Out of town at the moment, seeing family mostly. Sudden change of weather/routine/diet had me feeling slightly unwell especially after accumulated sleep debt in the couple of weeks before travel.
So I've mostly been tagging along with the in-laws like a zombie. Barely told anyone else that I'm in PJ.
I finally felt human yesterday and it was good timing for a visit to the #postnatal confinement centre to see my sister. She was having a late lunch when we arrived.
Good food, good rest, and community after giving birth continues to be a big deal (and good business) around here.
Access to green spaces reduces post-natal depression risk #depression #postnatal #mental health https://www.bps.org.uk/research-digest/access-green-space-linked-reduced-risk-postnatal-depression-new-mothers
#depression #postnatal #mental
Hallo Mastodon! Meine Themen sind hier unterrepräsentiert 😄 #rektusdiastase #frauengesundheit #rückbildung #postnatal #pränatal ich freue mich auf euch. Eure Caro
#rektusdiastase #frauengesundheit #ruckbildung #postnatal #pranatal
CAR TROUBLE: Emer Reynolds puts Olivia Colman's reputation for reliably strong performances on the line in the Irish road movie 'Joyride'. So what does Pomona make of the Co Kerry drama about a solicitor with post natal depression and a teenage boy on the road?.. https://pomonarewind.blogspot.com/2022/12/car-trouble-joyride.html #ireland #movies #postnatal #depression #cinema #kerry #film #oliviacolman #tommytiernan #stolencar
#ireland #movies #postnatal #depression #cinema #kerry #film #oliviacolman #tommytiernan #stolencar