#IDMastodon #ViralImmunology #opthalmology #postCOVID19syndrome is a lingering disease with ongoing symptoms : fatigue & cognitive impairment resulting in a high impact on the daily life of patients. Understanding the pathophysiology of PCS is a #publichealth priority, as it still poses a diagnostic &treatment challenge for physicians. prolonged endothelial dysfunction is a hallmark of PCS,impairments of the microcirculation seem to explain ongoing symptoms in patients.
#IDMastodon #viralimmunology #opthalmology #postcovid19syndrome #publichealth
If I had to write my #Intro all over again, it might read like this:
· I am a musician (but most people don’t really care).
· I am a COVID-cautious, COVID-conscious person (but most people don’t really care).
· I am scared what climate catastrophe will do to this planet (but most people don’t really care).
So yeah, that makes me pretty lonely.
Theoretically, I am glad that on social media, at least *some* people *do* care.
But social media is so fleeting, and being found and read is such a game of chance that is doesn’t really amount to much. Also, social media is driven by too much input and mostly way too superficial to really have a lasting impact.
I am still grateful for the four to seven people who react, reply, and support what I am doing. But seeing that it’s four to seven out of seven hundred isn’t all too encouraging.
🙏 to the four to seven, anyway.
#Music #Musician #Singer #MultiInstrumentalist #Composer #Lyricist #IndiePop #AltPop #Acoustic #NoAI #NoAutoTune
#COVID #COVID19 #SARSCoV2 #COVIDIsNotOver #LongCOVID #PostCOVID19Syndrome #PASC #ChronicCOVIDSyndrome #CSS #WearAMask #KeepYourDistance #CleanAir
#ClimateCatastrophe #AgeOfExtinction #ParisAccords #FridaysForFuture #LastGeneration
Daily Mail, “Return of the mask”: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-12024167/Expert-urges-public-wear-masks-public-transport-amid-Arcturus-Covid-fears.html
Umair Haque, “The Acceleration of the Age of Extinction”: https://eand.co/the-acceleration-of-the-age-of-extinction-3c387a49f601
The Guardian, “Record ocean temperatures put Earth in ‘uncharted territory’”: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/apr/26/accelerating-ocean-warming-earth-temperatures-climate-crisis
#intro #music #musician #singer #MultiInstrumentalist #composer #lyricist #indiepop #altpop #acoustic #noai #noautotune #covid #covid19 #SarsCoV2 #CovidIsNotOver #LongCovid #postcovid19syndrome #PASC #chroniccovidsyndrome #css #WearAMask #keepyourdistance #cleanair #climatecatastrophe #ageofextinction #parisaccords #fridaysforfuture #lastgeneration
Incidence & Characteristics of chronic pain & fatigue 1 year after #COVID19; #postCOVID19syndrome
For CW reasons, I’m reposting something that @CaramelizedShallots shared yesterday:
“The Reality Gap”
from The John Snow Project
“The failure to recognise the ongoing severity of COVID-19 is creating a reality gap that is being filled by groups peddling misinformation.”
“People of all ages can develop debilitating Long COVID following SARS-CoV-2 infection, even after vaccination.”
#COVIDIsNotOver #COVID19 #SARSCoV2 #COVIDIsAirborne #LongCOVID #PostCOVID19Syndrome #PASC #CCS #CleanAir #WearAMask #BringBackMasks
#CovidIsNotOver #covid19 #SarsCoV2 #COVIDisAirborne #LongCovid #postcovid19syndrome #PASC #ccs #cleanair #WearAMask #BringBackMasks
#CardioMastodon #Clinicalreviews @VirusesMDPI #CardiacArrhythmias in #postCOVID19syndrome /#LongCovid Prevalence, Pathology, Diagnosis, and Treatment
📌 https://www.mdpi.com/1999-4915/15/2/389
📌 https://www.mdpi.com/1999-4915/15/1
#cardiomastodon #Clinicalreviews #cardiacarrhythmias #postcovid19syndrome
#IDMastodon #Neurolgy @BrainBehavImm Interesting Rsearch on Cognitive deficits are frequently reported as one of the major symptoms of #postCOVID19syndrome or #LongCovid in unvaccinated patients
📌 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0889159123000065
📌 https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/brain-behavior-and-immunity
#IDMastodon #neurolgy #postcovid19syndrome #LongCovid
Prevalence of #LongCOVID #postCOVID19syndrome Condition 12 Wks after Omicron Infection vs Negative Controls & Association with Vaccination Status as the result of The differential prevalence of post-COVID symptoms & functional impairment attributed to Omicron BA.1 / BA.2 infection is low when compared to negative controls. Vaccination is associated with lower prevalence of post-COVID symptoms.
#LongCovid #postcovid19syndrome
#IDMastodon Emerging spectrum of #postCOVID19syndrome .Proposed subtypes of #postCOVI19syndrome (or #LongCovid COVID) and their respective potential therapies
#IDMastodon #postcovid19syndrome #postcovi19syndrome #LongCovid