[Automatic repost https://twitter.com/dystobot/status/1638601579627421702]
RT @SmartCrutchUSA: #MarchMadness through 3/31/23, free crutch bag w every #smartcrutch to keep your remote close.
#smartcrutch #ehlersdanlossyndrome #potssyndrome #mctd #crps #RSD #rhuematoidarthritis #arthritis #CFS #functionalneurologicaldisorder #dystonia #veterans #multiplesclerosis #MS https://t.co/WORrenr5Bd
#marchmadness #smartcrutch #ehlersdanlossyndrome #potssyndrome #mctd #crps #rsd #rhuematoidarthritis #arthritis #cfs #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #dystonia #veterans #MultipleSclerosis #ms
[Automatic repost https://twitter.com/dystobot/status/1633502877972058112]
RT @SmartCrutchUSA: What is your choice? Give Up, Give In, or Give It All You've Got?
#smartcrutch #eds #potssyndrome #mctd #crps #RSD #arthritis #CFS #fibromyalgia #functionalneurologicaldisorder #dystonia #veterans #multiplesclerosis #MS #cerebralpalsy #mobilityaid #disability #hypermobility https://t.co/J2oLKm7Tfe
#smartcrutch #eds #potssyndrome #mctd #crps #rsd #arthritis #cfs #fibromyalgia #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #dystonia #veterans #MultipleSclerosis #ms #cerebralpalsy #mobilityaid #disability #hypermobility
Decent article about #fms but completely swerves #POTSsyndrome and #cfs #chronicfatigue #Fibromyalgia signs and symptoms as Jonathan Ross' shares daughter is using wheelchair - Liverpool Echo https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/showbiz-news/fibromyalgia-signs-symptoms-jonathan-ross-25870056#amp-readmore-target
#fms #potssyndrome #cfs #chronicfatigue #fibromyalgia
It looks like a mouse but it’s a hand warmer. Probably the most thoughtful gift I’ve received in years. #coldhandswarmheart #POTSsyndrome #Reynauds
#coldhandswarmheart #potssyndrome #reynauds
The funny thing about #POTSsyndrome coupled with crippling anxiety is I always feel like I just got called to the principal’s office and I want to run away. Lol I hate it here sometimes 😅