Le 🍬 sonore du soir ce sont les Américains de Pelican qui reprennent un morceau du groupe de post-hardcore Unwound.
Ils y insèrent doucement leur touche aérienne tout en conservant la corrosivité de l'original ⬇️
Pelican - For Your Entertainment (2023)
#np # dosedegras #pouetradio #posthardcore
Päivän maksisingle:
Nomeansno - The Power of Positive Thinking (1990)
#nomeansno #levyhylly #vinyylilevy #vinylrecord #äänilevy #posthardcore #noiserock #artpunk
#artpunk #noiserock #posthardcore #aanilevy #vinylrecord #vinyylilevy #levyhylly #nomeansno
Somehow I’m just not getting it right with the #RegionalRiffs contributions for @Banur. I’m hoping it’s still totally fine, I’m using it generously on all days but Saturday.
An early or first #TheSundayStarter for me, here’s a #PostHardCore band from Braunschweig, Germany.
Abandoned In Destiny ~ System Failure
#anydayhashtag #dragotreasures #aqiisnowplaying #posthardcore #thesundaystarter #regionalriffs
It's #ThursdayFiveList and it is all about #TheSpace! let's go (cc @neurothing)
Sophia Blenda "Fear is an empty space" #darkwave
Kyuss "Space Cadet" #stonerrock
Placebo "Space Monkey" #alternativerock
foxtails "Space Orphan" #PostHardcore
Gojira "Space Time" #deathmetal
#deathmetal #posthardcore #alternativerock #stonerrock #darkwave #thespace #thursdayfivelist
Päivän pitkäsoitto:
Nomeansno - 0 + 2 = 1 (1991)
#nomeansno #posthardcore #artpunk #levyhylly #vinyylilevy #vinylrecord #äänilevy
#aanilevy #vinylrecord #vinyylilevy #levyhylly #artpunk #posthardcore #nomeansno
I’m going to be early for @Kitty’s #MittwochMetalMix with an EP, released in August 2023, by a German #PostHardCore, #MetalCore band from Halle, Germany.
Annisokay ~ Throne of the Sunset
#owlclub #regionalriffs #TeutonicMetal #dragotreasures #aqiisnowplaying #metalcore #posthardcore #mittwochmetalmix
The Blackwhitecolorful - Brace for Impact
#posthardcore #alternativerock
#review #posthardcore #alternativerock
Päivän pitkäsoitto:
Nomeansno - Why Do They Call Me Mr. Happy? (1993)
#nomeansno #posthardcore #artpunk #levyhylly #vinyylilevy #vinylrecord #äänilevy
#aanilevy #vinylrecord #vinyylilevy #levyhylly #artpunk #posthardcore #nomeansno
Fiddlehead Remains The Best Part-Time Rock Band
#music #punk #punkrock #hardcorepunk #posthardcore #fiddlehead
#fiddlehead #posthardcore #hardcorepunk #punkrock #punk #music
Päivän pitkäsoitto:
Jello Biafra with Nomeansno - The Sky Is Falling and I Want My Mommy (1991)
#nomeansno #jellobiafra #posthardcore #artpunk #levyhylly #vinyylilevy #vinylrecord #äänilevy
#aanilevy #vinylrecord #vinyylilevy #levyhylly #artpunk #posthardcore #jellobiafra #nomeansno
Päivän pitkäsoitto:
Nomeansno - Wrong (1989)
#nomeansno #posthardcore #artpunk #levyhylly #vinyylilevy #vinylrecord #äänilevy
#aanilevy #vinylrecord #vinyylilevy #levyhylly #artpunk #posthardcore #nomeansno
Aaand it's #MusicMonday again!
I'm really into the new #HoldingAbsence album "The Noble Art Of Self Destruction" currently. Somehow Lucas' languishing voice and Ashley's trenchant drumming just go so damn well together! Favorite track:
:youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4GkkpJepcM
To quote the lyrics: "Can't help but gospelise". 😅
What have YOU been listening to? :)
#musicmonday #holdingabsence #music #mondaymood #alternativerock #posthardcore
A million years ago I had tickets to see AFI, Thursday, and Thrice. Show was canceled at the last minute, so I'll have to settle for this...
#Thrice #UnderAKillingMoon #AFI #ThursdayBand #ArtistInTheAmbulance #PostHardCore #NowPlaying
#NowPlaying #posthardcore #artistintheambulance #thursdayband #AFI #underakillingmoon #thrice
Listening to my #Vinyl #Collection - Album 139
#Jawbox – Jawbox (1996)
What even is #emocore? That's not a thing wikipedia!
It's heavy, but groovy. It's dark, but poppy. It's awesome with no but. Only an awesome band would produce a music video for an album's hidden track.
#vinyl #collection #Jawbox #emocore #music #rock #punk #posthardcore
Listening to the first #NoDevotion album this morning, and I am reminded just how damn good it is. Grateful that my favorite track (Addition) got a proper video treatment.
#NowPlaying #PostPunk #PostHardCore #ThursdayBand #GeoffRickly #Permanence
#permanence #geoffrickly #thursdayband #posthardcore #postpunk #NowPlaying #nodevotion
Time for @Kitty's #MittwochMetalMix and, why not, time for Brutus!
Brutus "Liar"
#postrock #postmetal #posthardcore #mittwochmetalmix
Phew, almost forgot: it's #MusicMonday!
I went back running circles around "True Power" by #IPrevail this week. Far from an insider's tip by now, but these guys' voices complement each other so, so, so nicely: it's an absolute joy! Favorite track:
:youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BMXHQg9WqE
That final riff is a fucking BEAST!!! What have YOU been listening to?
#musicmonday #iprevail #music #mondaymood #metal #alternativemetal #posthardcore
Die morgendliche Dröhnung Musik ❤️
Annisokay ist für mich eine der besten Post Hardcore Bands überhaupt. Liebe diesen mix aus Cleans & Screams einfach.
#PostHardcore #Metal #Music #Germany
Annisokay - Throne of the Sunset
#posthardcore #metal #Music #germany
Liebe @Carex für deinen #SlowSunday schreib ich mal in Deutsch.
Hier kommt @ascendency mit ihrer EP von 2019 Human Heart, 3 Lieder, auf der mehr langsameren Seite. Es ist eine #PostHardCore #Metal band von Bielefeld, die ich seit ein paar Wochen erst kenne und sehr mag.
Hier ist noch ein zum Teil technischer aber auch witziger Review von Deadbird Underground dazu.
#itiscatchymetal #TeutonicMetal #dragotreasures #aqiisnowplaying #metal #posthardcore #SlowSunday
Another fun #FridayMetalCovers for @DXMacGuffin is this pop song originally by Cascada
Everytime We Touch metalfied by #MetalCore #PostHardCore #Metal band Electric Callboy.
#metalisthenewpop #dragotreasures #aqiisnowplaying #metal #posthardcore #metalcore #fridaymetalcovers