#Italy approves law making it easier to arrest #children as young as 14 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/sep/08/italy-approves-law-arrest-children-as-young-as-14 #poverty #society #postfascists #fascists #politics
#Italy #children #poverty #society #postfascists #fascists #politics
#Italy #President of the Republic authorized #government project to reform #Judicial Power reducing independence of magistrates and protecting 'withe-collar' and politicians from prosecutions, https://www.ilsole24ore.com/art/mattarella-autorizza-invio-ddl-nordio-camere-AFrhdaH #politics #authoritarian #autocracy #extremism #postfascists
#Italy #President #government #judicial #politics #authoritarian #autocracy #extremism #postfascists
High #Inflation for basic goods in #Italy? Government solution appears to be a farce: 382 euros to be spent in a year (1 euro per day)! and only for families of three in poverty. See details here: https://www.ilsole24ore.com/art/social-card-ecco-lista-23-voci-cibi-che-si-possono-acquistare-AFeC3WD?refresh_ce=1 #economy #society #poverty #postfascists #food #foodstamps #underserved #restauration
#inflation #Italy #economy #society #poverty #postfascists #food #foodstamps #underserved #Restauration