@taco I neither endorse nor refute your criticism of The Sun.
However, this attitude of looking down one's nose at anyone who "doesn't have any post-secondary education" is bullshit, elitist, exclusionary crap.
If someone is willfully ignorant, go ahead and call them out on it. But not having had an opportunity to go to post-secondary school does *not* make someone automatically a moron, unworthy of consideration as your fellow human.
#elitist #elitism #postsecondary #education #bullshit
Government of Canada, news release (May 1) re: consultation on how to better protect the public interest in cases of public post-secondary educational institutions insolvency.
#Academia #CdnPSE #PostSecondary #HigherEducation #CdnPoli @academicchatter
#cdnpoli #highereducation #postsecondary #cdnpse #academia
: Get excited! My non-profit, The Accelerated Training Program (T-ATP), will virtually attend the 2023 #asugsvummit. If you’re attending the summit, let’s connect!
#cybersecurity #cybersecurityeducation #nonprofit #educationpolicy #k12 #postsecondary #edtech
#asugsvummit #cybersecurity #cybersecurityeducation #NonProfit #educationpolicy #k12 #postsecondary #edtech
This #Canadian #federal #budget is a complete disaster for #postsecondary #education, #graduate #student and #postdoctoral #training, #research, and #development of #expertise in #Canada.
The message is "do more with less." But in reality all we can do is less, less, and less.
See: https://www.univcan.ca/media-room/media-releases/budget-2023-a-missed-opportunity/
Quote: "The health of Canada’s research ecosystem is central to fostering innovation and developing talent—two critical elements Canada needs to ensure its long-term prosperity."
#canadian #federal #budget #postsecondary #education #Graduate #student #postdoctoral #training #research #development #expertise #canada
#Indigenous #graduates at the #UniversityOfWinnipeg held their first #celebratory #powwow in four years at the #DuckworthCentre on Saturday.
Families & friends of the graduates, representing a range of Indigenous cultures & communities, packed the #Duckworth Centre with a mix of traditional clothing & dancing on display.
#Winnipeg #Manitoba #Cultural #Graduation #Canada #decolonization #education #PostSecondary #University #NativeStudents #FirstNations #GoodNews
#indigenous #graduates #universityofwinnipeg #celebratory #powwow #duckworthcentre #duckworth #winnipeg #manitoba #cultural #graduation #canada #decolonization #education #postsecondary #university #nativestudents #firstnations #goodnews
#Canada ’s minister for #WomenAndGenderEqualityAndYouth , Marci Ien, announced March 12 at #Toronto ’s #GladDayBookshop that more than $875,000 would be #granted between two #CommunityOrganizations— #AllianceForSouthAsianAIDSPrevention (#ASAAP ) & #EgaleCanada #HumanRightsTrust—for two special projects: #targeted #supports for #racialized #trans people & addressing #AntiGender hate on #PostSecondary campuses, respectively.
#canada #womenandgenderequalityandyouth #toronto #gladdaybookshop #granted #communityorganizations #allianceforsouthasianaidsprevention #asaap #egalecanada #humanrightstrust #targeted #supports #racialized #trans #antigender #postsecondary #lgbtq #humanrights #funding #goodnews
I just finished watching a podcast episode of Hidden Brain titled, "Who's in your inner circle". I learned there's studies that show economic connectedness is a much more powerful predictor of success in life than parental income, status, race, etc.
Basically, if people have the opportunity to be connected to others of means, that increases their chances of getting exposure to the very opportunities that can pull them out of a disadvantageous economic situation.
This got me thinking, what if the solution to rising income inequality is free post-secondary education? You would have individuals of similar economic status, barring parental wealth, connecting with each other and sharing perspectives and contacts. All while learning useful skills that translate to higher paid careers and even more opportunities.
Those who have come from a lower income bracket and have been educated are more likely to maintain connections to where they come from, thereby exposing even more lower income individuals to opportunities that they would otherwise not have.
Free post-secondary education (at least for undergrad degrees) very realistically could ease the rising wealth inequality, despite its apparent cost. It's more like an investment with great returns both at an economic and societal level. Many countries already have free post-secondary education. Why not Canada and the US?
#FreeEducation #IncomeInequality #University #PostSecondary #HiddenBrain #Podcast #Canada
#freeeducation #incomeinequality #university #postsecondary #hiddenbrain #podcast #canada
Sorry, but all the talk about "making them [students] job-ready when they graduate" tells me this "expert panel" will be nothing more than a front to promote the neoliberal university. Expect the conclusions to be heavily weighted by ideology and favour more $ in exchange for more corporate/political control. #OnPoli #postsecondary
ICPAC coaster now entering its 23rd year of service. If you know, you know. #indiana #iu #postsecondary
#Athabasca #University is a vital part of the #postsecondary #ecosystem in #western #Canada and beyond. Its #online courses often help #students complete #degrees at other institutions in a timely fashion, and provide #educational access to less-traditional students who may not be able to attend a brick-and-mortar institution.
This ongoing chaos is a disaster.
"Athabasca University board fires president who fought #Alberta government on staff relocations"
#athabasca #University #postsecondary #ecosystem #western #canada #online #students #degrees #educational #alberta
Professors at Memorial University who are represented by MUNFA are on strike. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/memorial-university-strike-day-1-1.6730384 #university #UniversityStrike #postsecondary #Newfoundland
#university #universitystrike #postsecondary #Newfoundland
@thetyee "the worst political interference in a Canadian university in more than a century." A truthful statement but wouldn't Laurentian U in #Ontario be a close second? #academy #postsecondary #education
#ontario #academy #postsecondary #education
Spending my Thursday afternoon thinking about #PedagogiesOfCare, how the lang. of care has been co-opted by #neoliberal institutions, and what authentic #care praxis could look like in teaching and learning at the #postsecondary level #AcademicChatter #Pedagogy #EducationalDevelopment
#educationaldevelopment #pedagogy #academicchatter #postsecondary #care #neoliberal #pedagogiesofcare
Look. Those of you in leadership positions, for pete's sake, LEAD.
#Covid #Climate #Healthcare #Education #PostSecondary #cdnpoli #ableg #yyccc
#COVID #climate #healthcare #education #postsecondary #cdnpoli #ableg #yyccc
FYI, I maintain a list of links to #syllabi for #mystery / #detective / #crimefiction courses as an aid for those who may be new to teaching mystery fiction and those who wish to compare their approach to that of their colleagues. Middle school, high school & #postsecondary levels. https://bit.ly/MysterySyllabi #pedagogy #Victorian #LitStudies #literature #genre #humanities #SherlockHolmes #Mysteries
#mysteries #sherlockholmes #humanities #genre #literature #litstudies #Victorian #pedagogy #postsecondary #crimefiction #detective #mystery #syllabi
Collective action works.
Agreement includes a 23.3% raise for part-time academics, a 23.1% raise for- teaching assistants, and a 44.5% raise for demonstrators and markers by September 2023. #Dalhousie #CUPE3912 #postsecondary @CUPE3912 @cupenovascotia https://globalnews.ca/news/9273615/dalhousie-cupe-3912-strike-ends/
#postsecondary #CUPE3912 #Dalhousie
#music #university #postsecondary #adultlearning #maturestudent #student #musicschool #CarletonU #learnsomethingnew
#music #university #postsecondary #adultlearning #maturestudent #student #musicschool #carletonu #learnsomethingnew