highlighting the importance of multitargeted #COVID19 immunologic evaluation and the limitations of commercially available diagnostic tests. Despite their persistent symptoms, lack of #COVID19 diagnosis likely delayed clinical care in patients with #Postviral Syndrome
#SARSCoV2– Specific Immune Responses in Patients With Postviral Syndrome After Suspected #COVID19
https://globalnews.ca/news/9642204/doctor-concerned-long-covid-patients-orphans-bc/ “Dr. Ric Arseneau, a specialist in internal medicine, said there are “very few” #BC. #physicians he knows of who are taking on the #longCOVID patient population, now that the province’s #PostCOVID Recovery Clinics have closed their physical doors.
“The estimate is pretty consistent across all the studies that about 10 per cent of individuals who get COVID will go on to develop #postviral syndrome,”
“About three quarters of the patients that I see are unable to work.”
#bc #physicians #LongCovid #PostCovid #postviral
(Preprint) "Typing myalgic encephalomyelitis by infection at onset: A DecodeME study 2023 Bretherick et al"
#mecfs #LongCovid #postviral #research #GWAS #PEM #decodeme
RT @ChantalBritt
"Basierend auf unserer 30-jährigen Forschung betrachten wir #Alzheimer nicht mehr primär als eine Erkrankung des Gehirns. Wir glauben vielmehr, dass Alzheimer hauptsächlich eine Störung des Immunsystems im Gehirn ist."
#NeuroCovid #LongCovid #PostViral https://www.sciencealert.com/alzheimers-may-not-actually-be-a-brain-disease-expert-says
#Alzheimer #NeuroCovid #LongCovid #postviral
RT @ChantalBritt
"Basierend auf unserer 30-jährigen Forschung betrachten wir #Alzheimer nicht mehr primär als eine Erkrankung des Gehirns. Wir glauben vielmehr, dass Alzheimer hauptsächlich eine Störung des Immunsystems im Gehirn ist."
#NeuroCovid #LongCovid #PostViral https://www.sciencealert.com/alzheimers-may-not-actually-be-a-brain-disease-expert-says
#Alzheimer #NeuroCovid #LongCovid #postviral
Short video (2 minutes) posted by A Broken Battery on TikTok:
"Dr. Binita Kane on an ITV Meridian Facebook discussion about Long Covid in Children"
#LongCovid #LongCovidKids #MEcfs #PwME #PostViral #ChronicIllness
#LongCovid #LongCovidKids #mecfs #pwme #postviral #chronicillness
Good to see the prestigious CDC recognising the overlap:
“Treating #LongCOVID Brain Fog With ME/CFS Guidelines”
(may require free registration)
1. Cognitive symptoms, commonly referred to as brain fog, occur in people who had COVID-19, no matter how severe their infection
@longcovid @mecfs @cfs #brainfog #postviral #PostViralIllness #postcovid #brainfog #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #foggybrain
#LongCovid #brainfog #postviral #PostViralIllness #PostCovid #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #foggybrain
Vlad Vexler has me in tears discussing empathy and chronic illness
#ME #millionsmissing #mecfs #postviral
#me #millionsmissing #mecfs #postviral
One year post Covid & my brain functioning still hasn't returned to normal. ☹️
Other possible changes are not so clear-cut given my #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis
Best to avoid Covid infections/re-infections if can. I had had 3 vaccinations (one 10 weeks before) so that didn't "save" me
#LongCovid #PwLC @longcovid #postviral #PostViralIllness #postviralsyndrome #covidbrain
#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #LongCovid #pwlc #postviral #PostViralIllness #postviralsyndrome #covidbrain
“Research review suggests #longCOVID may last indefinitely for some people and mimic other ailments”
On the recent comprehensive review paper by Hannah David et al.
#postcovid @longcovid #postviral #postviralsequelae #postviralillness #mecfs #cfs #pots
#LongCovid #PostCovid #postviral #postviralsequelae #PostViralIllness #mecfs #cfs #pots
One of the things about post-viral fatigue is that you don't have a benchmark for how much you can do before you break.
I was feeling fine, went out to help my husband with some weeding, and suddenly I was unable to continue. I couldn't even walk upstairs to get into the air conditioning. I just stood there, on the verandah, propping myself up on the railing for about ten minutes, waiting for my ability to move to come back.
When I finally got upstairs, I sat in front of the computer, but it was another 10 minutes before I had the energy to actually open a program.
I feel like I should be able to do more than I can, and that's frustrating as hell.
#postviral #PostCovid #fatigue
@TatianaTrifan I wonder how many more illnesses are ignored by our medical system: Hard to believe that #LongCovid, #PostVac #MeCFS and other #PostViral are standing out. Is there a systemic problem?
#longcovid #postvac #mecfs #postviral
@TatianaTrifan So many patients with ME/CFS predicted the pandemic would cause more cases. It seemed obvious because illness onset for many ME/CFS patients (not all, but the majority) is post-viral.
Jaime Seltzer (#MEAction) did a twitter thread in 2020 predicting an increase in ME/CFS cases. About half of LongCovid cases get ME/CFS diagnosis.
But few researchers who weren't already working on ME/CFS listened to any of the warnings.
#MEcfs #PwME #LongCovid #PostViral #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis
#meaction #mecfs #pwme #LongCovid #postviral #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis
#LongCovid #PostViral #myalgicencephalomyelitis
#LongCovid is a newly added post-viral illness. But post-viral illness has been there probably since the beginning of pathogens.
When I hear people speculating that #LongCovid is "mysterious," when post-viral illness is nothing new and there are ~10000 studies on LC, I am reminded the ignorance vis-a-vis #postviral illness.
“There are a dozen other pathogens that are known to cause these post-acute-infection syndromes,”
#LongCovid #postviral #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis
#LongCovid #PostViral #myalgicencephalomyelitis
#LongCovid is a newly added post-viral illness. But post-viral illness has been there probably since the beginning of pathogens.
When I hear people speculating that #LongCovid is "mysterious," when post-viral illness is nothing new and there are ~10000 studies on LC, I am reminded the ignorance vis-a-vis #postviral illness.
“There are a dozen other pathogens that are known to cause these post-acute-infection syndromes,”
#LongCovid #postviral #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis
#LongCovid #PostViral #myalgicencephalomyelitis
#LongCovid is a newly added post-viral illness. But post-viral illness has been there probably since the beginning of pathogens.
When I hear people speculating that #LongCovid is "mysterious," when post-viral illness is nothing new and there are ~10000 studies on LC, I am reminded the ignorance vis-a-vis #postviral illness.
“There are a dozen other pathogens that are known to cause these post-acute-infection syndromes,”
#longcovid #postviral #myalgicencephalomyelitis
#PostViral illness - lessons from past pandemics
"Exposure to the 1918 flu was linked to more than 1 million cases of encephalitis lethargica, a severe form of virally induced Parkinson’s"
“If what happened a century ago is any sort of guidepost, then the neurological symptoms we’re seeing now with SARS-CoV-2 and the number of people that are getting it are going to result in an increase in neurological disease in the coming years,”
#PostViral illness - lessons from past pandemics
"Exposure to the 1918 flu was linked to more than 1 million cases of encephalitis lethargica, a severe form of virally induced Parkinson’s"
“If what happened a century ago is any sort of guidepost, then the neurological symptoms we’re seeing now with SARS-CoV-2 and the number of people that are getting it are going to result in an increase in neurological disease in the coming years,”
#PostViral illness - lessons from past pandemics
"Exposure to the 1918 flu was linked to more than 1 million cases of encephalitis lethargica, a severe form of virally induced Parkinson’s"
“If what happened a century ago is any sort of guidepost, then the neurological symptoms we’re seeing now with SARS-CoV-2 and the number of people that are getting it are going to result in an increase in neurological disease in the coming years,”
I'm just here to get the information I need to keep my family healthy and alive, following the migration of the trusted scientists I've followed since 2020.
We have lots of #postviral and #autoimmune conditions in the house. From #POTS to #PANS.
Quality of life matters.
#postviral #autoimmune #pots #PANS