TheOnion: Americans Guess Trump's Weight #salvadorgutierez #camillagenovese #margarethowell #marcuswilliams #thurstonwesley #angelikagraham #alainawilliams #justiniglesias #heathertezuka #derekpeterman #johnackhurst #sashabegonia #flubdederdam #marthakaydor #melaniatrump #unitsofmass #seanhannity #donaldtrump #frankbarnes #petemiller #lesterknox #rachaelray #jaredolson #danmott #jesus #pound
#salvadorgutierez #camillagenovese #margarethowell #marcuswilliams #thurstonwesley #angelikagraham #alainawilliams #justiniglesias #heathertezuka #derekpeterman #johnackhurst #sashabegonia #flubdederdam #marthakaydor #melaniatrump #unitsofmass #seanhannity #donaldtrump #frankbarnes #petemiller #lesterknox #rachaelray #jaredolson #danmott #jesus #pound
TheOnion: Americans Guess Trump's Weight #salvadorgutierez #camillagenovese #margarethowell #marcuswilliams #thurstonwesley #angelikagraham #alainawilliams #justiniglesias #heathertezuka #derekpeterman #johnackhurst #sashabegonia #flubdederdam #marthakaydor #melaniatrump #unitsofmass #seanhannity #donaldtrump #frankbarnes #petemiller #lesterknox #rachaelray #jaredolson #danmott #jesus #pound
#salvadorgutierez #camillagenovese #margarethowell #marcuswilliams #thurstonwesley #angelikagraham #alainawilliams #justiniglesias #heathertezuka #derekpeterman #johnackhurst #sashabegonia #flubdederdam #marthakaydor #melaniatrump #unitsofmass #seanhannity #donaldtrump #frankbarnes #petemiller #lesterknox #rachaelray #jaredolson #danmott #jesus #pound
TheOnion: Americans Guess Trump's Weight #salvadorgutierez #camillagenovese #margarethowell #marcuswilliams #thurstonwesley #angelikagraham #alainawilliams #justiniglesias #heathertezuka #derekpeterman #johnackhurst #sashabegonia #flubdederdam #marthakaydor #melaniatrump #unitsofmass #seanhannity #donaldtrump #frankbarnes #petemiller #lesterknox #rachaelray #jaredolson #danmott #jesus #pound
#salvadorgutierez #camillagenovese #margarethowell #marcuswilliams #thurstonwesley #angelikagraham #alainawilliams #justiniglesias #heathertezuka #derekpeterman #johnackhurst #sashabegonia #flubdederdam #marthakaydor #melaniatrump #unitsofmass #seanhannity #donaldtrump #frankbarnes #petemiller #lesterknox #rachaelray #jaredolson #danmott #jesus #pound
FX: #sterling is still up nearly 7% against US #Dollar this year and until Wed.'s data, had outperformed all other major currencies. But after the #pound 's post- inflation drop, #Swiss franc - up nearly 8% vs. US #Dollar - now takes the top spot.
#sterling #dollar #pound #swiss
I have joined a dynamic new social networking site, forum . octothorpe . site
It's so new that I added the first forum discussion type: your favorite name for the # symbol.
#GBP FX #speculators have boosted bullish wagers on the #pound to the highest level for nine years despite recent signs that sterling’s strong rally this year is flagging, chart @FT
#pound : to bruise or break into fine particles with a pestle or other heavy instrument
- French: Piler
- German: das Pfund, schlagen, dreschen
- Italian: libbra / sterlina
- Portuguese: libra
- Spanish: libra
Word of The Hour's Annual Survey @
Went to Blick for paper (the one at 17th & 6th), the Blick on 23rd near 8th is closed!
#NYC #art #supplies #dick #blick #multi #media #white #stock #acrylic #paint on #eighty #pound #should be #good
#nyc #art #supplies #dick #blick #multi #media #white #stock #acrylic #paint #eighty #pound #should #good
UK Arts and Heritage Minister Lord Stephen Parkinson took the decision last week to impose the export ban on the “Flintlock Sporting Gun”
#UKBarsExport #TipuSultan #RareSportingGun #Pound
#ukbarsexport #tipusultan #raresportinggun #pound
Rolo Tomassi Revleas US West Coast Tour with The Callous Daoboys and Pound #2023_05_18 #v13 #christopher_gonda #metal #music #news #tour_news #pound #rolo_tomassi #the_callous_daoboys
#2023_05_18 #v13 #christopher_gonda #metal #music #news #tour_news #pound #rolo_tomassi #the_callous_daoboys
ROLO TOMASSI, THE CALLOUS DAOBOYS & POUND Announce US Tour #2023_04_13 #metal_injection #greg_kennelty #tour_dates #pound #rolo_tomassi #the_callous_daoboys
#2023_04_13 #metal_injection #greg_kennelty #tour_dates #pound #rolo_tomassi #the_callous_daoboys
This is exactly why I have struggled to adapt my hashtag gong practices to really work on Mastodon. “On top of all that, in-post hashtags feel thirsty. After a decade of Twitter and Instagram, I associate them firmly with spammers and #blessed clout-chasing thinkfluencers, #shoehorning that #pound #symbol into the #middle of #sentences to reach more #eyeballs.”
#blessed #shoehorning #pound #symbol #middle #sentences #eyeballs
@Sabinchen0214 #sexyass bsby. I wanna #pound that #ass #fromtheback !;)
#fromtheback #ass #pound #sexyass
#pound : to bruise or break into fine particles with a pestle or other heavy instrument
- French: Piler
- German: das Pfund, schlagen, dreschen
- Italian: libbra / sterlina
- Portuguese: libra
- Spanish: libra
Word of The Hour's Annual Survey @