"I would have gone with you to the end, into the very fires of Mordor." This postit note sketch will be added to the selection available for the Postit Note Art Tier supporters to pick from. For more info go visit my Patreon http://www.patreon.com/GraemeNeilReid
#art #artist #postit #postitnotes #postitnoteart #sketch #markers #patreon #patreoncreator #patreonartist #gnreid #graemeneilreid #lotr #lordoftherings #strider #aragorn #viggomortensen
#viggomortensen #aragorn #strider #lordoftherings #lotr #graemeneilreid #gnreid #patreonartist #patreoncreator #patreon #markers #sketch #postitnoteart #postitnotes #postit #artist #art
Been working on an islands typology for a while now. This is a fairly accurate pic of what my brain has felt like at times.
Also, not sure what I would do without post it notes...
#Typology #Nissology #AcademicTwitter #Research #PostItNotes #Academia #PhDLife
#phdlife #academia #postitnotes #research #academictwitter #nissology #typology
"Spencer Silver, a research chemist at 3M who inadvertently created the not-too-sticky adhesive that allows Post-it Notes to be removed from surfaces as easily as they adhere to them, died on May 8 at his home in St. Paul, Minn. He was 80."
#Obituaries #3M #PostItNotes #Inventions #Chemistry #Engineering #Technology
#inventions #chemistry #engineering #technology #obituaries #3m #postitnotes
The most stressful and meaningful part of the job. #thumbnails #comics #postitnotes #wip
#wip #postitnotes #comics #thumbnails
RT @davymourier@twitter.activitypub.actor
Sauf Benalla #postitnotes #postit #benalla #benallastreetart #pouvoir #superpouvoir
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/davymourier/status/1101019930189795328
#superpouvoir #pouvoir #benallastreetart #benalla #postit #postitnotes
Irrésistible ! 😂 🤣 😂 👋👍
Sauf Benalla #postitnotes #postit #benalla #benallastreetart #pouvoir #superpouvoir
Par Davy Mourier sur 🐦https://twitter.com/davymourier/status/1101019930189795328?s=09
#postitnotes #postit #benalla #benallastreetart #pouvoir #superpouvoir #jaune
sticky notes parkour...
#stopmotion #drawing #stickynotes #parkour #postitnotes #animatedgif
#stickynotes #stopmotion #parkour #postitnotes #animatedgif
sticky notes parkour...
#stopmotion #drawing #stickynotes #parkour #postitnotes #animatedgif
#stickynotes #stopmotion #parkour #postitnotes #animatedgif
#stickfigure #postitnotes #flipbook #drawing #elements #animatedgif
#stickfigure #elements #postitnotes #animatedgif #flipbook
#stickfigure #postitnotes #flipbook #drawing #elements #animatedgif
#stickfigure #elements #postitnotes #animatedgif #flipbook
sticky notes parkour...
#stopmotion #drawing #stickynotes #parkour #postitnotes #animatedgif
#stopmotion #animatedgif #postitnotes #stickynotes #parkour