Pēc 20 gadu tvīkšanas izlasīju Fuko drauga R. Seneta Flesh and Stone: aizraujoši ģeniāls ceļojums pa iemīļoto pilsētu vēsturi, atklājot kā to plānojumus ir notiekusi sava laika izpratne par ķermeni. No zēnu politiski-seksuālās audzināšanas Perikla Atēnās līdz Ņujorkas 1980to AIDs un noziedzības drāmai. Kristiešu dzīres Adriana Romā, noziedzība viduslaiku Parīzē, no-krūtīm-pienu-šļācošas Fr. Revolūcijas skulpūras, Šailoks Venēcijas geto, Londonas metro un vēl un vēl. #poststructuralism, #urban
Ideas I have are: "queer theory", syndicalism, social ecology, marxism, "a tankie", #postmodernism #poststructuralism , "recuperation," "dual power," "propaganda of the deed" cybernetics, #neoliberalism "hegemony," "discourse" and even like "capitalism" "fascism." Like a glossary of terms relevant to social struggle that's both explicitly anarchist or anarchist adjacent.
#postmodernism #poststructuralism #neoliberalism
My "To-Read" stack is about 26 books high right now. I had previously ordered myself not to buy any more books until I catch up, but the primary thesis of this text was just irresistible. If the argument of this text holds up, it will have profound implications.
What if Derrida Was Wrong About Saussure? by Russell Daylight
#books #bookstodon #academicchatter #Derrida #Saussure #poststructuralism #bookwyrm #theory #philosophy #linguistics
#books #bookstodon #academicchatter #derrida #saussure #poststructuralism #bookwyrm #theory #philosophy #linguistics
#Poststructuralism - a short introduction
Western "common sense", itself a cultural construct, conspire against us to think us that we are what we are what we think.
#Poststructuralism - a short introduction
"Western "common sense", itself a cultural construct, conspire against us to think us that we are what we are what we think."
#Poststructuralism - a short introduction
" We are born organisms of course, but we become subjects.
By internalising our culture which is inscribed in the signifying practices which surround us by the moment we come into the world. We turn into subjects by the process of learning language, which means we become capable of signifying. "
#Poststructuralism - a short introduction
" We are born organisms of course, but we become subjects
How? By internalising our culture which is inscribed in the signifying practices which surround us by the moment we come into the world. We turn into subjects by the process of learning language, which means we become capable of signifying. "
#Poststructuralism - a short introduction
" We are born organisms of course, but we become subjects
How? By internalising our culture which is inscribed by the signifying practices we are surrounded by the moment we come into the world."
Actually listening to :
A Very Short Introduction
Author: Catherine Belsey
Narrator: Bernadette Dunne
#poststructuralism #education #audiobook
Greatest success of #poststructuralism is #deconstruction
I warn u that deconstruction allows a critique of #Marxist corpus,but generally fallacious
Although it is a method for criticizing what is published-what is heard too- I invite u to apply it to public figures:
Deconstructing #RamónTamames for example
If Tamames considered that both #marxism and #leninism -I suppose praxis in Politics of theirs- are undemocratic,I don't know what he was thinking/doing by joining #CommunistParty of #Spain.
#poststructuralism #deconstruction #communistparty #spain #marxist #ramontamames #marxism #leninism
#introduction for my new account
#ActuallyAutistc probably #ADHD #trans #lesbian #punk #anarchist.
Very into #PunkRock, #heavymetal, #cyberwave, #classicrock, and #progrock. My favorite artists right now are Against Me!, Bad Religion, King Crimson, Anti-Flag, Tool, Pat the Bunny, Aviators, Black Sabbath, Journey, and Essenger.
I'm deeply interested in #mutualism, #egoism, #daoism, and in general #anarchist, #anticapitalist, #antiauthoritarian social and political #philosophy, as well as #epistemology (where I'm most influenced by epistemic #nihilism, #pragmatism, #perspectivism, and #poststructuralism). I'm an atheist, but deeply sympathetic to any humanistic and non-hierarchical religion or #spirituality and want to learn more.
I'm also a #compsci major. My main interests are the #rust and #commonlisp languages, as well as classical expert system #AI, computer #graphics, game engine development, and interactive storytelling.
I will be microblogging my thoughts on all of these topics whenever they come to me and I feel the need to write them down, so be prepared!
#Introduction #ActuallyAutistc #adhd #trans #lesbian #punk #Anarchist #PunkRock #heavymetal #cyberwave #classicrock #progrock #mutualism #egoism #daoism #anticapitalist #antiauthoritarian #philosophy #epistemology #nihilism #pragmatism #perspectivism #poststructuralism #spirituality #compsci #rust #commonlisp #ai #graphics
Finally added my #neopronouns:
A #HumanoidUnicorn has no #gender, and yet, has all genders at the same time. I call it the "schrödingers" gender.
So it simply is ( any / any ).
It's deeply rooted in my unsatisfactory with the male-cis gender. In particular I dislike this Mr / Sir thing. However, I have always identified as a boy.
Some people called me already by my female version name and I actually don't care. I like it though.
But I actually don't belong to any stereotyped gender norm. I am beyond.
But to make it cristal clear: I seek so abolish all gender stereotypes. And afterwards there will be no gender identification possible.
That's how I understand #deconstructivism as an answer to #PostStructuralism.
I call this: #GenderLiberation in my #AnarchoUnicornism theory.
#neopronouns #humanoidunicorn #gender #deconstructivism #poststructuralism #genderliberation #Anarchounicornism
📢 International Relations colleagues! 📢 Teaching IR theories this term? Want to spice up the curriculum? How about my article in International Studies Quarterly presenting an #anarcho-#pacifist reading of #IR (freely available via #openaccess): https://academic.oup.com/isq/article/66/4/sqac070/6748234? 😉😀
Short summary: Paper seeks to articulate overdue #anarchopacifist lens to #IR #theory. Explicitly #critical & #normative. Starts with brief #history of cross-pollination between #anarchism & #pacifism.
Then articulates 5 main an-pac contributions on: #fetishization of #violence; chronic sliding towards systemic #militarism; intersectional state-enforced #exploitation/#domination; structurings of international politics (current & potential); & questions of #politicalagency.
Throughout & towards end, positions these ideas against more established schools of #IRtheory, from #justwartheory to #realism, #liberalism, #Marxism, #poststructuralism, #feminism & others.
#anarcho #pacifist #ir #openaccess #anarchopacifist #theory #critical #normative #history #anarchism #pacifism #fetishization #violence #militarism #exploitation #politicalagency #irtheory #justwartheory #realism #liberalism #marxism #poststructuralism #feminism
Hello w̶o̶r̶l̶d̶ Set-of-interconnected-self-actualising-machines!
I intend this to be somewhat of an introduction, although I do realise that it would constitute a rather bizarre greeting in real life. This won't be a personal account, by that I mean I don't intend to post personal content (i.e. about my real world identity). This isn't really for anonymity, despite admittedly being quite a shy person, I think it's more to do with not wanting to attempt a serious explanation of my context, something which I doubt is achievable through this medium. For me underrepresentation is better than misrepresentation, although I understand if people find my presentation here dishonest or unaccountable.
I'll use this account partly for listening, a sampling spoon through which to experience the soup of conversation and thought. I'll also do some tooting, I like this word, I might have said contributing, tossing new, or maybe reused, ingredients into the soup, but that gives the impression, I think, of some final objective, an endpoint. Most likely, listening will be the larger of these two parts, and at least for the short term, both parts, the whole, will occupy very little of my time. Expect sporadicity and inconsistency!
I also wanted to say something about what I am interested in, this is difficult since if I just say a lot of words then what is there to relate my meaning, my intentions, to the meaning which you understand? "Language disguises thought" - Wittgenstein. Well after much deliberation and many sleepless nights I decided to... just say a lot of words, although do bear in mind that the following list is just that, merely a collection of words that I, at the time of writing, happened to perceive as having meanings that corresponded, perhaps imperfectly, to topics that I am interested in. Interested does not necessarily mean fully-endorse/believe/would-describe-myself-as/is-knowledgeable-about.
#philosophy #absurdism #existentialism #anarchism #communism #anticapitalism #mutualaid #prefiguration #ontology #phenomenology #poststructuralism #structuralism #mathematics #chaos #topology #imagination #art #education #linguistics #literature #music #machines #networks #cybernetics #systems #sustainability #ecology #technology #sciencefiction #utopia #DavidGraeber #DavidWengrow #MurrayBookchin #NoamChomsky #PeterKropotkin #AdamCurtis #KenLoach #AlbertCamus #GillesDeleuze #JacquesDerrida #JeanPaulSartre #MarkFisher #SimoneDeBeauvoir #FranzKafka #GeorgeOrwell #PercyByssheShelley #MaryShelley #UrsulaKLeGuin
#philosophy #absurdism #existentialism #anarchism #communism #anticapitalism #MutualAid #prefiguration #ontology #phenomenology #poststructuralism #structuralism #mathematics #Chaos #topology #imagination #Art #education #linguistics #Literature #Music #machines #networks #cybernetics #systems #sustainability #ecology #technology #sciencefiction #utopia #davidgraeber #davidwengrow #murraybookchin #noamchomsky #peterkropotkin #adamcurtis #kenloach #albertcamus #gillesdeleuze #JacquesDerrida #jeanpaulsartre #MarkFisher #simonedebeauvoir #FranzKafka #georgeorwell #PercyByssheShelley #maryshelley #ursulakleguin
Tödliche Doris, 'Design of a stiletto' (1981)
<leather, gelatine, bones>
#art #leather #gelatine #bones #design #stiletto #music #band #NewWave #PostPunk #Poststructuralism #sculpture
#art #leather #gelatine #bones #design #stiletto #Music #band #newwave #postpunk #poststructuralism #sculpture
#capitalism #criticaltheory #poststructuralism #marxism #communism #socialism #politicaltheory #theory #deleuze #lordon #marx #anticapitalism
#anticapitalism #marx #lordon #deleuze #theory #politicaltheory #socialism #communism #marxism #poststructuralism #criticaltheory #capitalism
#capitalism #criticaltheory #poststructuralism #marxism #communism #socialism #politicaltheory #theory #deleuze #lordon #marx #anticapitalism
#anticapitalism #marx #lordon #deleuze #theory #politicaltheory #socialism #communism #marxism #poststructuralism #criticaltheory #capitalism
I’ve been really into #walterbenjamin and #gilesdelueze lately. Also, #georgefriedman has got some pretty cool political analysis. There is a cool cutting edge of #poststructuralism right now. I think there is also a big case for how #danielkahneman and #erickandel fit into this stuff. I’d love to bounce some ideas off anyone who reads this stuff too. Hit me up!
#WalterBenjamin #gilesdelueze #georgefriedman #poststructuralism #danielkahneman #erickandel
Finalmente para aquelus instalades no último escalão do imperalismo linguístico (esta reverência, suponho):
#metaphysics, #literature, #materialism, #ModernEpistemology, #PhilosophyOfReligion, #identity, #PoliticalTheology, #Capital, #desire, #eroticism, #language, #communication, #aesthetics, #religion, #Marxism, #MoralNihilism, #excess, #violence, #paradoxes, #mysticism, #ineffability, #NegativeTheology, #SymbolicAnthropology, #esotericism, #psychoanalysis, #poststructuralism, #QueerStudies
#metaphysics #Literature #materialism #modernepistemology #philosophyofreligion #identity #politicaltheology #capital #desire #eroticism #language #communication #aesthetics #religion #marxism #moralnihilism #excess #violence #paradoxes #mysticism #ineffability #negativetheology #symbolicanthropology #esotericism #psychoanalysis #poststructuralism #queerstudies
reader. writer. especially interested in the projects of #poststructuralism, #postco, #hci, #musictech, and sound studies #technoisblack.
looking for a space that promotes engaging discourse as opposed to poasting. this isn't twitter, and you don't need to use it the same way.
#introduction #poststructuralism #postco #hci #MusicTech #technoisblack