Der September ist zwar noch nichtmal zu einem Drittel rum, aber es ist jetzt schon mehr fertig geworden als in vielen anderen Gartenmonaten. Dieser Artikel ist daher nur so ne Art Teaser, ausführlichere Artikel gibt’s dann, sobald ich Zeit dazu habe.
- Teich renovieren
- Saatguternte (Radieschen, Rote Melde)
- Kastenbeet bauen
- Kartoffeln ernten
- Altholz zum Basteln
- Tomatenupdate
#garten #saatgut #tomaten #kartoffeln #garden #potatoes #tomatoes
#tomatoes #potatoes #garden #kartoffeln #tomaten #saatgut #garten
A crowdsourced web and Android app that maps and classifies the best Friteries in Northern France and Belgium, where fried potatoes are a religion #potatoes
More about the #potatoes and their berries/seeds.
The terrace potatoes are through fruiting, and almost all of the garden potatoes have fruited and been ripped out. The Amarosas are still blooming, so I’m letting them stay.
I made the potato patches this spring, when I realized I’d seriously overbought seed potatoes. I covered a section of lawn with cardboard and newspapers, then buried it in a foot of half-composted horse manure and wood shavings bedding. The seed potatoes were planted either directly in the compost or in a little scoop of potting soil in the compost. I watered them occasionally with a whirly sprinkler and they grew pretty well, at least until the chickens left the front yard and moved to the garden and started digging in them.
I had a couple of volunteer potatoes in one of the raised beds that produced some very tasty Yukon gold types, but every single potato I planted in the ground in the garden was gnawed by worms. So frustrating! So gross! I thought something might be wrong when the chickens invaded the potato patches and refused to stay out - they only dig where there’s bugs to be dug!
So I ripped out all the vines and gross tubers, and watered the big patch really, really well, and planted it in daikon radish seeds. Right now the chickens are going through it one more time. The soil looks amazing! Either the chickens will keep tilling it for me or they’ll move on and the daikon will break up the subsoil. Both would be good for that bed, I think. I’d love to get daikon going for the winter, but I can replant for at least a month.
The garden potatoes have made another 13 oz of berries. This is *shameful* since there were like five times as many plants in the garden, but ok, that’s fine. Berry pics next.
Ok so it seems that August is when we just harvest the #garden up here in 8b PNW. Today it gave me: almost three pounds of potatoes from one plant, a whole bowlful of sweet red peppers, and two hoodie pockets full of tomatoes.
These #potatoes are from one of the 6-8 terrace plants. It’s so scabby, like my potatoes always are, but at least there’s no freakin worms. These plants were cultivated by burying the seed pieces an inch under ground, then hilling the vines with successive layers of raised bed potting soil and moldy hay. (I didn’t have a lot of faith they’d do well, and those were the closest suitable materials.) They got no water at all, and they rewarded my mistreatment by growing to waist high and producing 13 oz of potato berries.
The Sokolades #tomatoes from the happy plant are finally starting to ripen, and they’re so very beautiful. This bed has a lot of year old compost and drip irrigation, and the plant loves it. I hope my autistic brain comes up with a way to eat tomatoes fresh one day, but these will make amazing sauce.
Russets are in.
Our main crop of potatoes. Some of them are giant this year!
The specialty potatoes were all surprisingly early -- we harvested them a month ago. Russets coming in right on their usual schedule. Bigger harvest than usual for every variety, esp'ly these russets.
#colorado #garden #Homegrown #potatoes
#potatoes are a win, with an asterisk by it. I’ve eaten several meals of delicious homegrown potatoes! I made new, different mistakes this year, and I think I’ve got a better plan for next year. And for the rest of this year! The asterisk is because so far, I’d have had *more* meals of delicious potatoes if I’d just eaten the seed potatoes 😂
I ran out of garden beds by the time I planted potatoes. I made one new potato patch by covering the lawn with cardboard and six inches of compost. Some of the potatoes were planted straight in the compost, and some got a scoop of bagged soil for their starting homes. A second bed used to be raspberries, with a layer of rough compost on top, with potatoes planted straight into the compost. I had still more seed potatoes, so the third bed is in the meadow, in the terraces with the corn.
The no dig lawn did really well until the chickens invaded. It’s made an entire 8 oz container of potato berries. Some of the plants are still going, but it’s honestly ruined by chickens. The rough compost has too many bugs for them to leave it alone, and they keep uncovering the tubers. Every single plant is growing tubers that are already bitter green and sprouting. Same story with the ex-raspberry bed.
The potatoes in the terraces are living a different life. I scratched them into unimproved dirt, and when they started coming up, I hilled them with what was handy - layers of hay and bagged soil. They hilled up great! They’ve given me an entire jar of potato berries! One of them went wilty so I pulled it, and its many tubers are next on the potato menu. And most importantly, nothing has bothered them. The equines ate the corn in the terraces, but they don’t care for potato vines. I’m going to plant the entire terrace space in potatoes next year, muahahah.
One of the seed companies sent me an email urging me to buy fall seed potatoes, so I looked it up, and yep it’s a thing. All you do is plant your green sprouty seed potatoes in August or September and let them get a head start on life. *I* have green sprouty potatoes! I’ve already replanted some russet burbanks in a fresh bed. Gonna get the terraces ready next!
#Bales2023FilmChallenge August 19: #potatoes eaten on #NationalPotatoDay
Jeanne Dielman (#DelphineSeyrig) routinely prepares meals, cleans the house, mothers her teenage son (Jan Decorte), and sees clients in #ChantalAkerman's Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles (1975). Until something breaks and her carefully nurtured practices slowly unravel. ☞
#bales2023filmchallenge #potatoes #nationalpotatoday #delphineseyrig #chantalakerman #slowcinema #film #cinema #cinemastodon
Helen’s Home Cooking Video & Recipe for Potato Wedges (Herb)
#recipe #nationalpotatoday #potatoes
#potatoes #nationalpotatoday #recipe
Potatoes. Great to grow and eat, and much more attractive plants than you might expect. These are in the “death bed” as we call it. Gets an awful lot of sun, many things don’t survive. I tried some kitchen potatoes that had gone to seed last summer. As they did OK, planted proper seed potatoes this year. Wetter summer, they have really loved it. #Gardening #VegetableGardening #Potatoes
#gardening #vegetablegardening #potatoes
Potatoes doing well. South-facing bed, had a lot of sun and rain this summer. #Gardening #VegetableGardening #Potatoes
#gardening #vegetablegardening #potatoes
Super stoked to harvest the first batch of potatoes from the garden. #potatoes #gardening
#Varhaisperunat on sitä mieltä, että olisitte hemmetti nostaneet meidät varhain, eikä elokuussa. 😁 🏡 🥔
The last of our summer #potatoes went and grew a bit bigger than expected.
#varhaisperunat #potatoes #mokki #cabin #finland
I already harvested the early potatoes. The yield was disappointing, but I got enough to add to one soup and as one side dish. Very tasty. Waiting for the next tub.