Monday 5:30AM EDG Cycling at #LifetimeFitness. I did 9.62 cal/min, which is down from last week. Heart rate down, too. The seat was lower than I usually have it and I got a looping motion in my left leg that I just couldn’t get out. Hard to tell if the seat being lower had much effect. But just couldn’t exert the energy that I did last week.
#postyourworkout #fitnessjourney #fitness #Cycling #fitby60 #LifetimeFitness
Friday morning cycling at hotel. I inadvertently reset my Apple Watch 5 minutes in, so I have two separate workouts. Total: 60 minutes, 495 calories. Pretty good workout despite not having an instructor to call intervals.
#fitby60 #cycling #fitness #fitnessjourney #postyourworkout
#postyourworkout #fitnessjourney #fitness #Cycling #fitby60
WED PWR Cycle at #LifetimeFitness. 610* calories in 55:33 (10.98/min*). Pyramids 2-2:30-3-2:30-2; 1 -1:30-2-1:30-1; :30-1-1:30-1-:30. Then 3 15 second sprints. Maxed at 879* Watts 👀. FTP at 315*. Huge ride today. Real breakthrough this week. Heart rate up; working harder.
*new high
#postyourworkout #Cycling #fitnessjourney #fitness #fitby60 #LifetimeFitness
Monday 5:30AM EDG Cycle class at #LifetimeFitness. Burned 595 active calories (711 total). Up from 505 last Monday and 586 on Friday. Average power was 230 according to the bike, which is a new high. Average speed was 22.5, which is also a new high.
Focused extensively on increasing power during the challenges. Rode much harder the first half of the ride; hung on at the end. Still room for improvement. Heart rate up, pushed harder.
#postyourworkout #Cycling #fitnessjourney #fitness #fitby60 #LifetimeFitness
Friday 5:30AM power cycling workout. After warmup, 3 challenges. 10 minute ride, varying power; two 5 minute rides with 1 minute break; reverse pyramid from 2:15 subtracting :15 each time down to :15. FTP at 288.
Huge total calories, got up to 812 watts in last :15 push. High ave watts, new high ave. speed. Quite a bit of time in zone 4, but only 45 seconds in Zone 5. Dropped 62 BPM in first 3 min. after workout.
#postyourworkout #fitnessjourney #fitness #Cycling #fitby60
Wednesday (7/12) 5:30AM power cycle workout.
Yes. This was a good workout. Shannon, the best instructor I’ve had in a cycling class was back. After warm up it was six groups of four one minute pushes separated by rest. The first cycle I was at 275 watts. Added about 10 per cycle through the first 5. Last cycle was full out, which was was up to about 370. Great workout. Loved the format.
#postyourworkout #Cycling #fitby60
Monday (7/10) 5:30 AM edge cycle workout. The best thing I can say about this workout is that I completed it. Just felt sluggish and not able to push myself like I normally can. Watts way down. That also shows up in the heart ranges. Less than a minute above Zone 3. But, I hauled my behind out of bed and I did the workout. That counts for something.
#postyourworkout #Cycling #fitby60
Friday (7/7) morning 5:30 power cycle class.
This was the day before the parkrun where I finally broke 30 minutes. What I remember is that my quads were really barking. Hard workout. I was worried if it was going to negatively impact my parkrun. Nope. It did not.
#postyourworkout #Cycling #fitby60
Morning morning 5:30 AM EDG Cycle class at #LifetimeFitness. Substitute instructor. It was Shannon who teaches power and is great. Three challenges. 4-3-2-1 power, power-speed alternate, and 10 one minute challenges. Really good class.
#fitby60 #fitness #fitnessjourney #Cycling #postyourworkout
#postyourworkout #Cycling #fitnessjourney #fitness #fitby60 #LifetimeFitness
Friday morning 5:30AM PWR cycling class at #LifetimeFitness. Total wattage down, but I’m focusing more on full effort during the actual on times and really backing off during recovery. I felt early on that maybe didn’t have it today. But finished strong during the final challenge (3 of 3). 609 max watts!! 559 calories. #fitby60 #fitness #fitnessjourney #cycling #postyourworkout
#postyourworkout #Cycling #fitnessjourney #fitness #fitby60 #LifetimeFitness
Wednesday morning PWR cycle class at #LifetimeFitness. First time doing the PWR class. It was somewhat different than the EDG class. I actually averaged fewer watts but the class was pretty tough. Lots of high power intervals followed by significant drop offs during rest periods. Great instructor, she is so organized and clear in her directions.
#postyourworkout #Cycling #fitnessjourney #fitness #fitby60 #LifetimeFitness
Monday 5:30AM spin class. First time that early. There was an unorganized substitute instructor. The class was shorter than normal and his challenges were pretty unformatted. Disappointment. This was an EDG class and not a PWR class. Wed and Fri will be PWR with a dynamite instructor.
Power and heart rate down from last week. Part of it was early class, part of it was sore foot, and part of it was the instructor. But I did the workout.
#postyourworkout #Cycling #fitnessjourney #fitby60
Thursday morning long stationary cycle workout. Normally, I ride easy on the recline bike but I felt pretty strong today so I went harder. I feel like this was a really strong workout. This is, by far, the hardest I’ve gone on the recline bike.
#postyourworkout #fitnessjourney #fitness #fitby60
Friday morning spin class. I started slow, my legs were tight and sore. Once I got warmed up, though, I got in a groove. My overall numbers were down, but I thought it was a good workout. 614 calories #fitby60 #fitness #cycling #postyourworkout
#postyourworkout #Cycling #fitness #fitby60