The fourth instance of our online Degrowth seminar series is coming up, on September 19th, 2 PM-3 PM CEST
“The future of degrowth: Decolonizing more than the imaginary” by Dr. Brototi Roy (Central European University, Vienna)
In recent years, degrowth has sparked multiple discussions, analyses and actions on repoliticizing the debate for socio-ecological justice and equity. Since the beginning of the movement as an activist slogan, there have been calls for decolonizing the imaginary. In this talk, Dr. Roy will engage with the idea of how can this decolonization be more material.
The talk will take place on Zoom, registration here:
It will be followed by 30 min of informal discussion for those interested.
#Degrowth #Postgrowth #Decolonisation #Decolonization #Colonialism #Postcolonialism #Decroissance #ClimateJustice #SocialJustice #socioecological #ClimateCrisis #Equity #Activism
How can I be informed about future events organized by the UCPH Degrowth Network?
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#degrowth #PostGrowth #decolonisation #decolonization #colonialism #postcolonialism #decroissance #ClimateJustice #socialjustice #socioecological #climatecrisis #equity #activism
web3 must die!
combining crypto with biometrics + exploiting people from the global south, what could possibly go wrong?
you don't need a PhD in ethics to realize how fundamentally wrong this is.
i hate worldcoin + everything it stands for.
#WorldCoin #cryptoscam #exploitation #colonialism #postcolonialism #Crypto #theorb #privacy #samaltman #kenya #DigitalAI
#DigitalAI #Kenya #samaltman #Privacy #theorb #Crypto #postcolonialism #colonialism #exploitation #cryptoscam #WorldCoin
It's time for another #AskAProfessor. Ask me anything! I'm a prof. of English who teaches #DigiRhet #composition #socialmedia #sciencefiction #gaming #TTRPGs + more. Study #fandom #Caribbean #literature #SFF + #postcolonialism. Have at it!
#AskAProfessor #digirhet #composition #socialmedia #sciencefiction #gaming #ttrpgs #fandom #caribbean #literature #sff #postcolonialism
It's time for another #AskAProfessor. Ask me anything! I'm a prof. of English who teaches #DigiRhet #composition #socialmedia #sciencefiction #gaming #TTRPGs + more. Study #fandom #Caribbean #literature #SFF + #postcolonialism. Have at it!
#AskAProfessor #digirhet #composition #socialmedia #sciencefiction #gaming #ttrpgs #fandom #caribbean #literature #sff #postcolonialism
Vienmēr bauda labu antropoloģiju palasīt! Anžē un Belingera (red) "Ekoloģiskās nostaļģijas" (2020) ir tieši tāds cutting edge zinātnes un eksotisku stāstu kopojums, kur vienā rindkopā sastopama gaiļa upurēšana pie pilsētas domes (Meksika, mūsdienas) un teorētisks izvērtējums ekokosmoloģijas jēdzienam humanitārajās vides zinātnēs. Īpaši jauka pašas redaktores nodaļa par to, kā un kāpēc Andu zemnieki iepriecina savus kartupeļus ar dziesmām un kokas ziedojumiem. #EH #affectiveTurn #postcolonialism
#postcolonialism #affectiveturn #eh
Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o: three days with a giant of African literature
The Kenyan novelist’s life and work has intersected with many of the biggest events of the past century. At 85, he reflects on his long, uncompromising life in writing.
#NgugiWaThiongo #literature #kenya #africa #PostColonialism #books #bookstodon #profile
#ngugiwathiongo #Literature #kenya #africa #postcolonialism #books #bookstodon #profile
It's time for another #AskAProfessor. Ask me anything! I'm a prof. of English who teaches #DigiRhet #composition #socialmedia #sciencefiction #gaming #TTRPGs + more. Study #fandom #Caribbean #literature #SFF + #postcolonialism. Have at it!
#AskAProfessor #digirhet #composition #socialmedia #sciencefiction #gaming #ttrpgs #fandom #caribbean #literature #sff #postcolonialism
Does anyone know any good podcasts (or alternatively blogs? Or other stuff?) about #postcolonialism?
The Leverhulme Trust's Annual Review 2022 includes a piece by Sanjay Seth on the project that brought him to the IHC this year.
It can be read in full here:
#histodons #Colonialism #PostColonialism #HistoryInThePublicSphere #SanjaySeth #ColonialHistory
#histodons #colonialism #postcolonialism #historyinthepublicsphere #sanjayseth #colonialhistory
Are we at a decolonial moment in Europe and within European Studies? What does this mean? What would it look like?
Come and join the conversation at LSE on 31 May...
Register here:
@sociology @politicalscience
#colonialism #Europe #EuropeanStudies #decoloniality #postcolonialism
#postcolonialism #decoloniality #europeanstudies #Europe #colonialism
O IHC e a Lusotopie organizam o colóquio "Crítica Anti-colonial e Pós-colonial: Perspectivas Comparadas", que vai ter lugar na NOVA FCSH na tarde do próximo dia 17 de Abril.
Sanjay Seth, Victor Barros e Mélanie Toulhoat farão uma análise comparativa entre os mundos anglófono, lusófono e francófono.
#histodons #anticolonialism #postcolonialism #lusotopie
Please check out my new article, “Do Victorian Studies and Queer Theory Still Have Anything to Learn from Each Other?” in the latest issue of Victorian Literature and Culture!
Or here:
#queer #lgbtq #Victorian #postcolonialism #race #theory
My latest essay, "Césaire, Mills, & de Beauvoir in Sociological Theory," is now available Open Access at The Journal of Social Encounters: Vol. 7: Iss. 1, 186-207. @sociology #postcolonialism #sociology #theory
#postcolonialism #sociology #theory
If this was the Egg of Columbus implications of #Postcolonialism become clearer. This egg is a commodity, as well as this rose. The rise came by plane from Kenya, the egg from a farm nearby. Both are exchange value jn capitalist sense. Theories of #colonialism and post-colonialism simply reject this notion. Without a 'world' subject to value and conquered there will be no global rose, no egg sold to any customer. Future workers had to be made subjects of a 'machine' producing wares.
I'm teaching Gayatri Spivak's "Can the Subaltern Speak?" this spring, and I wrote up an explainer on it for my students -- and for any of you who might be interested.
(Comments and suggestions welcome!)
#postcolonialism #theory #feminism #postcolonial #representation #India #colonialism #foucault #derrida #freud
#freud #derrida #foucault #colonialism #india #representation #postcolonial #feminism #theory #postcolonialism
I'm teaching Gayatri Spivak's "Can the Subaltern Speak?" this spring, and I wrote up an explainer on it for my students -- and for any of you who might be interested.
(Comments and suggestions welcome!)
#postcolonialism #theory #feminism #postcolonial #representation #India #colonialism #foucault #derrida #freud
#freud #derrida #foucault #colonialism #india #representation #postcolonial #feminism #theory #postcolonialism
“Exacerbation of the potentiality for death is embedded in the US #asylum seeking system” @immigration #necropolitics #immigration #borders @geography #publichealth #globalhealth #structuralviolence #USMexicoborder #ethnography #postcolonialism #criminalization
#asylum #necropolitics #immigration #borders #publichealth #globalhealth #structuralviolence #USMexicoborder #ethnography #postcolonialism #criminalization
UK has a "Minister for Development and Africa" who's first responsibility seems to be... Africa! 🤦♂️
RT @AnnKnaut
Freue mich am 25.1. in FfM mit @chawichawi über Transkulturelle Diskurse und Weltgedächtnis zu sprechen #GlobalMemory #Postcolonialism #TransculturalDiscursiveSpheres
#globalmemory #postcolonialism #transculturaldiscursivespheres
Nested threads on lived experience: how easy it can be for Westerners to underestimate how pervasive a certain colonial type of chauvinism is among ordinary Russians too (including the higher-educated emigrants who seem liberal and reasonable), because we don't bear the grunt of it.
Anecdotal, yes, but worth considering; and the kind of thing many people from minority groups in the West would be able to recognise #Russia #postcolonialism