RamenCatholic 🐢 🌈 · @RamenCatholic
927 followers · 15848 posts · Server mindly.social
Jen Mc 🏳️‍🌈🇦🇺 · @JenMc
502 followers · 2705 posts · Server aus.social

Big potting day today trying to get 14 plants (2 cuttings went to a friend) potted, photographed, tidy up, get frost cloth off etc.

I’m going big this week and next with ones I’ve really wanted before the money runs out and I’m out of space. It’s going to be tough to ignore the weekly sales going forward but I’m going to have to if I’m going to survive financially.

Next week will likely be my last plant mail post for a while. I’ll just have to post pics of the ones that are catching my eye instead! I’m waiting (impatiently) for my zygocactus to flower (only buds so far) so I’ll definitely be sharing when that happens!

This week’s newbies are:

- Echeveria Kabaldi/Prism (this is a maybe ID as the only one the seller could provide was “pink Korean hybrid”)
- Echeveria Pink Apparition
- Echeveria Chihuahuaensis x Red Velvet
- Echeveria Truffle
- Echeveria Black Crystal
- Echeveria Heather
- Aeonium Cherry Blossom (gift from a seller)
- Echeveria Lovely Bear
- Crassula Deceptor
- Echeveria Valkyrie
- Echeveria Kissing Bumps
- Echeveria Lilac Mist

Also, apologies if my alt text is not so great this week. I’m not having a good brain fog day but was really excited to share them and didn’t want to wait. It’s also really difficult to describe three very similar plants differently! If anyone wants to suggest any changes/improvements please feel free and I’ll edit it.

#plantmail #succulents #succulentes #echeveria #crassula #aeonium #plants #potting #gardening #gardeningau #GardeningAustralia #wintercolours #plantsbringmejoy #plantsaresendingmebroke

Last updated 1 year ago

IT News · @itnewsbot
3311 followers · 263837 posts · Server schleuss.online

Retrotechtacular: Circuit Potting, and PCBs the Hard Way - There was a time when the very idea of building a complex circuit with the intenti... - hackaday.com/2023/06/15/retrot

#tre #pcb #wwii #glass #silver #weapons #potting #printing #phenolic #graphite #retrotechtacular

Last updated 1 year ago

Artists Garden · @artistsgarden
48 followers · 50 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk
Artists Garden · @artistsgarden
45 followers · 45 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk
Phill · @D0nk3yB0n9
2 followers · 2 posts · Server mas.town

Alright , what's the earliest you'll plant out? I'm in USDA zone 7b and probably have another 3-4 weeks of frost danger, but I'm not really in the mood to pot up my starts a second time (which they currently need). Would anyone else risk planting some out this early or should I spend this afternoon at the bench?

#gardeners #tomatoes #potting #gardening #garden #spring

Last updated 2 years ago

Shiro Tech · @ShiroTechGuy
55 followers · 219 posts · Server techhub.social

Preparing a few pots for my . Using soil.

#Spring #garden #heb #potting

Last updated 2 years ago

Jennifer Ebeling · @GardenerPodcast
653 followers · 526 posts · Server mindly.social

('s version)

Have you heard of "Kill them with ?" Georgia asked from the .

Unsure what was coming next, Ava nodded.

"Well, this big ol' almost because Missy watered it every day when Jane was sick. Now I get to do CPR to try & save it.
It's like I always say: If you're going to something, make sure you know what you're doing first. No sense missing the mark."

Georgia had a plant for every situation.
It got old.

#vss365 #gardener #kindness #potting #bench #jade #plant #drowned #coddle #analogy

Last updated 2 years ago