A sneak preview of one of the two episodes launching this weekend. Watch your favorite podcast app of choice for when it posts! #POTUS3 #POTUS4 #POTUS5 #Jefferson #Madison #Monroe #history #presidents
#potus3 #potus4 #potus5 #jefferson #madison #monroe #history #presidents
The latest episode of the Madison presidency series is now available! Learn more about the administration's connections to a revolt in Spanish-held Texas as well as how an internal dispute in Gen. Harrison's command led to the River Raisin massacre. #POTUS4 #Madison #history #president https://www.presidenciespodcast.com/424-the-first-texas-revolution/
#potus4 #madison #history #president
Are you as excited about tomorrow's episode as I am? If so, here's a little sneak preview of what's in store in the latest episode of the Madison presidency series. #POTUS4 #Madison #history #president
#potus4 #madison #history #president
A new episode of the Madison presidency series is heading your way tomorrow! In the meantime, check out the latest episode to learn about the personnel changes in the administrative and military ranks after Madison secured his reelection. #POTUS4 #Madison https://www.presidenciespodcast.com/423-out-with-the-old/
A new Madison presidency episode is now available! Right out of the gate, the War of 1812 wasn't going well for the US, so it's decided that changes must be made, both of field commanders and back in Washington. Find out in this episode who fails to make the cut! #POTUS4 #Madison https://www.presidenciespodcast.com/423-out-with-the-old/
For anyone who hasn't checked out the Madison presidency series yet, while I work on the next episode, why not take some time to get caught up starting with the 1st episode? It's been a wild journey thus far, and it's only going to pick up! #POTUS4 #Madison https://www.presidenciespodcast.com/401-madison-pre-presidency-part-one/
James Madison passed away #OTD in 1836. While we haven't gotten to his post-presidency episode just yet, I and my special guest, Kenny Ryan from [Abridged] Presidential Histories, did discuss his last days in the second part of his two-part episode of the Seat at the Table series. Check it out to learn more! #POTUS4 #Madison https://www.presidenciespodcast.com/satt-015-2-james-madison-part-two/
After drafting nine pages of a script for an upcoming episode of the Madison presidency series, my better half (aka: my new cohost for the upcoming VPOTUS special series) and I are raising a toast on the front porch to get the weekend started. #POTUS4 #Madison #PrideMonth
A new episode of the Madison presidency series is now available! As US and British officials looked for a way to deescalate the conflict between their two nations through diplomacy in 1812, Napoleon escalated his wars in Europe with a new campaign against Russia. Hope you'll take some time to check this episode out! #POTUS4 #Madison https://www.presidenciespodcast.com/422-the-eastward-march/
William Eustis was born #OTD in 1753. Learn more about his lengthy career and somewhat turbulent tenure as Madison's first Secretary of War by listening to his episode of the Seat at the Table special series! #POTUS4 #Madison https://www.presidenciespodcast.com/satt-020-william-eustis/
A new Madison presidency episode is coming out tomorrow! In the meantime, be sure to check out the latest episode to learn more about the challenges the 4th US President and his administration faced in the early days of the War of 1812. #POTUS4 #Madison https://www.presidenciespodcast.com/421-when-it-rains/
If you haven't checked out the latest episode yet, be sure to give it a listen wherever you get your podcasts to learn about the challenges facing the Madison administration in the early days of the conflict with Great Britain. #POTUS4 #Madison https://www.presidenciespodcast.com/421-when-it-rains/
A new Madison presidency episode is now available! The initial American war effort faltered in the latter half of 1812 while the arrival of a new Spanish governor in East Florida boded ill for the Patriot cause. Meanwhile, a presidential election was held! #POTUS4 #Madison https://www.presidenciespodcast.com/421-when-it-rains/
If you haven't checked it out yet, be sure to listen to the latest episode of Presidencies were we discuss the life and turbulent career of Secretary of the Navy Paul Hamilton. Believe me, this is one you don't want to miss! #POTUS4 #Madison https://www.presidenciespodcast.com/satt-021-paul-hamilton/
There's no new episode today, so be sure to get caught up on the latest episode if you haven't already to learn more about the Madison administration's early missteps in prosecuting the war with Great Britain. #POTUS4 #Madison https://www.presidenciespodcast.com/420-once-more-unto-the-breach/
Congress passed Macon's Bill No. 2 #OTD in 1810. Learn more about this attempt (one in a series) to use a mix of economic incentive and pressure to advance American diplomatic interests with Britain and France by listening to ep. 4.11. #POTUS4 #Madison https://www.presidenciespodcast.com/4-11-intrigue-in-washington/
A new episode is now available! With the path to war set, the Madison administration had to develop a strategy to prosecute warfare against Great Britain. Unfortunately, their first moves didn't turn out so well. Listen to find out why! #POTUS4 #Madison https://www.presidenciespodcast.com/420-once-more-unto-the-breach/
A new episode of Presidencies is headed your way tomorrow where we continue the Madison presidency series! In the meantime, if you haven't already, check out the latest episode of the series to see just how the War of 1812 got started. #POTUS4 #Madison https://www.presidenciespodcast.com/4-19-let-slip/
A new episode of the Madison presidency series is headed your way tomorrow! Believe you me, it's going to be a big one. In the meantime, if you haven't listened to the latest episode yet, be sure to do so to learn about plots in Florida in the early 1810s. #POTUS4 #Madison https://www.presidenciespodcast.com/4-18-put-your-best-plot-forward/