今夜は20時から #PotionPermit やっていきます。
前回 2人の女の子に告白して両手に花な生活が始まり、これはもはやハッピーエンドでは?と思うのですがメインストーリの方が進展がなくどうしたものかと困惑中。
案の定、寝過ごしてしまった #PotionPermit 配信、只今から始めます。
ポーションクラフト 錬金術師シミュレータ配信は土曜日でシリーズ完結としましたが、今夜からは #PotionPermit が始まります。
ずっと家の中だけで薬草マゼマゼしていましたが、今回からは家の外にも出られるし 住民との交流もあります。
A simple vista parece un simulador cualquiera que ha salido debajo de una piedra, pero realmente es un RPG increíble.
#PotionPermit nos cuenta una historia, tú historia, donde tendrás que hacer uso de la alquimia para completar las misiones y tramsa del pueblo, teniendo incluso un final abierto.
Altamente recomendable.
upgraded my cauldron once and unlocked the kitchen and the second wilderness area
Got one of the big quests done, built my kitchen, and started dating Xiao (he looks like Sebastian from Black Butler 😍!! Or Mom from Ouran Highschool Host Club. Same voice actor for the dubbed versions funnily enough.). Not bad for a quick game time session.
#potionpermit #pcgaming #cozygames
My room is so ratty at the start of this game. That MUST be remedied!
#potionpermit #pcgaming #cozygames
#potionpermit #pcgaming #cozygames
I love that the kitty Kipp is a villager you can befriend.
#potionpermit #pcgaming #cozygames
#potionpermit #pcgaming #cozygames
I also hear that Potion Permit is a very short game (10 hours playing main game story). I don't care personally. I can drag that shit out for awhile 😂
#potionpermit #pcgaming #cozygames
#potionpermit #pcgaming #cozygames
The character you play in Potion Permit is non binary by the way. I mean, you choose between male and female body styles but NPCs use "they/them" pronouns with you. I only noticed because the PP community on Steam was in a tiff about it, and not in a good way.... To all my non binary pals just avoid that board, please.
#potionpermit #pcgaming #cozygames
#potionpermit #pcgaming #cozygames
This game is really fun, and looks really good too.
#potionpermit #pcgaming #cozygames
Finally downloaded Potion Permit! This game looks so fun. But, I am pretty easy to please when it comes to cozy games. Roomie is gone for the day, kids are okay, my hand is fairly okay, so maybe just maybe I can play it a bit today and tell you all how it is.
#cozygames #potionpermit #pcgaming