Looking for some fun reading for this weekend? Drawing Liberalism: Herblock's Political Cartoons in Postwar America is currently 57% off at Amazon! #comics #herblock #politicalcartoons #comicsstudies #postwar #editorialillustration #editorialcartoon #EditorialCartooning #nationalcartoonistssociety #americanstudies
#Comics #herblock #politicalcartoons #ComicsStudies #postwar #editorialillustration #editorialcartoon #editorialcartooning #nationalcartoonistssociety #americanstudies
Here's an early two-part animation about the need for U.S. soldiers of the Great War to be patient and wait until the army, facing an unprecedented logistical challenge in demobilization, got to them. The cartoon's humor relies on negative sterotypes of a certain kind of woman who would lead gullible good men astray. #GreatWar #WorldWarOne #PostWar #Gender
Part I: https://youtu.be/S0XNUiH1cXQ (1/2) 🧵
#GreatWar #worldwarone #postwar #gender
Last night, I researched #BrooklynLawSchool Annex. It’s been called the best #postwar building in #brooklyn. The #lawschool itself was founded in 1901 and was the first on #longisland. #BernieMadoff and #paulsimon both attended but neither finished. First year estimated costs are $80K (living at home) vs $100K (on your own). Wow! #architecture #law #history #nyc https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooklyn_Law_School
#brooklynlawschool #postwar #brooklyn #lawschool #longisland #berniemadoff #paulsimon #architecture #law #history #nyc
Post-WW2 Anti-Fascist Educational Film | Don't Be a Sucker | 1947 still as relevant today as it was when it was made!
#postwar #publicinformation #1940s #antifascist #video
"The Post-Civil War Opioid Crisis" - JSTOR Daily https://daily.jstor.org/the-post-civil-war-opioid-crisis/ #HistMed #HistGender #masculinity #addiction #WarAndSociety #USCivilWar #postwar #histodons HT @black_intellect
#histmed #histgender #masculinity #addiction #warandsociety #uscivilwar #postwar #histodons
Ukrainisches Design in den 1950-90er Jahren
Termin: Do 29.06.2023 15:00 Uhr - 20:00 Uhr
Ort: #Kunstgewerbemuseum
Gespräch | Vortrag | Film | Podiumsdiskussion / Erwachsene
#kunstgewerbemuseum #ukraine #design #postwar #berlin
Film of the day: 恋文 (LOVE LETTER, dir Kinuyo Tanaka, 1953) The spoils of war: smart, tranquil melodrama of rekindled love in a society still reeling from WWII, lifting itself from the ground up.
#JapaneseCinema #KinuyoTanaka #drama #comedy #love #postwar
#japanesecinema #kinuyotanaka #drama #comedy #love #postwar
December 4, 1949
An Allegory of Man and His Sahara
The Sheltering Sky by Paul Bowles
Review #nytimes #theShelteringSky #paulBowles #sahara #northAfrica #postwar #bookstodon
#bookstodon #postwar #northafrica #sahara #paulbowles #theshelteringsky #nytimes
#Bales2023FilmChallenge April 3: #Party on #WorldPartyDay
To support his family, small-town boy Domenico moves to #Milan in the hope to find a #job. Eventually he's employed, as a clerk in a drab office replacing a senior worker who died. While the days drag on, only interrupted by coffee shop small talk with fellow #teenager Antonietta, the #Christmas office #party draws nearer.
With the dark absurdity of coming out of fascism and having to run a real-world country with a naive ineptitude – represented by the too-large-borrowed-from-father-suits – and pretence childlike bureaucratic procedures, Ermanno Olmi's Il posto [The Job] (1961) is a wonderfully sharp observation of #postwar #Italy.
#film #cinema #ErmannoOlmi #Neorealismo #neorealism #ComingOfAge #TeenangeAngst #bureaucracy #FilMastodon #CineMastodon @film https://letterboxd.com/12pt9/list/bales2023filmchallenge/
#bales2023filmchallenge #party #worldpartyday #milan #job #teenager #christmas #postwar #italy #film #cinema #ermannoolmi #neorealismo #neorealism #comingofage #teenangeangst #bureaucracy #filmastodon #cinemastodon
Interview mit unserem Kustos des Carlfriedrich Claus Archivs und Kurator der Ausstellung zur tschechischen Fotografie der Nachkriegszeit "Zwischen Avantgarde und Repression" in den @kunstsammlungen Chemnitz im Radio Prag. Vielen Dank, liebe tschechischen Freunde für die Aufmerksamkeit, wir hoffen, wir können so den Austausch weiter fördern!
#postwar #photography #fotografie #chemnitz #czech
Girl's Last Tour
The kind of anime that I will forget its title, characters, even the plot but subconsciously, the scenes will appear in my dreams every now and then.
What it gives you is not really a story or a message, but impressions that will seep slowly into your thoughts as if they're your own. Insidious, but delicious..
#MuseAsia #GirlsLastTour #Anime #Story #Japanese #Series #SliceOfLife #PostApocalyptic #PostWar #ScienceFiction #SciFi
#museasia #girlslasttour #anime #story #japanese #series #sliceoflife #postapocalyptic #postwar #sciencefiction #scifi
Who the heck bought all of that mid-century furniture when it was new, anyway? Hyperallergic takes a look. (Hint: most of the modern designers were male & white.) More complex, the meaning of these designs can be found in how the designs were advertised, how they were used to advertise other products, and how they appeared in the media. https://hyperallergic.com/639763/mid-century-modernism-racial-history/?fbclid=IwAR1dKE4Ll6m2-vzYWOAM4QfCioXa4lwTo8lCAjM6tHlmi0vOXug3cmbdU78
#modernism #modernart #moderndesign #modernist #midcentury #midcenturydesign #postwar #artcollector #arthistory #potterdayart
#potterdayart #arthistory #artcollector #postwar #midcenturydesign #midcentury #modernist #moderndesign #modernart #modernism
Fast ein Jahr dauert der Krieg in der #Ukraine nun. Er bringt unermessliches Leid über Millionen Menschen, verändert aber auch die politische, wirtschaftliche und psychologische Landkarte #Europa-s fundamental. Osteuropaexperte Ivan Krastev über die Europakarte in unseren Köpfen und über die Unterschiede zwischen West- und #Osteuropa besonders in Hinblick auf geopolitische Veränderungen. #podcastempfehlung #postwar
#Ukraine #Europa #Osteuropa #podcastempfehlung #postwar
I DREAMED A DREAM: Anthony Fabian's 'Mrs Harris Goes To Paris' may be light in tone but it features a belter of a lead performance by Lesley Manville. As Pomona continues its mop up of 2022 movies, discover why we enjoyed the film costarring Isabelle Huppert, Ellen Thomas & Jason Isaacs.. https://pomonarewind.blogspot.com/2022/12/i-dreamed-dream-mrs-harris-goes-to-paris.html #Cinema #London #Paris #Movies #Fashion #ChristianDior #Film #France #England #Postwar #lesleymanville #paulgallico #isabellehuppert #jasonisaacs #ellenthomas #lambertwilson
#cinema #london #Paris #movies #fashion #ChristianDior #film #france #england #postwar #lesleymanville #paulgallico #isabellehuppert #JasonIsaacs #ellenthomas #lambertwilson
The Third Man (Graham Greene) – Set in a divided #PostWar #Vienna, Rollo Martins – a writer of cheap westerns – arrives with the promise of a job from his old friend Harry Lime only to find him dead and accused of #BlackMarket racketeering. Setting out to clear his friend's name, Rollo begins his own investigation amidst the backdrop of the city’s ruins and great power politics.
#postwar #vienna #blackmarket #BookToot #bookstodon #books
I'm reading the history of Byzantine Empire (in finnish), but at the same time I am reading this magnificently wonderful history of post-war europe (from 1950 onwards) by Ian Kershaw.. good books (based on first pages / chapters, haven't yet finished)
History alumna Dr. Mary-Ann Shantz has published a book with UBCPress: What Nudism Exposes: An Unconventional History of Postwar Canada.
It covers the history of the nudist movement in Canada and is based on her dissertation. Thanks to NiCHE_Canada for sharing a short feature on it:
#histodons #canada #postwar #nudism
#NowReading: #TheCutie, by #DonaldEWestlake - so far, immaculately written, terse, witty thriller from the 1960s when the #postwar #drugs scene was starting to wreak its havoc. Wikipedia: "Westlake wrote constantly in his teens, and after 200 rejections, his first short story sale was in 1954… an American writer, with more than a hundred novels and non-fiction books to his credit." @bookstodon
#nowreading #thecutie #donaldewestlake #postwar #drugs
#architecture #tube #concrete #postwar #modernism
#architecture #tube #concrete #postwar #modernism