Btw I’ve been taking pottery classes and loving them!!!
However glaze is an unfathomable black magic so far to me:
1 I’m used to working with ink and water consistencies—glaze and underglaze are SO different and mercurial.
2 Not being able to see the colors is really challenging! I love working with color and want to experiment and make changes, but you only get one shot!
I’m hoping to get better at working with glaze, I’m open to any newbie tips! #pottery #potterynewbie #KilnChat
#pottery #potterynewbie #KilnChat
A few selections from the latest kiln load.
#MastoArt #pottery #potterynewbie
Today's efforts, still incomplete.
When i started fooling around with underglazes today, i don't think i planned to end up with a pot covered in Kirby Dots, but here we are.
The original inspiration is actually a sun stressed succulent, so i am thinking of transparent tinted glaze over top.
#MastoArt #pottery #bisque #underglaze #potterynewbie
I got the latest bisque firing for my pots back on Thursday and started working out how to glaze and underglaze them last night. many of the others will require some more sanding and refinements before i do much more with them.
#workinprogess #MastoArt #potterynewbie #pottery
a couple of mugs trimmed and decorated yesterday.
#mugs #pottersofmasto #potterynewbie
A little hand building.
#potterynewbie #pottery #pottersofmasto #MastoArt #workinprogress
#workinprogress #MastoArt #pottersofmasto #pottery #potterynewbie
A few pots I've been working on yesterday/today.
#MastoArt #workinprogress #potterynewbie
Exploring colour mixing with ceramic underglazes. i have to wonder how much of this will keep? should i hit it with a clear gloss? or maybe wait to pick up a clear matte? i kinda like the finish as is.
#MastoArt #pottery #potterynewbie
Before and after glaze firing a teacup/yunomi for my Dad. MW Artists blue on the chattering (wiped) with a liner coat and exterior brushing of Spectrum Textured Kiwi.
#pottery #potterynewbie #MastoArt