Weekly GNU-like #MobileLinux Update (36/2023): #Phosh 0.31.0 and a #postmarketOS Service Pack
#LinuxMobile #Phosh #NemoMobile #Capyloon #PinePhonePro #PinePhone #SailfishOS #Librem5 #Beepy
#mobilelinux #phosh #postmarketos #linuxmobile #nemomobile #capyloon #pinephonepro #pinephone #sailfishos #librem5 #beepy
Reading up on dual booting Android and Phosh. Let's see how far I get into booting postmarketOS on Hisense A9. First to port TWRP so I can root access from recovery, then partitioning, maybe create a script to auto setup this for anyone to enjoy.
In case you missed it before, bootloader and root is now possible on Hisense A9.
Follow to keep up to date with progress 😉
#postmarketos #linux #gnome #mobile #hisense #eink
>after two years no progress on $stuff I'd like to see happen
be the commit that you want to see in the world.
recommended reading:
you should realize that your post is basically taking a dump 💩 on volunteer's time and work. (in this case of the good people at #postmarketOS ) and I seriously doubt entitled posts on social media will have any effect (apart from people muting you).
Which one?
#droidian #postmarketos #linuxmobile
#droidian #postmarketos #linuxmobile
My home PC runs #archlinux , my gaming device #steamdeck #steamos #linux, my phone #postmarketos linux, my computer at work #ubuntu linux, children and wife computers ubuntu linux. I'm glad I have to use only one OS type to control all the devices. A dream from 1999 when I discovered linux ;)
#ubuntu #postmarketos #linux #steamos #SteamDeck #archlinux
Eine Recherche, wo ich großen Spaß hatte, angefangen bei einem sehr spannenden Interview mit @ollieparanoid bis hinzu freudiges herum experimentieren auf Vintage-Geräten: @postmarketOS ausprobiert und Hintergründe zum Projekt und der Entstehungsgeschichte. Jetzt schon auf @heiseonline heise+, ab Samstag dann auch am Kiosk in @ct_Magazin
#postmarketos #linux #mobile #opensource #floss #foss #n900
#postmarketos #linux #mobile #opensource #floss #foss #n900
To be fair, the experience is already far superior to any kaiOS dumbphone, even with the apps crashing here and there, and while dumbphones cost somewhere around 40-100€, the used Pixel 3aXL did not cost that much more (115€), so I fell I have not lost that much money Also I do feel that I could sell this phone easily for the same amount even with Linux still installed. It has a way more "complete" look and feel to it as compared to #PostmarketOS on my pinephone. And, yep, I still use that, too.
Ja wenn man sich dahinter fuchst, klappt das bestimmt. Hängt natürlich auch damit zusammen, wie vertraut man mit so Eingriffen in Systeme ist.
Ich krieg schon immer Herzklopfen, wenn ich auf dem Macbook mal im Terminal arbeite.
#PostmarketOS schau ich mir noch an.
Bei /e/os gefällt mir, dass die e-Foundation den Entwickler von mircroG unterstützt. Ich möchte irgendwie, dass das alles aufgeht :)
PS: das Samsung Knox war eher ein FunFact nach dem Artikel lesen. 🙂
I got my hands on a 2nd hand #PinePhone and I'm really impressed so far. Still checking out it's features using #postmarketOS. Came with a dongle so when connected to a display (and _some_ sort of keyboard) it basically turns into a complete workstation. How awesome is that?
Already sorry that I can't keep it for myself since it's a birthday present but I definitely tasted b… err… I want one too. Mebbe for my own birthday? Pretty please?
@justsoup what would you implement on #postmarketOS but "never could"? Maybe we could adopt them.
heise+ | Nachhaltiges #Linux-Mobilbetriebssystem: #postmarketOS ausprobiert | c't Magazin https://www.heise.de/hintergrund/Nachhaltiges-Linux-Mobilbetriebssystem-postmarketOS-ausprobiert-9287921.html #heiseplus #OpenSource
#linux #postmarketos #heiseplus #opensource
J'ai joué à essayer de compiler une appli #Flutter pour #PostmarketOS sur #ARMv8 (#Pinephone acheté en #Ğ1), mais entre la version du sdk #Dart, la std #musl, je ne m'en suis pas sorti ><
#musl #dart #g1 #pinephone #armv8 #postmarketos #flutter
@z3ntu has already created a pull request to add #Fairphone5 support to #postmarketos, and it appears that many features are already functioning! This enthusiasm truly excites me for the future of #Linux on this device! I would love for the #fp5 to be my next long-long term phone! #opensource #mobilelinux
#fairphone5 #postmarketos #linux #fp5 #opensource #mobilelinux
One of the main reasons why I have avoided using linux OS phone is lack (or partial support) of IME (input method editor) for #Japanese language.
Though Fcitx on #postmarketOS seems to work according to the page, it definitely requires to you to have a certain level of knowledge about how to compile a package.
So, if I get this right, someone already got display to work with the #Fairphone5 on #postmarketos? (cf postmarketOS wiki, phone doesnt want to paste). If so, that’s amazing! I would love for the fp5 to be my long-longterm phone!
Now *that* was fast!
At least it's an interesting phone since it has a true x86 CPU; thus the lower cost. The camera is good too.
https://wiki.postmarketos.org/wiki/Intel_MID but seems the ZE551ML is still on the wishlist for #PostmarketOS
At least it's an interesting phone since it has a true x86 CPU; thus the lower cost. The camera is good too.
https://wiki.postmarketos.org/wiki/Intel_MID but not sure how to get a #PostmarketOS image or similar on the phone.