@cypnk case in point, comparing a #Potato with actually fungible #currency is a bit unfair for both given the unique properties of each.
Money was invented as a fungible means to exchange values beyond 1:1 exchanges of items.
#Monero was invented as a digital alternative to #Cash and better alternative to #PayPal.
And yeah, #Potatos are for the most part good amd healthy sources of #Starch & #Carbohydrates, thus very useful as a means to feed people directly.
#carbohydrates #starch #potatos #PayPal #cash #monero #currency #potato
Aliens made of metal having a laugh… still love the old Smash adverts!
#Nostalgia #TV #Aliens #Commercial #Retro #Potatos
#nostalgia #tv #aliens #commercial #retro #potatos