O Tusitala: Tellers of Tales
Lyceum Theatre, Edinburgh, 20–27 Aug 2023
This new one-person play by Samoan writer Sia Figiel tells, through the voices of never-before-heard indigenous characters, the extraordinary story of Robert Louis Stevenson’s household in 1890s Samoa
#Scottish #literature #RobertLouisStevenson #19thcentury #colonialism #postcolonial #drama
#drama #postcolonial #colonialism #19thcentury #robertlouisstevenson #literature #scottish
En Guyane, « on a eu des morts, ils sont où ? » https://www.lemonde.fr/politique/article/2023/08/07/on-a-eu-des-morts-ils-sont-ou-en-guyane-la-quete-des-descendants-des-victimes-des-zoos-humains-parisiens_6184666_823448.html #postcolonial #colonial #zoohumains #museumarenotneutral
#museumarenotneutral #zoohumains #colonial #postcolonial
#climatechange could mean that #malaria spreads to new parts of the world. RTS,S is being rolled out to #children in a handful of countries in Africa, with more hoping to benefit soon as vaccines target various points in the parasite's life cycle.
#climatechange #malaria #children #climatemitigation #postcolonial #medicalapartheid
📢#OutNow in #OA: '#Folktales of #Mayotte, an #African Island' by Lee Haring, foreword by Mark Turin.
The book uncovers the versatility and literary skills of #oralnarrators in a small #African island. Relying on the researches of three #French #ethnographers who interviewed #storytellers in the 1970s-80s, Lee Haring shows a once-#colonised people using #verbal #art to preserve ancient values in the #postcolonial world, when the island of #Mayotte was transforming itself from a neglected #colony to an overseas department of #France.
The author’s innovation is to read #ethnographic researches as #play scripts—to see printed folktales as accounts of live #performances.
#Literary specialists, #folklore enthusiasts, and people who like #reading stories will find much to appreciate in this engaging and sophisticated book.
Access this OA title for free or get a hard copy at https://openbookpublishers.com/books/10.11647/obp.0315
#outnow #oa #folktales #mayotte #african #oralnarrators #french #ethnographers #storytellers #colonised #verbal #art #postcolonial #colony #france #Ethnographic #play #performances #literary #folklore #Reading
🍞#Bread; 🌹#Roses; 🏞️#Parks ;🌊#Oceans.
• Teach #Philosophy & #ReligiousStudies at a Midwest #CommunityCollege.
• #CPTSD survivor focusing on social re-entry & rewiring.
• Gravitate to #postcolonial #anthropology
• Curious how #trauma vocabularies can help unwind schizmogenesis.
• Fascinated by the #solarpunk, #fediverse & #anarchist approaches to our problems.
• #StarTrek is my hope,
• #Christianity my #mythology, &
• #OpenCulture my approach.
#bread #roses #parks #oceans #philosophy #religiousstudies #communitycollege #cptsd #postcolonial #anthropology #trauma #solarpunk #fediverse #anarchist #StarTrek #christianity #mythology #openculture
The latest issue of Fafnir: The Nordic Journal for Science Fiction and Fantasy Research is out!
Check out the editorial for a quick introduction to the contents, and the interviews with outgoing and incoming editors Laura Goodin and Merve Tabur for a backstage glimpse to the journal's workings: http://journal.finfar.org/fafnir-1-2023/
#SpeculativeFiction #ScienceFiction #Fantasy #Research #Academic #Nordic #Fafnir #Finfar #Postcolonial #Literature #LiteraryStudies #NKJEmisin
#speculativefiction #sciencefiction #fantasy #Research #academic #nordic #fafnir #finfar #postcolonial #literature #literaryStudies #nkjemisin
"#Spivak is not saying that people in positions of privilege should never engage WITH marginalized voices, but first and foremost, we need to be wary of any privileged intellectual's claim to know or speak FOR the ‘Other’. Second, because of structural disadvantages, it’s extremely difficult to find instances where marginalized (subaltern) women can in fact insert themselves into public conversation authoritatively without mediation. The 'subaltern as woman' may literally be able to SPEAK, but those mediating factors -- institutional gatekeepers who police what is thinkable or sayable, privileged actors who are motivated by their own self-interest, and many others -- mean that we may not ever be able to HEAR her voice directly."
"Can the Subaltern Speak?" in Plain English: https://www.electrostani.com/2023/03/can-subaltern-speak-in-plain-english.html #decolonial #postColonial #book
#spivak #decolonial #postcolonial #book
#Capitalism works!
If you say something different, sorry you are still to much #capitalist indoctrinated. When you believe, capitalism doesn't work, you basically say, that capitalism any time in history had good intentions.
But capitalism was already from its enlightened composition made in a way, that its task was to keep rich ppl. rich and richer ppl. white. The perfect #PostColonial #ideology for the #West.
It never intended to feed everyone or to provide everyone with minimal #survival needs if that person works as hard as it can. It's quite the opposite, if food output in capitalism would be that high, that nobody has to starve, not even the homeless, than capitalism would reduce this "#overproduction", so the poor have too obey again.
This holds true, even though capitalist science managed to increase food output, which is a result of science, a side product of capitalism. Still, agriculturally speaking, capitalism destroys the planet, while keeping many people starving and in #FoodInsecurity.
10 to 15 billion people could otherwise sustainably live on #earth. (According UN)
The white West never expected, that there could be something equally or even more important than becoming rich, which is their newborn to survive #ClimateChange. And now, they #panic.
#capitalism #capitalist #postcolonial #ideology #west #survival #overproduction #foodinsecurity #earth #ClimateChange #panic
This is pretty damned accurate ...
On everything but the North, O'Toole is a great writer.
Also really highlights just how much #postcolonial baggage we still have to work through as a country, despite our success.
14 avril 2023 : La troisième session du séminaire POLYVOCALITÉ DES ARCHIVES AUDIOVISUELLES ET NUMÉRIQUES EN CONTEXTE #POSTCOLONIAL questionne les méthodes de l’histoire orale. La conférence de Rozenn Milin, auteure de “Du sabot au crâne de singe – Histoire, modalités et conséquences de l’imposition de langues dominantes – Bretagne, Sénégal et autres territoires”, introduite par Florence Descamps (EPHE)
This article highlights the problem with Ireland self-identifying as 'an English-speaking country'.
Doing so in the 19th century meant internalising racist, sectarian & colonial tropes about Irish people that are still being shed today.
To be English-speaking only is to be defined by the Anglosphere- which we have little influence over. Being bilingual gives us more scope to define ourselves and set our own norms.
#Ireland #Irish #postcolonial #language #Gaeilge
#ireland #irish #postcolonial #language #gaeilge
3/6 ‘A source of inspiration to all freedom-loving peoples’: that’s what #NelsonMandela called the Cuban #revolutionary leader."
If #Africa is a country, then #FidelCastro is one of our national heroes. This may come as a surprise to many oblivious of Africa’s #postcolonial history and Castro’s role in it – especially the fate of white regimes and former Portuguese colonies in southern Africa."
These are just a couple of choice quotes from https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/nov/30/africa-fidel-castro-nelson-mandela-cuba
#NelsonMandela #revolutionary #Africa #FidelCastro #postcolonial #blackhistorymonth
Final question to all the panelists: What is the one thing a person sensitive to postcolonial perspectives would wish to change in digitization campaigns:
More accesssible visa permissions, less precarious jobs, less hierarchy between different involved parties/persons, have 1 person focusing on critical review in every campaign.
#DHd2023 panel on #postcolonial perspectives in #digitization of #CulturalHeritage
#DHd2023 #postcolonial #digitization #culturalheritage
A propos #DHd2023 Panel on #Postcolonial Perspectives in Digitizing Cultural Heritage:
The #CAREPrinciples have been mentioned yesterday, too, I think. Yet most frequently when it comes to licensing, the more or less uninvolved #CreativeCommons or #PublicDomain are in focus (or are they?). Has somebody considered #TraditionalKnowledgeLicenses or #TraditionalKnowledgeLabels?
https://localcontexts.org/licenses/traditional-knowledge-licenses/ and https://localcontexts.org/labels/traditional-knowledge-labels/
#DHd2023 #postcolonial #CAREprinciples #creativecommons #publicdomain #traditionalknowledgelicenses #traditionalknowledgelabels
Sara Akhlaq on overcoming biases and Othering in GLAM datasets: Recognise, Recollect, Recontextualize, Reconnect
Panel #Postcolonial Perspectives in Digitizing Cultural Heritage
I'm teaching Gayatri Spivak's "Can the Subaltern Speak?" this spring, and I wrote up an explainer on it for my students -- and for any of you who might be interested.
(Comments and suggestions welcome!)
#postcolonialism #theory #feminism #postcolonial #representation #India #colonialism #foucault #derrida #freud
#freud #derrida #foucault #colonialism #india #representation #postcolonial #feminism #theory #postcolonialism
I'm teaching Gayatri Spivak's "Can the Subaltern Speak?" this spring, and I wrote up an explainer on it for my students -- and for any of you who might be interested.
(Comments and suggestions welcome!)
#postcolonialism #theory #feminism #postcolonial #representation #India #colonialism #foucault #derrida #freud
#freud #derrida #foucault #colonialism #india #representation #postcolonial #feminism #theory #postcolonialism
Ma communication « La représentation de la femme insulaire dans les discours touristiques : un imaginaire sexiste et colonial » présentée lors de la journée internationale des droits des femmes, le 8 mars 2023 à la Région Réunion est en ligne !
Bonne écoute !
#linguistique #postcolonial #feminisme #8mars #JourneeInternationaleDesDroitsDesFemme #InfoCom #SIC #communication #SHS #scienceshumaines #podcast
#linguistique #postcolonial #feminisme #8mars #journeeinternationaledesdroitsdesfemme #InfoCom #SIC #communication #SHS #scienceshumaines #podcast
'In the West, the terms “anti-colonial,” “decolonial,” and “#postcolonial” are most often associated with Africa, Latin America, and South Asia and the legacies of British, French, Spanish, and Belgian colonialism. As Botakoz Kassymbekova, assistant professor of modern history at the University of Basel, recently wrote for Al Jazeera, the overlooking of #Russian #colonialism is largely due to the Russocentric nature of Western knowledge of Eastern Europe and Eurasia.
'(...) Responses to the episodes, he [Ukrainian journalist Maksym Eristavi] said, had shown a real eagerness among listeners in the region to engage with the idea of anti-colonial solidarity.
'(...) The same dynamic played out with our Central Asian friends and allies. There were moments when we would feel absolutely the same, when we would intimately feel what they were trying to convey.”'
#Ukraine #CentralAsia #politics #Kazakhstan #Kyrgyzstan
#postcolonial #russia #colonialism #ukraine #centralasia #politics #kazakhstan #Kyrgyzstan
The Frantz Fanon Dissertation Award has been created to advance scholarship committed to unsettling modernity, colonialism/coloniality, racial capitalism, & heteropatriarchy.
More information soon to be found here (I hope) => https://www.aera.net/SIG153/Awards
... so far on a rival platform 🙂 =>
#FrantzFanonDissertationAward #Decolonial #Postcolonial #Anticolonial #FrantzFanon
#frantzfanondissertationaward #decolonial #postcolonial #anticolonial #frantzfanon