Truly, @DAISYLittleOne1’s picture featuring Ms Daisy herself rises to the level of fine art. The shapeliness of the guinea pig form is celebrated in all its glory here! 😍 #PotatoLove
I was so proud of myself yesterday! We met up with some friends at a burger place but I wasn't really feeling a burger. So instead of feeling pressured to have a burger in order to justify fries (all these rules are made up!) I ordered what I actually wanted! A side of plain fries, a side of cheesy fries and a side of roasted cauliflower! It was glorious!
#ActuallyAutistic #SafeFoods #PotatoLove
#potatolove #safefoods #actuallyautistic
@Crystalcitycavies They are all sooooo beautiful! It’s so amazing you were able to wrangle the four potatoes so beautifully for this photo! #PotatoLove 🥰