapocalypticfilm #planetoftheapes #art #movieart #moviehistory
On June 15, 1995, Tank Girl debuted in Australia. Here’s some Lori Petty fan art!
#TankGirl #RachelTalalay #SciFI #BlackComedy #DystopianSciFi #LoriPetty #PostApocalypticFilm #1990sMovies #Ozsploitation #PostalStickers #StickerARt #ARt #SciFiArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#tankgirl #racheltalalay #scifi #blackcomedy #DystopianSciFi #loripetty #postapocalypticfilm #1990smovies #ozsploitation #postalstickers #stickerart #art #scifiart #movieart #moviehistory
On June 12, 1970, Beneath the Planet of the Apes debuted in Finland. Here’s some fan art to celebrate!
#BeneathThePlanetOfTheApes #TedPost #ScienceFiction #SciFi #DystopianSciFi #SciFiArt #ScienceFictionArt #PostApocalypticFilm #PlanetOfTheApes #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#beneaththeplanetoftheapes #tedpost #sciencefiction #scifi #DystopianSciFi #scifiart #sciencefictionart #postapocalypticfilm #planetoftheapes #art #movieart #moviehistory
On April 11, 1980, Mad Max debuted in Toronto, Canada. Here’s some Goose art to celebrate!
#MadMax #GeorgeMiller #Steve Bisley #DystopianSciFi #PostApocalypse #PostApocalypticFilm #Ozsploitation #AustralianFilm #FanArt #SciFiArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#madmax #georgemiller #steve #DystopianSciFi #postapocalypse #postapocalypticfilm #ozsploitation #australianfilm #FanArt #scifiart #movieart #moviehistory
On April 5, 1983, Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior debuted in Brazil. Here’s some fan art to celebrate!
#MadMax2 #MadMax ##TheRoadWarrior #GeorgeMiller #MonsterVision #PostApocalypticFilm #ScienceFiction #ExploitationFilm #OutlawBikerFilm #MelGibson #Ozsploitation #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#madmax2 #madmax #theroadwarrior #georgemiller #monstervision #postapocalypticfilm #sciencefiction #exploitationfilm #outlawbikerfilm #melgibson #ozsploitation #art #movieart #moviehistory
On March 12, 1980, Mad Max debuted in Norway. Here’s some original fan art to celebrate!
#MadMax #GeorgeMiller #MelGibson #DystopianSciFi #PostApocalypse #PostApocalypticFilm #Ozsploitation #AustralianFilm #FanArt #SciFiArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#madmax #georgemiller #melgibson #DystopianSciFi #postapocalypse #postapocalypticfilm #ozsploitation #australianfilm #FanArt #scifiart #movieart #moviehistory
On February 12, 1998 The Postman debuted in Australia, Germany and New Zealand. Here’s some Kevin Costner art to mark the occasion!
#ThePostman #KevinCostner #DystopianSciFi #PostApocalypticFilm #90sMovies #ScienceFiction #DystopianFilm #DystopianSciFi ##ActionMovies #Art #Portrait #MovieArt #MovieHIstory
#thepostman #kevincostner #DystopianSciFi #postapocalypticfilm #90smovies #sciencefiction #dystopianfilm #actionmovies #art #portrait #movieart #moviehistory
Happy Black History Month folks! Continuing with my new daily portraits of Black cult film icons. Here's a new drawing of Rosalind Cash inspired by The Omega Man (1971)!
#BlackHistoryMonth #NewArt #TheOmegaMan #RosalindCash #HorrorMovie #PostApocalypticFilm #HorrorArt #BlackCinema #ScienceFiction #MovieArt #PopArt #Drawing #ModernArt #Art #DystopianSciFi #SciFiArt #DystopianFilm #Portrait #MovieArt
#blackhistorymonth #newart #theomegaman #rosalindcash #horrormovie #postapocalypticfilm #horrorart #blackcinema #sciencefiction #movieart #popart #drawing #modernart #art #DystopianSciFi #scifiart #dystopianfilm #portrait
On February 1, 1980 Mad Max debuted in Los Angeles, California. Here’s a portrait of Hugh Keays-Byrne as Toecutter to mark the occasion!
#MadMax #GeorgeMiller #HughKeaysByrne #DystopianSciFi #PostApocalypse #PostApocalypticFilm #Ozsploitation #AustralianFilm #FanArt #SciFiArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#madmax #georgemiller #hughkeaysbyrne #DystopianSciFi #postapocalypse #postapocalypticfilm #ozsploitation #australianfilm #FanArt #scifiart #movieart #moviehistory