RT @HeritageCouncil@twitter.com
Celebrate #LdnOnt’s heritage, one cup of coffee at a time with #PourOverLDN! Get a hot drink @EdgarAndJoes@twitter.com & learn something new about London’s history! Learn more about the project at https://londonheritage.ca/pouroverlondon
& share your fact online using #PourOverLDN! #HeritageWeek #LdnMuse
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HeritageCouncil/status/1098217017755209729
#ldnont #pouroverldn #heritageweek #ldnmuse
RT @HeritageCouncil@twitter.com
Don’t forget to grab a coffee from Edgar & Joe’s this week to learn something new about #LdnOnt's history with #PourOverLDN! Brought to you by @HeritageCouncil@twitter.com, @LondonFuse@twitter.com, @EdgarAndJoes@twitter.com & @CityofLdnOnt@twitter.com's Culture Office. Learn more at http://londonheritage.ca/pouroverlondon #HeritageWeek
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HeritageCouncil/status/1098951840677412864
#ldnont #pouroverldn #heritageweek