@amberage Polio war auch mal endemisch, und in gewisser Weise ist Long Covid das neue Post-Polio.

#COVID #COVID19 #endemicdoesntmeanharmless #CovidIsNotOver #LongCovid #polio #postpolio

Last updated 1 year ago

Penny Richards · @PennamitePLR
110 followers · 155 posts · Server mastodon.world

started a article on Floy Schoenfelder (1919-2000), co-founder of Polio Survivors Foundation: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floy_Sch

#wikipedia #polio #dishist #rancholosamigos #postpolio

Last updated 2 years ago

@neroden @luckytran I'm currently one of the less than 5% of people around here who still wear masks at supermarkets. And the politicians are too afraid of the conspiracy nuts to reinstate mask mandates, if they even want to. They all still think they're safe because they've been vaccinated and/or had the 'rona once. Popular media declare the pandemic is over while the healthcare system is collapsing. It's some kind of contagious collective madness. Air filters are often turned off in order to save energy, since due to the war Russian gas has become unavailable.
So I'm afraid we will probably see hundreds of thousands of newly disabled people suffering from chronic / in the future before people notice what's going on, and since chronic illness tends to be invisible, Long Covid doesn't really catch very much media attention. The antivaxx conspiracy nuts believe that the vaccine causes it, and since there are many who have recovered from Covid and haven't noticed any lasting damage so far, many people think of Long Covid as something rare and unusual.

I still think Long Covid is the new - we will have a lot of disabled people when this is over, if this ever ends. If this bloody SARS 2.x coronavirus becomes permanently endemic, it will do the kind of damage to our society nobody has seen who doesn't remember the - outside of regions, that is. We'll just get a lot of newly disabled people year after year, people who just disappear because they spend their entire lives lying in bed and sitting on the couch. They'll be easy to ignore for a long time, I fear, as long as the public can be distracted by some public outrage about some migrant crime story or some politician who said something stupid.

An aerosol vaccine would be likely to stop most infections right in the nose at least for some time, so if we somehow managed to get virtually everyone to get a puff of the latest version every few months, we might be able to keep outbreaks small and limited. That, however, might not be possible without exposing at least parts of the population to the vaccine aerosol without their knowledge and consent, which is something no liberal democracy could pull off. China could, maybe China will. It is hard to stab people with a needle without their consent, but it should be rather easy to make them inhale something they don't want.

Sorry for the wall of text, my instance recently switched from 500 to 5000 characters, and now I'm just typing as if this was Tumblr.

#LongCovid #PostCovid #postpolio #ironlung #malaria

Last updated 2 years ago

@ilanti ist das neue . Poliomyelitis war auch lange Zeit endemisch, aber ganz sicher niemals harmlos. Die meisten Leute, die es hatten, haben nichts gemerkt, aber eine große Minderheit hatte Schäden für den Rest des Lebens - wie wir es jetzt mit Covid haben.

#postpolio #LongCovid

Last updated 2 years ago