@pippa An example of the ongoing cruelty: one of the subpostmasters awarded compensation saw all but £8k of his £340k award withheld by the Post Office in lieu of income tax and costs associated with bankruptcy. Whoever ordered such action must be a psychopath.
"After 20 years, here’s why the Post Office scandal is special: the cover-up is happening in plain sight"
In hell there is a special place waiting for former Post Office CEO and christian priest Paula Vennells 'CBE'.
Thanks are due to the journalists of #PrivateEye for doggedly pursuing this story trhough the years.
#privateeye #postofficescandal #paulavennells
At some point #ProjectManagement is going to look hard at itself following the #PostOfficeScandal, or are we going to continue pretend this isn’t happening?
#projectmanagement #postofficescandal
Just when you thought this scandal couldn't get any grimmer
I am horrified to hear the Post Office distancing itself from racist classification of its workers as "historic" when they are not talking about the 19th century or the 20th. This millennium is not "historic" (ie "we'll put it in a museum and explain the context") but part of ongoing legal claims against the Post Office! BBC News - Post Office used racist terms for sub-postmasters in official guidance
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-65730464 #racism #PostOfficeScandal
"the Post Office scandal has never truly seemed to stir the souls of those who regard a day spent online dragging this or that user as activism well spent. This feels symptomatic of a wider issue with what we classify as a campaigning victory these days…
…The fault of systems is far, far more important than the fault of individuals, however much easier to yank down a single person it might be."
Hundreds of lives ruined. Not a single person held to account. And still: silence on the Post Office scandal https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/may/02/post-office-horizon-scandal-inquiry?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other #postofficeshame #postoffice #postofficescandal #postofficeinquiry
#postofficeshame #postoffice #postofficescandal #postofficeinquiry
The question is what brought the #PostOfficeScandal to light among those who could/would challenge it. Aside from the Bates case, I suspect it was
#PrivateEyeMagazine, which is often cited in Parliamentary sub-committees...https://www.private-eye.co.uk/special-reports/justice-lost-in-the-post
#postofficescandal #privateeyemagazine
How did the #PostOfficeScandal develop unchecked and only reported on later? Does social media activism merely give the illusion of influence? https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/may/02/post-office-horizon-scandal-inquiry?CMP=share_btn_tw
#Postofficescandal Man that revealed one of biggest miscarriages of justice in history turns down offer of OBE https://www.computerweekly.com/news/252528935/Former-subpostmaster-Alan-Bates-turns-down-OBE-offer
#postofficescandal any prosecuted subpostmasters that think there convictions might have been affected by Horizon scandal should contact CCRC https://www.computerweekly.com/news/252528356/Criminal-Cases-Review-Commission-calls-on-more-convicted-subpostmasters-to-come-forward
#Postofficescandal subpostmaster federation suppressed information that could have saved its members from prison https://www.computerweekly.com/news/252527837/Subpostmaster-federation-deliberately-kept-public-in-dark-over-computer-problems-secret
#Postofficescandal My latest on the Horizon scandal. There was pressure from Japan for the project to be signed off, before ready https://www.computerweekly.com/feature/Fujitsu-put-pressure-on-UK-government-to-sign-off-troubled-Horizon-project-public-inquiry-hears
#postofficescandal Post Office scandal public inquiry IT expert “troubled” and “disturbed” by his findings https://www.computerweekly.com/news/252527436/Post-Office-scandal-inquirys-expert-IT-witness-troubled-by-his-findings
#Postofficescandal more revelations about what people knew in lead up to Post Office scandal https://www.computerweekly.com/news/252527341/Team-working-on-controversial-Post-Office-Horizon-EPOSS-software-was-the-joke-of-the-building
#Postofficescandal I will be attending the Post Office scandal public inquiry hearings virtually today. If anyone wants to watch former ICL executives giving evidence, here is the link to the inquiry Youtube channel. Starts at 10am, but about a 3 minute delay https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgijUpaux8X4Nvjx3TmrHhg
I should add, hundreds, possibly thousands of lives have been ruined by this scandal.
I remember hearing Seema Misra talking about how the only thing stopping her killing herself was her unborn child, when she was sent to prison https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-50756192
There is at least one reported suicide and a number of people who died before their convictions were quashed and their names cleared.
Please read, watch, listen and tell your friends #PostOfficeScandal
The story of what happened, the arrogance with which those with resource and power thought they'd get away with it, is well known and very relatable.
A cover up extraordinaire. A real David and Goliath story.
You can read more on Nick's website here https://www.postofficescandal.uk/
The story was initially broken by Rebecca Thomson. Her substack https://rebeccathomson.substack.com/ She often works together with Nick.
Also check out @Karlfl's reporting and legal musings from @richardmoorhead