Filibert · @filibert
24 followers · 371 posts · Server

Com que veig que per aquí hi ha "molts" fans de us explicaré que, ara ja fa temps, vaig tenir l'oportunitat de col·laborar en la creació d'un nou de i el nom que es va triar va ser el que jo vaig proposar basant-me en l'esperanto.

I de confessar que per treballar el "naming" de diversos en què et participat l'esperanto sempre ha estat un recurs.

I pensar que tot em ve d'un Coronel del , un bon dia em va regalar aquest llibre...

#esperanto #institut #formacio #professional #projectes #poum

Last updated 2 years ago

ES Jacobson · @beanshadow
8 followers · 50 posts · Server

I don’t remember what I was watching but I thought, “The POUM unit during the Spanish Civil War and there’s George Orwell!!!” Enlarge the photo a bit and you can see Orwell’s tall figure at the very far left of the photo.

#georgeorwell #spanishcivilwar #poum

Last updated 2 years ago

for yet another instance.

I'm a living in Canada looking to engage with fellow comrades near and far across the spectrum—to a point anyway. I'm an , which works, because I'm studying with a focus on . I'm also a , but I'm happy to have found a proper home where I can speak freely.

Upfront, I'm hoping to build a and a across multiple instances to see where and how we can move forward together in the face of rising across the western and developing world. I draw a lot of inspiration and optimism from and the Brigades as well as , and I believe that if certain folks aren't too quick with ice picks, we'll likely find more common ground than differences. At least, that's my hope.

My style on here is conversational and irreverent, I try to keep it chill and comeradely-like. That said, I'm not interested in engaging with apologists for or for atrocities.

I'd appreciate a if you see this and like it, as, again, I'm hoping to engage with many peers. My main instance is - so I might be quicker to reply over there, but wanted to engage with everyone on here too!

#Introduction #leftist #internationalist #politicalscience #internationalrelations #twitterrefugee #platform #Community #fascism #poum #international #cnt #imperialism #boost

Last updated 2 years ago

Partage Noir · @partagenoir
685 followers · 3284 posts · Server

Espagne Nouvelle 1937 - Tribune libre à Camillo : Nous et le

#poum #berneri

Last updated 3 years ago

La Directa · @La_Directa
1477 followers · 3366 posts · Server