A sneak preview of one of the two episodes launching this weekend. Watch your favorite podcast app of choice for when it posts! #POTUS3 #POTUS4 #POTUS5 #Jefferson #Madison #Monroe #history #presidents
#potus3 #potus4 #potus5 #jefferson #madison #monroe #history #presidents
If you'd like to learn more about the reaction from his point of view to being recalled as US Minister to France by President Washington #OTD in 1796, check out James Monroe's episode of the Seat at the Table series. #POTUS5 #Monroe https://www.presidenciespodcast.com/satt-022-james-monroe/
A new Seat at the Table episode is coming out as soon as I am able to finish editing. In the meantime, be sure to check out the latest episode if you haven't already which features a Secretary of State you may have heard of before. #POTUS5 #Monroe https://www.presidenciespodcast.com/satt-022-james-monroe/
A few years after Adams and Jefferson passed away on July 4th, one of their successors as president, James Monroe, passed away #OTD in 1831. Learn more about his life and career by listening to his Seat at the Table episode. #POTUS5 #Monroe https://www.presidenciespodcast.com/satt-022-james-monroe/
There's no new episode today, so be sure to check out the latest episode if you haven't already to learn about James Monroe's tenure as Secretary of State and Secretary of War (including when he served in both offices at once) in Madison's wartime Cabinet. #POTUS5 #Monroe https://www.presidenciespodcast.com/satt-022-james-monroe/
If you haven't already, be sure to check out the latest episode of the Seat at the Table series on James Monroe's tenure as Secretary of State and Secretary of War (yes, at times he was in both roles at once) as part of Madison's war cabinet. #POTUS5 #Monroe https://www.presidenciespodcast.com/satt-022-james-monroe/
Though we're not at his presidency just yet in the narrative series, as part of the Seat at the Table special series, it's time to talk about James Monroe's tenure in Madison's Cabinet. As head of the State and War Depts during the War of 1812, Joe from Visiting the Presidents and I had much to discuss! #POTUS5 #Monroe https://www.presidenciespodcast.com/satt-022-james-monroe/
If you're looking for more information on James Monroe on the anniversary of his birth, check out his page on the Presidential Resources portion of the website! There are links available to websites, podcasts, and videos about #POTUS5. #Monroe #OTD https://www.presidenciespodcast.com/p/05-james-monroe/
#OTD in 1758, James Monroe was born. We'll be talking much more about him as time goes on. In the meantime, check out ep. 4.15 to learn more about his assuming office as the 7th US Secretary of State in the Madison administration. #POTUS5 #Monroe https://www.presidenciespodcast.com/4-15-affairs-of-state/
...fourscore and five, three French wines, two Adamses, and a Washington in a cherry tree! If you'd like to learn more about #POTUS5 Monroe… https://www.presidenciespodcast.com/p/05-james-monroe/