Il gruppo criminale Medusa ha pubblicato i dati rubati a Postel
A Ferragosto la gang ha rivendicato la sottrazione di dati fiscali e dei dipendenti al gruppo controllato da Poste, chiedendo un riscatto. Ora ha pubblicato le informazioni
Di Laura #Carrer su #Wired
#postel #databreach #medusa #Carrer #wired
Postel, uno dei principali outsourcer documentali, fornitore di millemila archivi fisici e digitali di PAC e PAL, nonché conservatore qualificato Agid ha subito un gravissimo databreach
Il commento di Christian Bernieri su Twitter
"The legacy of #ICANN is tied to that of Seer and High Priest of the West, Jon Postel. In the early days of the dream of The Realm, Postel single handedly maintained a mapping of Unique #Runes to #Talismans (in a sacred scroll referred to as a HOSTS.TXT file). As The Realm grew, and the effort of mapping became greater, Postel convinced the Priests of the Wests to establish what would become #IANA, a Sect that took over documentation and mapping ceremonies. #Postel has been referred to as a God of the Realm, a title he rejects. He is known for his dedication to collaborative approaches of spellcasting, and for stridently rejecting #hierarchy (when he recognized it) as well as Merchant interference.
In spite of Postel’s early inclinations, the Order of ICANN is one of those most frequently criticized among the #Coven for its ties to both the Merchant class, and to the Warring Kingdom of the United States."
#icann #runes #talismans #iana #postel #hierarchy #coven
Gert #Postel, der als #Hochstapler bekannt wurde, antwortet Ulrike #Guerot auf #twitter mit "Gottseidank!" im Kontext ihrer Entlassung an der Univerisität #Bonn für ein #Plagiat.
Ich würde sagen "well played" und lasse das hier mal so stehen.
#postel #hochstapler #guerot #twitter #bonn #plagiat
"be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others"
#postelslaw #postel #ausgründen
#PostelsLaw #postel #ausgrunden
Ho appena scoperto che, senza saperlo, vivo la mia esistenza secondo la Legge di Postel: "be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others." et @hellomailo sont heureux de vous faire part de la naissance de, la messagerie pour les Bretons, les Bretonnes et les amoureux de la Bretagne ! #breizh #bretagne #messagerie #postel
#bretagne #messagerie #postel #breizh