Tomorrow at 12 noon we deliver in-person these four oversized novelty postcards to Adrian Dix's MLA office to continue our demands of returning masks in health care in BC (along with a few others!) in the final leg of our #Postcards4PublicHealth campaign. Join the event here:
Sadly today's #CleanAir Festival must be postponed. But our #Postcards4PublicHealth workshop goes on! Join us ONLINE TODAY from 5–6:30 PM via Zoom, with tunes by
@Geoffberner! (captioning available, cam optional). Prepare your craft supplies, grab a drink:
#cleanair #postcards4publichealth
Our #Postcards4PublicHealth campaign at #DoNoHarmBC is underway! Anyone in BC can join… in fact anyone anywhere can join! Mail to gov't is FREE. Any postcard will do! We want to #KeepMasksInHealthCare, get #CleanAirInSchools, care for #LongCovidOur sufferers, and much more because #CovidIsntOver. Our Participation Kit can help you get started.
#postcards4publichealth #donoharmbc #keepmasksinhealthcare #cleanairinschools #longcovidour #covidisntover
The DoNoHarmBC action group has launched our new campaign: #Postcards4PublicHealth. The goal: flood Adrian Dix at the MoH with thousands of cards demanding the Ministry of Health act on #KeepMasksInHealthCare, #CleanAirInSchools, #LongCovid, etc… It’s FREE to mail the gov’t! Here’s how to participate:
#postcards4publichealth #keepmasksinhealthcare #cleanairinschools #LongCOVID