Alright! "2 L337 2 Niche 4 My Own Good" is out tomorrow, so this is the last track I'm posting from it. I hope you'll give it a listen 😄
I put a lot of love into this release.
Well here's today's track "Trial and Error" enjoy!
#SynthPunk #punk #synthmusic #synthwave #electropunk #cyberpunk #postskatepunk #technopunk
#TechnoPunk #postskatepunk #cyberpunk #electropunk #synthwave #synthmusic #punk #SynthPunk
Ok! Just got to work, but as promised here's another track from my album "2 L337 2 Niche 4 My Own Good" which drops on the 23rd!
This one is called Dark Truth.
#synthpunk #synthwave #punk #darksynth #electropunk #postskatepunk #electronicmusic #soundcloud
#soundcloud #electronicmusic #postskatepunk #electropunk #darksynth #punk #synthwave #SynthPunk
GM! Here's "hard pass" from my album 2 L337 2 Niche 4 My Own Good
Coming out the 23rd!
#SynthPunk #synthwave #synth #punk #PostSkatePunk #electropunk
#electropunk #postskatepunk #punk #synth #synthwave #SynthPunk
So I'll be sharing a song almost everyday untill the album drops next week, just for kicks. 😉
This one's called Pixel Heart.
Interesting enough I wrote the original lyrics way back in like 2007 I think 🤔 but with a lot more f-bombs which i no longer use lol
#synthpunk #punk #synthwave #postskatepunk #electropunk #technopunk #electronicmusic
#electronicmusic #TechnoPunk #electropunk #postskatepunk #synthwave #punk #SynthPunk
So the new Arcade Destiny album comes out next weekend. So I'm sharing another song from it. It's called "It's OK to be Okay"
#postskatepunk #electropunk #punk #SynthPunk #synth