We need the arts, more plays and works of fiction to help us envision the future, and bring to mind differing views and opposing sides of an argument.—Tim Jackson in interview with Radio New Zealand.
→ https://lnkd.in/ehC8PPTQ
cc #ProsperityWithoutGrowth #PostGrowth #Postwachstum #PostCroissance #PostCrecimiento #LifeAfterCapitalism #Degrowth #Decroissance #Decrecimiento #BeyondGDP #BeyondGrowth #Activism
#activism #beyondgrowth #BeyondGDP #decrecimiento #decroissance #degrowth #LifeAfterCapitalism #postcrecimiento #postcroissance #postwachstum #postgrowth #prosperitywithoutgrowth
Pourquoi n'avons-nous pas de politiciens de cette envergure ? Quel discours ! Quelle clarté ! Quelle rigueur !
Aurélien Barrau est un héro
#postcroissance #decroissance #biodiversite #ecologie #capitalisme
#capitalisme #ecologie #biodiversite #decroissance #postcroissance
C'est l'essence même de la démarche #lowtech, mais aussi de la #décroissance et #postcroissance.
Tout comme les objecteurs de croissance, les objecteurs de technologies se manifestent aujourd'hui pour un progrès maitrisé, utile, stable, durable.
#lowtech #decroissance #postcroissance
Latest CUSP newsletter has gone live now; featuring cutting-edge #postgrowth economics research, and links to events and podcasts. → https://mailchi.mp/42ea311576ed/apr2023
cc #EcologicalEconomics #EcologicalMacroeconomics #WellbeingEconomy #ProsperityWithoutGrowth #DoughnutEconomics #PostWachstum #PostCroissance #Degrowth #Decroissance #Decrecimiento #BeyondGDP #BeyondGrowth #EconomicsForRebels
#EconomicsForRebels #beyondgrowth #BeyondGDP #decrecimiento #decroissance #degrowth #postcroissance #postwachstum #doughnuteconomics #prosperitywithoutgrowth #wellbeingeconomy #ecologicalmacroeconomics #ecologicaleconomics #postgrowth
Post Growth and the North-South Divide: a post-Keynesian stock-flow consistent analysis—New CUSP working paper by Dario Leoni, Andrew Jackson and
→ https://cusp.ac.uk/themes/s2/wp38
cc #PostGrowth #Degrowth #BeyondGrowth #PostCroissance #Decroissance #Decrecimiento #Decrescenza #ProsperityWithoutGrowth #SystemDynamics #PostKeynesian #Globalisation #Growth #Transition #GlobalSouth #NorthSouthDivide
#postcroissance #Northsouthdivide #globalsouth #transition #growth #globalisation #postkeynesian #SystemDynamics #prosperitywithoutgrowth #decrescenza #decrecimiento #decroissance #beyondgrowth #degrowth #postgrowth
Dans les solutions évoquées vers une post-croissance il évoque la non marchandisation de certains biens et services dont l'utilisation des logiciels libres #logicellibre #postcroissance @timparrique
L’ère de la post-croissance : vivre heureux dans une économie stationnaire [Timothée Parrique] - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiTumoqBpa8 #économie #postcroissance #stagnation #écologie #économie_écologique #timothée_parrique #décroissance #production #consommation #économie_stationnaire #économie_de_la_qualité #satisfaction_des_besoins_humains #temps_de_travail #bienêtre #inégalités #économie_de_la_convivialité #convivialisme #1st_revue #99th_revue #2nd_frm
#2nd_frm #99th_revue #1st_revue #convivialisme #economie_de_la_convivialite #inegalites #bienetre #temps_de_travail #satisfaction_des_besoins_humains #economie_de_la_qualite #economie_stationnaire #consommation #production #decroissance #timothee_parrique #economie_ecologique #ecologie #stagnation #postcroissance #economie
No #wealth without #health | The latest CUSP newsletter is live now; with links to recent publications and forthcoming events. → https://mailchi.mp/a93a69fe3900/feb2023
HT @ProfTimJackson cc #PostGrowth #Degrowth #BeyondGrowth #BeyondGDP #WellbeingEconomy #NatureOfProsperity #PostWachstum #PostCroissance #CareEconomy
#CareEconomy #postcroissance #postwachstum #natureofprosperity #wellbeingeconomy #BeyondGDP #beyondgrowth #degrowth #postgrowth #Health #wealth
WISE Horizons: #Wellbeing, #Inclusion, #Sustainability and the #Economy—CUSP partnering in new international research and policy project, funded by the Horizon Europe programme. → https://cusp.ac.uk/themes/aetw/news-wise-horizon/
cc #PostGrowth #Degrowth #BeyondGrowth #BeyondGDP #WellbeingEconomy #PostWachstum #PostCroissance #WISEhorizons
#postcroissance #postwachstum #degrowth #wisehorizons #wellbeingeconomy #BeyondGDP #beyondgrowth #postgrowth #Economy #sustainability #Inclusion #wellbeing
2023 - Mes lectures de l'année : 📚
📖 Lorsque le dernier arbre de Michael Christie
📕 Dans le secret des abeilles de Sylla de Saint Pierre
📗 Raviver les braises du vivant de Baptiste Morizot
📘 A quoi pensent les abeilles ? de Mathieu Lihoreau
📙 Abeilles en liberté
📔 A me procurer :
- Ralentir ou périr de Timothée Parrique
- Commune frugale
- Voyage en misarchie d’Emmanuel Dockès
- Paresse pour tous d'Hadrien Klen
#connaissances #abeilles #biodiversité #décroissance #PostCroissance #npmm
#connaissances #abeilles #biodiversite #npmm #decroissance #postcroissance
@blast la réponse courte: OUI, l’excellente longue réponse c’est @timparrique qui la donne dans « Ralentir ou périr »! La question aurait dû être: nos dirigeant.e.s, et lobbyistes, le veulent-iels? L’impasse est surtout là! #décroissance #degrowth #postcroissance #StopSurconsommation #StopPublicité #StopObsolescenceProgrammée #coopératives #partage #IndiceBienÊtre #PIBsucks
#decroissance #degrowth #postcroissance #stopsurconsommation #stoppublicite #STOPobsolescenceprogrammee #cooperatives #partage #indicebienetre #pibsucks
@Khrys "Nous n’imaginons pas un futur sans expansion ni #croissance, ces dernières étant évidemment continues et accélérées" | les politiques ne veulent pas imaginer ce futur tant iels sont confortables dans cette pseudo démocratie #capitaliste, son outil #PIB et ses #ÉnergiesFossiles! Mais pour ce futur certain.e.s suggèrent la #PostCroissance ! Lisez "Ralentir ou périr" de @timparrique #décroissance #degrowth #lowtech
#croissance #capitaliste #pib #energiesfossiles #postcroissance #decroissance #degrowth #lowtech
"With our bottomless appetite for unchecked and unequal economic growth, humanity has become a weapon of mass extinction."— #COP15 opening remarks by UN secretary general #AntonioGuterres → https://www.theguardian.com/world/video/2022/dec/07/orgy-of-destruction-un-head-opens-cop15-with-stark-warning-of-declining-biodiversity-video
cc #postgrowth #Degrowth #BeyondGDP #PostWachstum #PostCroissance #Biodiversity #Cop15Montreal #Earth4All @ProfTimJackson
#Earth4All #cop15montreal #biodiversity #postcroissance #postwachstum #BeyondGDP #degrowth #postgrowth #antonioguterres #COP15
À vos agendas! Mardi 13 décembre 18h30 à HEC Liège, l'économiste @timparrique vient nous parler de son livre "Ralentir ou périr. L’économie de la décroissance". #belgique #liege #economie #postcroissance #decroissance
#belgique #liege #economie #postcroissance #decroissance
Newsletter | Our latest editorial round-up of publications, news and events is online. → https://www.getrevue.co/profile/cusp_uk/issues/a-lasting-legacy-cusp-newsletter-nov-2022-1427527
HT @ProfTimJackson cc #PostGrowth #degrowth #WellbeingEconomy #EcologicalEconmics #NewEconomis #RethinkingEconomics #postwachstum #decroissance #decrecimiento #postcroissance #ProsperityWithoutGrowth #LifeAfterCapitalism #GoodLife #SelfTranscendence #Introduction
#Introduction #selftranscendence #goodlife #LifeAfterCapitalism #prosperitywithoutgrowth #postcroissance #decrecimiento #decroissance #postwachstum #rethinkingeconomics #neweconomis #ecologicaleconmics #wellbeingeconomy #degrowth #postgrowth
The economic system to which we are in thrall throws us out of balance, @ProfTimJackson and Julian Sheather write in this blog. "By failing to meet our most essential needs it is doomed to immiserate and, ultimately, sicken us." We urgently need to regain a richer ... understanding of ourselves, and our place in the world. → https://cusp.ac.uk/themes/aetw/bmj-blog-tj-prosperity-health/
#postgrowth #postwachstum #postcroissance #postcrecimiento #degrowth #decroissance #decrecimiento #health #wealth #prosperitywithoutgrowth
#prosperitywithoutgrowth #wealth #Health #decrecimiento #decroissance #degrowth #postcrecimiento #postcroissance #postwachstum #postgrowth
Mainstream #politics has long proved resistant to the arguments of those who question the pursuit of unending #EconomicGrowth. How do you break through this powerful denialism? Here are some reflections on the potential of #GrowthDependency as a framing that can be (and has been) used to drive political interest in #PostGrowth and #Degrowth ideas by connecting them to immediate political priorities. → https://cusp.ac.uk/themes/aetw/blog-rd-postgrowth-mindset
#WellbeingEconomy #PostWachstum #PostCroissance #Postcrecimiento
#postcrecimiento #postcroissance #postwachstum #wellbeingeconomy #degrowth #postgrowth #growthdependency #economicgrowth #Politics
Economic Growth—can we ever have enough? | BBC Radio 4 Analysis with @ProfTimJackson, Jayati Ghosh, Danny Dorling, Benjamin Friedman, Motohiro Sato and Diane Coyle. Listen via → https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001dwv0
#BBCRadio4 cc #ProsperityWithoutGrowth #PostGrowth #Postwachstum #PostCroissance #PostCrecimiento #LifeAfterCapitalism #Degrowth #Decroissance #Decrecimiento #BeyondGDP #BeyondGrowth #GrowthDependency #WellbeingEconomy #Economics #SecularStagnation
#economics #SecularStagnation #wellbeingeconomy #growthdependency #beyondgrowth #BeyondGDP #decrecimiento #decroissance #degrowth #LifeAfterCapitalism #postcrecimiento #postcroissance #postwachstum #postgrowth #prosperitywithoutgrowth #bbcradio4