And a #potionSAL update! This is July and August, January to June are on a different piece of fabric because I didn't plan this well
Can't wait for all those people who managed to keep on top of the #PotionSAL to post today and feel bad about myself :D
I'm still looking forward to it because it's all so pretty and I'm impressed people can do things daily and not fully forget for 1.5 months.
Had to catch up a bit, but I've made it to the end of March. Finally a third colour! #PotionSAL
And with that, march is over #potionsal (can you tell when I went on holiday? ๐)
February shelf of the #crossstitch #PotionSAL finally done, not quite two weeks late!
Welp, I have not yet finished the February row of the #PotionSAL, but I thought it was time to post an update. #crossstitch #wip
February was a real struggle and I did exactly nothing. But now I'm up-to-date with March AND I'm doing February at the same time. Two bottles a day ๐ญ #PotionSAL
Got to the end of February, still with only the two colours. We had a cold snap towards the end of the month, but sadly not quite cold enough for a new colour #PotionSAL
Finally finished January... I started 19 days late and that jizz stain (actually glue) really took the wind out of my sails and cost me 5, 6 more days.
Januar geschafft, mal sehen wie schnell ich im Februar aufhole. #PotionSAL #Kreuzstich #Crossstitch
#potionsal #kreuzstich #crossstitch
Es fehlen nur noch sechs Tage im Januar und dann geht es an den Februar #PotionSAL
Catching up on my #potionsal for February after being busy all weekend incl. Monday
Ok, January is totally done, only a few days late ๐ฌ #crossstitch #PotionSAL