#CfP for the panel "Evolutionary #Aesthetics – Aesthetic Evolutions: Posthumanist Explorations with #darwin which will take place at the 2nd International Congress “Humanities – Society – Identity: EVOLUTION/REVOLUTION” at the University of Warsaw on December 6-7, 2023.
🗓️Deadline for Abstracts: August 15, 2023
📌Further Information: https://avldigital.de/de/vernetzen/details/callforpapers/evolutionary-aesthetics-aesthetic-evolutions-posthumanist-explorations-with-darwin-warschau/ #fidavlnews @litstudies #posthumanism
#cfp #aesthetics #darwin #fidavlnews #posthumanism
Hello there #3GoodThings community! I survived #Thursday! Had a rough start to my day but rallied and made it to...my last teaching day of the week! (but not the semester)
1. Enjoyed teaching my 2-hour science fiction class for Literature and Popular Culture. I usually spread these two modules out over a fortnight but we have a public holiday coming week after next. I looked at key philosophical concepts underscoring main sff/space opera series/franchising, and covered #posthumanism, AI, #utopia/dystopia, the cyborg manifesto and the problem of consciousness. Next week, presentations from MA and Auditing PhD students. Then they have to write a paper on #andor
2.Today's music: The New Pornographers (dang, their new album is SO GOOD), Susumu Yokota, Einujuhani Rautavaara, Sigur Rós, The OST to Andor.
3. Chocolate syrup in my overnight oats this morning. With blueberries! Yummy!
#threegoodthings #today #academiclife #academicchatter #sff #sfnal #sciencefiction #donnaharaway
#3goodthings #thursday #posthumanism #utopia #andor #ThreeGoodThings #Today #academiclife #academicchatter #sff #sfnal #sciencefiction #donnaharaway
So like, cyborgs are definitely here, but they don’t look like half-robot leather-clad mercenaries, so much as normal people with very long and complex medical histories and a lot of doctor’s appointments
F.L. Wallace’s scifi novel Address: Centauri (1955). In the future everyone is physically perfect, except the Accidentals who are very imperfect but long-lived making them ideal for deep space exploration. Deals obliquely with posthumanism.
My review: https://vintagepopfictions.blogspot.com/2023/05/fl-wallaces-address-centauri.html
#scifi #sciencefiction #pulpfiction #posthumanism #pulpscifi
#scifi #sciencefiction #pulpfiction #posthumanism #pulpscifi
Anna Kokko, of our Emerging Researchers' Group, explains the concept on posthumanism in the field of education #EERAblog #ERG #Posthumanism #EmergingResearchers #ECRchat #EduSci https://blog.eera-ecer.de/posthumanism-in-education/
#eerablog #erg #posthumanism #EmergingResearchers #ecrchat #edusci
What is the posthumanist approach and how might it be used in the field of education? Insight from our Emerging Researcher's Group's Anna Kokko #EERAblog #ERG #Posthumanism #EmergingResearchers #ECRchat #EduSci https://blog.eera-ecer.de/posthumanism-in-education/
#eerablog #erg #posthumanism #EmergingResearchers #ecrchat #edusci
The Digital Future of Hospitality - a new book from Lindsay Balfour of the Centre for Postdigital Cultures.
The Digital Future of Hospitality asks how an unconditional welcome to strangers is both challenged and made possible by new digital technologies, machine learning, and human-computer interaction. It argues that the digital is not the absence of hospitality but rather the beginning, though it is not without its challenges. Through the lens of cultural studies, intersectional feminism and posthumanism, this book reanimates hospitality in relation to a series of digital texts that are relevant to the 21st C and beyond – android figures on television, virtual domestic assistants, home- and ride-sharing apps, wearable devices, and a renewed cultural obsession with viruses and immunity.
#digital #digitalhumanities #posthumanism #feminism #femtech #culturalstudies #media
#digital #digitalhumanities #posthumanism #feminism #femtech #culturalstudies #media
Visual Report: Ecologies of Death, Ecologies of Mourning. Vol. I – Queer Death Studies Network - what an amazing event!
#posthumanism #qds #ecofeminism
Visual Report: Ecologies of Death, Ecologies of Mourning. Vol. I – Queer Death Studies Network - what a wonderful event!
#posthumanism #qds #ecofeminism
"...nothing can stop its yearning, its ugly truths, and its underlying kindness."
My review of Andrew Joseph White's groundbreaking YA novel Hell Followed With Us
#books #bookreview #horror #posthumanism
Hello all, I am a DJ and producer of percussive #dancemusic, #webradio host on #lafaceb and #n10as, and one half of #experimental #downtempo act Mue. Cis-het #settlerofcolor, #tiotiake / #montreal. My tastes in #music are wide open though lean #leftofcenter, which is a bias that spills over in the spheres of #art, #design, #literature, #socialjustice, #antiracism, #anticapitalism, #anticolonialism, #climatejustice and #posthumanism.
#dancemusic #webradio #lafaceb #n10as #experimental #downtempo #settlerofcolor #tiotiake #montreal #music #leftofcenter #art #design #literature #SocialJustice #antiracism #anticapitalism #anticolonialism #climatejustice #posthumanism
#podcast #PostHumanism #TheTossingGrenandesAtWindmillsPodcast
Two digital ghosts made flesh in a world after humans are gone entertain an alien in a bar trying to get Earth into an elite galactic community while the bartender is picking a fight.
#Podcast #posthumanism #thetossinggrenandesatwindmillspodcast
Really enjoyed the Que(e)rying #Wikidata workshop with An Mertens and Z. Blace on Thursday - the second part of COPIM’s #ExperimentalBooks conference. (The third part is on Monday: https://experimentalbooks.pubpub.org/part3)
An is part of Anaïs Berck. Since 2019, this pseudonym has been used to refer to a collaboration between humans, algorithms and trees. By combining human, plant and artificial intelligences, the Anaïs Berck collective crafts narratives that position trees at the centre of its work while simultaneously decentering the perspective of humans.
Anaïs Berck’s experimental algoliterary book Paseo por arboles de madrid, for example, employs the Markov Chain algorithm to create both a poem and a tour of the trees in the Las Letras neighborhood, which is located in the heart of Madrid
#OpenAccess #OAbooks #posthumanism #AI #trees #ExperimentalBooks #COPIM #madrid
#wikidata #experimentalbooks #openaccess #OAbooks #posthumanism #ai #trees #copim #madrid
#CfP für den Auftaktworkshop "Posthumanistische Narrationen und Narratologien", der der Konstitution und Vorbereitung eines DFG-Netzwerks dient.
🗓️Deadline für Abstracts: 10. April 2023
📌Weitere Informationen: https://avldigital.de/de/vernetzen/details/callforpapers/posthumanistische-narrationen-und-narratologien-auftaktworkshop-zur-konstitution-und-vorbereitung-e/ #fidavlnews @litstudies @germanistik #posthumanism #narratology
#cfp #fidavlnews #posthumanism #narratology
I've just finished reading these 2 texts in parallel, as I grapple with #WhatMakesAcademicWritingHuman:
"I’m not going to converse with people who won’t posit my humanity as an axiom in the conversation" (https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/ai-artificial-intelligence-chatbots-emily-m-bender.html)
"unless we can be clear about the human [...], discussions of the ‘post’ cannot meaningfully be brought to a close"
#AcWri #Humanism #PostHumanism #GPT #ArticificialIntelligence #SALAMI #CriticalRealism
#whatmakesacademicwritinghuman #acwri #humanism #posthumanism #GPT #articificialintelligence #salami #CriticalRealism
Nieuw blog over de grens aan het #posthumanism , naar aanleiding van het geweldige boek van Mariken #Heitman, #Wormmaan
#posthumanism #Heitman #Wormmaan
On March 2nd, I'll talk about the findings of the #Posthumanism for #Sustainability project. After the devastating earthquakes (and the politics surrounding them), I believe more than ever that we need a radical understanding of sustainability. So I'm looking forward to this. For details: https://brocku.ca/pri/2023/02/17/upcoming-talk-on-posthumanism-for-sustainability/
CounterText just published my latest article on hope for (post-)Anthropocenic times. You can download said article here: https://www.euppublishing.com/doi/abs/10.3366/count.2022.0281
And yes, there's a lot of hope in there, especially looked at from the perspective of an emo existentialist! 😃
#Anthropocene #politicalphilosophy #environmentalphilosophy #posthumanism #hope #crisis #criticalcartography #Deleuze #Braidotti
#anthropocene #politicalphilosophy #environmentalphilosophy #hope #crisis #criticalcartography #deleuze #braidotti #posthumanism
The Horror In "Clay":
God is Cthulhu,
Cthulhu is God!
#NanoGnosticism #Posthumanism
#Lovecraft #Cthulhu
#necronomiconscious #alteredsenseofhumor #moderngnosticism #nanognosticism #posthumanism #lovecraft #cthulhu #yourgodisdead
New paper published: "The Earth means the world to me", in which I articulate the ontological significance of #climatechange, the need to move beyond #posthumanism, and introduce a #gestalt-based concept of #earth as ground of #World. The article is relevant for contemporary #philosophy debates related to the #anthropocene and #climatechange
#ClimateChange #posthumanism #gestalt #earth #world #philosophy #anthropocene