Today’s “Letters from an American” is excellent and well worth your attention. #USpol #Trump #PostLiberalism
Liberty, but not without Virtue.
Equality, but not without Hierarchy.
Fraternity, but not without Patriarchy.
Fundamentally the New Left was a rebellion against bureaucratic management, i.e. the actual problem, so it seems to me that any movement taking us to a better future would find that a much more fruitful inspiration than actually-existing post-liberalism.
Image is George Romney's portrait of Emma Hamilton as a Bacchante.
#thoughts #politics #history #society #blog #postliberalism #NewLeft #art #traditionalart #painting #oilpainting #beautifulwoman #beautifulgirl #LadyHamilton
#thoughts #politics #history #society #blog #postliberalism #NewLeft #art #TraditionalArt #painting #oilpainting #beautifulwoman #beautifulgirl #LadyHamilton
Excellent piece from Scholar's Stage on how the post-liberals are off the scent as to where modern societies went wrong: it wasn't any of their usual bêtes noires, it's the rise of managerial bureaucracy from the late 19th through the mid 20th centuries.
#thoughts #politics #history #society #blog #postliberalism
Charlie Kirk says here freedom is cultivating virtue, not doing whatever you want. Um...the latter is what freedom *is*. Kirk and mainstream conservatives reject freedom as a concept; so do post-liberals. So what's this alleged big difference between them?
#thoughts #politics #postliberalism #conservatives #conservatism #freedom
#thoughts #politics #postliberalism #Conservatives #conservatism #freedom
Dreher is far too charitable to them, but I'll restrain myself from another tirade about their sinister totalitarianism; the facts speak for themselves.
And to any integralists whose theology highly values individual liberty, I'm not talking about you. You're fine by me.
Image is "The Angel with the Flaming Sword" by Edwin Howland Blashfield.
#thoughts #politics #postliberalism #liberalism #freedom #integralism #art #traditionalart #painting
#thoughts #politics #postliberalism #liberalism #freedom #integralism #art #TraditionalArt #painting
Good piece by Rod Dreher trying to ferret out what the "post-liberal" "integralists" whose pastime is bashing individual freedom actually want. Let's just say there's a good reason they obfuscate and lie about what their regime would actually look like.
#thoughts #politics #postliberalism #liberalism #freedom
@Aslanmane I didn't know there was something calling itself "postliberal theology" either; though as a Catholic, liberal theology has always been contested.
I run into #PostLiberalism principally as a matter of political thought, e.g. #PatrickDeneen or #RyszardLegutko .
(#Conservatism of course has an anti-liberal stream, e.g., #WilliamFBuckleyJr 's *Up From Liberalism* , but to my knowledge there's been little asking what will come after #liberalism .)
#liberalism #WilliamFBuckleyJr #conservatism #ryszardlegutko #patrickdeneen #postliberalism
@Columbkille Speaking of post-liberalism, I saw this meme today:
#preenlightenment #postliberalism #liberalism