@Nickname @bsi soweit ich weiß nicht...
Eher ein #PostPrivacy - Bullshit alla #Bitcoin :bitcoin: weil #KYC & #AML...
#aml #kyc #Bitcoin #postprivacy
Unlike #Monero :monero: all #NFT|s require a #PostPrivacy chain that has neither #Anonymity nor #Privacy...
#Privacy #anonymity #postprivacy #NFT #monero
Now granted #Solana ony does one thing good and that is handling #NFT|s and "#SmartContracts"…
#Ethereum - like #Bitcoin :bitcoin: is a completely #Shitcoin as it's #PostPrivacy design, slow transaction times and absurly high fees make them only useful as "not legally #gambling" for people living in juristictions that ban gambling.
#gambling #postprivacy #shitcoin #Bitcoin #ethereum #smartcontracts #NFT #solana
@miki because that's not an oversight but intentional design...
Just like #Bitcoin :bitcoin: and #Ethereum are #PostPrivacy not by accident but intentional, cuz #Monero :monero: doesn't have that problem!
#monero #postprivacy #ethereum #Bitcoin
Everyday I feel like I learn more that suggests we’re headed to a #PostPrivacy world. While I still think #encryption and #AntiSurveillance work is important, I also keep feeling like we need to be conscientiously building and testing mechanisms to build a safe and inclusive society in a post-privacy context.
#postprivacy #encryption #antisurveillance
@ShengIntegral yes.
DMs (direct messages for "mentioned people only") show up only for the accounts tagged with the @ symbol.
These are different than Unlisted messages, which can be viewed by anyone looking at the thread and will appear in followers' Home feed.
der fortschreitenden Gewalt der #Überwachung (#Polizeistaat, sog. #Überwachungskapitalismus, #PostPrivacy) gerade *nicht* am Ende, sondern kommt auf einen vorläufigen Punkt. Das Private des (#Fotos machenden) Individuums war seit der modernen Staatenbildung wohl stets das, was gegen das Soziale gestellt wurde. Konkret nochmal: Fotos des Privaten des anderen machen und speichern ja, aber wiederum nur im Privaten. All die Veröffentlichkeiten der milliarden Privatheiten sind schon
#uberwachung #polizeistaat #uberwachungskapitalismus #postprivacy #fotos
@molly0xfff that's why all #Cryptocurrencies but #Monero are #PostPrivacy - #Shitcoins.
Bonus points when you have an #Ethereum wallet, because one can just literally taint it with OFAC violations using #TornadoCash:
#tornadocash #ethereum #shitcoins #postprivacy #monero #cryptocurrencies
@evangreer But that won't happen because the #privatized #intelligence of the #USA with #NSAbook and the other #GAFAM's require #PostPrivacy #DataCollection.
After all, the #PRISM program wasn't ended - it's up and running to this very day...
So no, #privacy won't be available in the #USA nor to #customers of U.S. corporations thanks to #CloudAct!
#cloudact #customers #Privacy #prism #datacollection #postprivacy #gafam #NSAbook #USA #intelligence #privatized
So, #postprivacy
where your toot appears to on..
public: federated, local, home, boost✔️
unlisted: home, profile, boost✔️
follower: home, NOT profile, no boost
mentioned: only @, no boost
After reading this, it's kinda missing a thread-level type of postprivacy? And maybe a local-level between public and unlisted 🤔
(and I sooo used unlisted and mention wrongly before probably, aah)
Die #NZZ bringt es gut auf den Punkt. "Ohne Privatspähre keine Demokratie!". Auch ein guter Einwand: Warum hört man von sogenannten liberalen Parteien so wenig davon? #GoodRead #Privacy #Postprivacy
🔗 https://www.nzz.ch/meinung/digitalisierung-demokratie-ist-ohne-privatheit-nicht-moeglich-ld.1492507?utm_source=pocket-newtab
#nzz #privacy #goodread #postprivacy
Die #NZZ bringt es gut auf den Punkt. "Ohne Privatspähre keine Demokratie!". Auch ein guter Einwand: Warum hört man von sogenannten liberalen Parteien so wenig davon? #GoodRead #Privacy #Postprivacy
🔗 https://www.nzz.ch/meinung/digitalisierung-demokratie-ist-ohne-privatheit-nicht-moeglich-ld.1492507?utm_source=pocket-newtab
#nzz #privacy #goodread #postprivacy
RT @zulfikarabbany@twitter.com
One of mine on #dataProtection #privacy and #postprivacy with thanks to Kerstin Demuth @digitalcourage@twitter.com @mspro@twitter.com @tante@twitter.com and tonight's #BigBrotherAwards in Bielefeld https://twitter.com/dw_scitech/status/987335699815915520
#dataprotection #privacy #postprivacy #bigbrotherawards