Heather · @HeatherNatalie
306 followers · 394 posts · Server dice.camp

The video about Rods from God calling Jerry "a researcher at boeing" as if he didn't spend 100% of his free time writing some of the most influential science fiction about ways you can obliterate planets with physics is so funny. Like he _was_ "a researcher at boeing" but also... lol

#veritasium #pournelle

Last updated 2 years ago

· @anlomedad
163 followers · 515 posts · Server climatejustice.social


The first 3 books, in publishing order. By .

The in God's Eye vol 1+2. By and .

The series vol 1, 2, 3. By .

#foundation #asimov #Mote #Niven #pournelle #hyperion #Simmons

Last updated 2 years ago

ChipMcDonald · @chipmcdonald
55 followers · 116 posts · Server lor.sh


teacher since 1986.

Lots of you've never heard of, but some of my students you may have.

My of choice is , that I've used since it's inception.

I have many and s, the top of my quiver being a custom and an early 70s 50 watt Marshall JMP.

My musical preferences varies from

The best sounding is at S. C..

I have been a big fan since the early 90s. Pro ftw, or , , . I drive a stick 2014 aka the best daily driver created.

Post-political, old-school left biased. I will not accede to any political party unless the platform is to ban lobbying and PACs; nothing ever changes until that happens. I am as jaded as it gets in politics, and you should be, too.

Staunchly pro . I took preventative anti- measures early January 2020. "This" could have been prevented, and is worse because of political pressure confirmation bias. is real, and it's.... aggravating that 19th century anti-science propaganda flourishes in the 21st century.

Non-Kennedy #2001:aSpaceOdyssey old school hard et al.

.... and Mastodon's character limit is this long? Hmmm.

I like to make intentionally blurry photos with lenses, less blurry with my favorite luxury item my 70-200 F/2.8IS ii.

I reside in , which borders on the .

My wife is a scientist at the , I give online via , or since the (and have since closed my brick and mortar office of > 12 years). We have a super smart movie-dog cute , but are wonderful.

Time to restring guitars, hope this works and doesn't inadvertently violate some arcane rule...?

#guitar #musician #bands #recording #daw #reaper #reaperdaw #guitars #amplifier #suhr #pinkfloyd #allanholdsworth #coltrane #bach #70sRock #easylistening #elo #soundgarden #kingsx #queen #carpenters #jimihendrix #vanhalen #vangelis #albinone #vivaldi #debussy #stp #cocteautwins #beatles #paulmccartney #peterframpton #jeffbeck #ledzeppelin #rush #billfrisell #brianbladefellowship #jeffbuckley #fionaapple #kdlang #bradmehldau #bacharach #thepolice #manyothers #surfsound #myrtlebeach #formula1 #lewishamilton #checoperez #landonorris #mclaren #subaru #brz #FRS #vaccination #vaccines #masks #covid #LongCovid #starwars #startrek #battlestargalactica #scifi #larryniven #arthurcclarke #simak #frankherbert #pournelle #saberhagan #asimov #frederickpohl #harlanellison #aldiss #stanislawlem #damonknight #douglasadams #johnvarley #BenBova #poulanderson #photography #pinhole #canon #northaugusta #southcarolina #augusta #georgia #savannahriver #nuclear #departmentofenergy #doe #savannahriversite #guitarlessons #facetime #skype #zoom #pandemic #goberian #germansheperds

Last updated 2 years ago