''HPAI A/ #H5N1 viruses (lineage are rapidly invading the #Americas, threatening #wildlife, #poultry, and potentially evolving into next global #pandemic. In November 2022 HPAI arrived in #Peru, triggering massive #pelican and sea lion die-offs. We report #genomic characterization of HPAI/H5N1 in five species of marine mammals and seabirds (dolphins, sea lions, sanderlings, pelicans and cormorants).''
#h5n1 #Americas #wildlife #poultry #pandemic #peru #pelican #genomic
World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) High Pathogenicity #Avian #Influenza (#HPAI) - Situation Report 47
▶️ Info submitted through World Animal Health Information System of WOAH
▶️ Covers 14 Jul - 24 Aug 2023
▶️ 38 new outbreaks reported in #poultry (in 8 countries/territories)
▶️ 152 outbreaks in non-poultry birds & animals (reported across 21 countries)
▶️ About 230,000 poultry birds died or culled worldwide during 6 week period
🔗: https://www.woah.org/app/uploads/2023/09/hpai-situation-report-20230825.pdf
#epidemiology #birdflu #H5N1 #poultry #hpai #influenza #avian
#Russia - High pathogenicity avian #influenza #H5N1 viruses (#poultry) (Inf. with) - Immediate notification, #WOAH: https://wahis.woah.org/#/in-review/5198 #epizootic #panzootic #alert #zoonoses #EIDs #Tatarstan
#Russia #influenza #h5n1 #poultry #woah #epizootic #panzootic #alert #Zoonoses #EIDs #tatarstan
Rooster among hundreds dumped in recent years due to suburban sprawl.
"Suburban areas, dumped cockerels are a growing problem. Livestock has taken up residence in a strip of protected bushland nestled between the highway and the beach, in what's traditionally been brush turkey territory."
#dumped #poultry #livestock #native #birds #feral #animals #Bellingen #NeverNeverRiver #BrushTurkey
#dumped #poultry #livestock #native #birds #feral #animals #bellingen #neverneverriver #brushturkey
#Russia - High pathogenicity #avian #influenza #H5N1 viruses (#poultry) (Inf. with) - Immediate notification, #Bashkortostan: https://wahis.woah.org/#/in-review/5173 #farm #epizootic #panzootic #woah #alert #zoonoses
#Russia #avian #influenza #h5n1 #poultry #bashkortostan #farm #epizootic #panzootic #woah #alert #Zoonoses
#H5N1, #HPAI #EIDs, #Phylogenetic analysis, #Poultry, #Wildbirds
#h5n1 #hpai #EIDs #phylogenetic #poultry #WildBirds
One of the largest #poultry #farms in the #Russia Federation closed for six months due to #birdflu #outbreak, Kommersant: https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/6159160?from=top_main_7 #influenza #H5N1 #birds #epizootic #panzootic #zoonoses
#poultry #farms #Russia #birdflu #outbreak #influenza #h5n1 #birds #epizootic #panzootic #Zoonoses
Correlation of #avian #influenza #H9N2 with high #mortality in #broiler flocks in the southwest of #Tripoli, #Libya https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37545701/?utm_source=Feedly&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=None&utm_content=1LGAx__djGAJ9poBzWGqPtjEbBDtz4ipSRRPUplmgHEyyF_Ihj&fc=None&ff=20230808093547&v=2.17.9.post6+86293ac #epizootic #zoonoses #poultry #research #veterinary
#avian #influenza #H9N2 #mortality #broiler #tripoli #libya #epizootic #Zoonoses #poultry #research #veterinary
#UK - #Influenza A #H5N1 viruses of high pathogenicity (Inf. with) (backyard #poultry) (2017-) - Immediate notification, https://wahis.woah.org/#/in-review/5162 #epizootic #panzootic #zoonoses #report
#uk #influenza #h5n1 #poultry #epizootic #panzootic #Zoonoses #report
#Russia - High pathogenicity #avian #influenza #H5N1 viruses (in #poultry) (Inf. with), #Vologda - Immediate notification, https://wahis.woah.org/#/in-review/5150 #epizootic #panzootic #woah #alert #zoonoses
#Russia #avian #influenza #h5n1 #poultry #vologda #epizootic #panzootic #woah #alert #Zoonoses
World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) High Pathogenicity #Avian #Influenza (#HPAI) - Situation Report 46
▶️ Info submitted through World Animal Health Information System of WOAH
▶️ Covers 23 Jun - 13 Jul 2023, with 5 outbreaks reported in #poultry & 100 in non-poultry birds
▶️ About 17,000 poultry birds died or culled worldwide during the 3-week period
▶️ Number of outbreaks in animals expected to have passed the peak & be declining
🔗: https://www.woah.org/app/uploads/2023/07/hpai-situation-report-20230721.pdf
#epidemiology #birdflu #H5N1 #poultry #hpai #influenza #avian
#China, one new #human infection with #H5N6 #birdflu virus: a 64-year-old male living in #Guilin, #Guangxi, who had raised domestic #poultry before onset of symptoms. He developed symptoms on July 3 and was admitted for treatment on the following day. He is in serious condition. #HK CHP: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202307/24/P2023072400584.htm #epidemic #epizootic #panzootic #zoonoses #alert
#china #human #h5n6 #birdflu #guilin #guangxi #poultry #hk #epidemic #epizootic #panzootic #Zoonoses #alert
RT Animals EFSA
📢It’s out! #Assessment on the efficacy of methods 2 to 5 and method 7 set out in Commission Reg. (EU) No 142/2011 to inactivate relevant pathogens when producing #PAP of porcine origin intended to feed #poultry and #aquaculture animals.
See👉https://europa.eu/!6333HN https://t.co/XlPesPb8KN
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Animals_EFSA/status/1677212769240637441
#assessment #PAP #poultry #aquaculture
by #TomPhilpott in #MotherJones:
"[P]igs can also pick up influenza strains that circulate among birds, whose viruses aren’t well adapted to infecting and spreading among people. Humans don’t have the receptors in our throats and noses that avian flus can easily attach to. Our isolation from avian flus is what makes them dangerous—since our immune systems rarely encounter them, we have little innate ability to fight them off. Enter pigs. They can catch flu strains from birds (often carrying them without symptoms), mash them up with genetic material from human-adapted flus, and create novel varieties capable of flummoxing human immunity and generating pandemics. That’s why virologists call hogs 'mixing vessels' for novel influenza strains."
#pigs #swine #birds #poultry #farm #avian #influenza #flu #pandemic
#tomphilpott #motherjones #pigs #swine #birds #poultry #farm #avian #influenza #flu #pandemic
#Poland - High pathogenicity #avian #influenza #H5N1 viruses (#poultry) (Inf. with) - Immediate notification, https://wahis.woah.org/#/in-review/5107 #epizootic #panzootic #EID
#poland #avian #influenza #h5n1 #poultry #epizootic #panzootic #eid
Ars Technica: Unsolved Wendy’s outbreak shows challenges of fighting foodborne illnesses https://arstechnica.com/?p=1951580 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #food-bornediseases #investigation #E.coliO157 #outbreak #lettuce #poultry #wendy's #Health #E.coli #beef #CDC #fda
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #food #investigation #e #outbreak #lettuce #poultry #wendy #health #beef #cdc #fda
World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) High Pathogenicity #Avian #Influenza (#HPAI) - Situation Report 45
▶️ Info submitted through World Animal Health Information System of WOAH
▶️ Covers 02-22 June 2023, with 4 outbreaks reported in #poultry & 60 in non-poultry birds
▶️ About 54,000 poultry birds died or culled worldwide during the 3-week period
▶️ Number of outbreaks in animals expected to have passed the peak & be declining
🔗: https://www.woah.org/app/uploads/2023/06/hpai-situation-report-20230626.pdf
#infectiousdisease #birdflu #H5N1 #poultry #hpai #influenza #avian
#Philippines - High pathogenicity avian influenza #H5N6 viruses (#poultry) (Inf. with) - Immediate notification, https://wahis.woah.org/#/in-review/5102 #epizootic #panzootic #EID
#philippines #h5n6 #poultry #epizootic #panzootic #eid
#Italy - Samples from #birds in #EmiliaRomagna were tested
positive for highly pathogenic #avian #influenza A(#H5N1). June 21, 2023, HK CHP: https://www.chp.gov.hk/files/pdf/2023_avian_influenza_report_vol19_wk25.pdf #epizootics #enzootic #poultry
#Italy #birds #emiliaromagna #avian #influenza #h5n1 #epizootics #enzootic #poultry
#SouthAfrica - High pathogenicity #avian #influenza viruses (`#poultry) (Inf. with) - Immediate notification, https://wahis.woah.org/#/in-review/5095 #epizootics #panzootic #EID
#southafrica #avian #influenza #poultry #epizootics #panzootic #eid