1990s AI tries desperately to warn humanity about 2020s AI and fails. 3 of 3
#AIWarningAboutAI #PosterChildren #RetroAI #ObscureWarnings #MaybeWeShouldHaveListened #WeirdArt #PsychologicalLandscape #ImSureItMustMeanSomething
#DarkArts #DigitalArt #AIAssistedArt #AIArt #WomboDream #StableDiffusion
#aiwarningaboutai #posterchildren #retroai #obscurewarnings #maybeweshouldhavelistened #weirdart #psychologicallandscape #imsureitmustmeansomething #darkarts #digitalart #aiassistedart #aiart #wombodream #stablediffusion
1990s AI tries desperately to warn humanity about 2020s AI and fails. 2 of 3
#AIWarningAboutAI #PosterChildren #RetroAI #ObscureWarnings #MaybeWeShouldHaveListened #WeirdArt #PsychologicalLandscape #ImSureItMustMeanSomething
#DarkArts #DigitalArt #AIAssistedArt #AIArt #WomboDream #StableDiffusion
#aiwarningaboutai #posterchildren #retroai #obscurewarnings #maybeweshouldhavelistened #weirdart #psychologicallandscape #imsureitmustmeansomething #darkarts #digitalart #aiassistedart #aiart #wombodream #stablediffusion
1990s AI tries desperately to warn humanity about 2020s AI and fails. 1 of 3
#AIWarningAboutAI #PosterChildren #RetroAI #ObscureWarnings #MaybeWeShouldHaveListened #WeirdArt #PsychologicalLandscape #ImSureItMustMeanSomething
#DarkArts #DigitalArt #AIAssistedArt #AIArt #WomboDream #StableDiffusion
#aiwarningaboutai #posterchildren #retroai #obscurewarnings #maybeweshouldhavelistened #weirdart #psychologicallandscape #imsureitmustmeansomething #darkarts #digitalart #aiassistedart #aiart #wombodream #stablediffusion
🔊 #NowPlaying on #KEXP's #VarietyMix
Poster Children:
🎵 If You See Kay
#nowplaying #kexp #VarietyMix #posterchildren
Revisited this central Illinois post rock indie gem. Music from right before the Internet hit. What a time. What optimistic originality. This was recorded by The Poster Children's Rick Valentin! #postrock #jazz #champaign #Illinois #indierock #posterchildren
Inlantic - Inlantic (1999)
#postrock #jazz #champaign #illinois #indierock #posterchildren
Rick Valentin of #PosterChildren finally reveals the meaning of "He's My Star": https://pca.st/episode/e795413f-43eb-47c6-b24d-2214e109ee06
It was there all along, if we were looking for it
Hey a little tip for #BandcampFriday -- the ineffably great #PosterChildren have an expanded remaster of _Flower Plower_ out but even better, #RoseMarshack of said band has an autobiography coming! One of THE best bands with one of the best ways to maintain their approach and music all these decades, and Rose is a key part of that -- this book will be essential reading. Preorder! #music https://store.posterchildren.com/merch/play-like-a-man
#BandcampFriday #posterchildren #rosemarshack #music