I know you don’t _need_ those chickens that the city says you can keep; but, what if you kept them mostly to donate the eggs? I know you don’t _need_ to plant an extra row for The Hungry, but what if you did? Asking for a friend.
#FoodBanksAreLifeLines #PlantARowForTheHungry #KindnessDoesntCostMuchButHasAGreatReturnOnInvestment #PovertyIsAPolicyChoice #HungerIsAPolicyChoice #NoOneIsComingToSaveUs
#foodbanksarelifelines #plantarowforthehungry #kindnessdoesntcostmuchbuthasagreatreturnoninvestment #povertyisapolicychoice #hungerisapolicychoice #nooneiscomingtosaveus
Snowy day, reminder that, for many, School Meals are planned into family budgets because our society allows hunger. Hunger and Poverty are policy choices.
Stuck at home again,
not sure what there is to eat.
No school ‘cause of snow.
#Haiku #SchoolMealsAreEssentialAndShouldBeFreeForAll #Children #PolicyChoices #TheStruggleIsReal #Haikoot #HungerIsAPolicyChoice #PovertyIsAPolicyChoice
#haiku #schoolmealsareessentialandshouldbefreeforall #children #policychoices #thestruggleisreal #haikoot #hungerisapolicychoice #povertyisapolicychoice
This one goes out to all those who “never knew the joy of a Welfare Christmas”. Well-Off Wankers.
#everclear #thestruggleisreal #povertyisapolicychoice
All policy choices… #PovertyIsAPolicyChoice #HomelessnessIsAPolicyChoice #FoodInsecurityIsAPolicyChoice #HealthCareAccessIsAPolicyChoice #AllowingBillionairesIsAPolicyChoice
#povertyisapolicychoice #homelessnessisapolicychoice #foodinsecurityisapolicychoice #healthcareaccessisapolicychoice #allowingbillionairesisapolicychoice
Another snow day, school canceled. In all seriousness though, we live in a poor area; a lot of the kids _need_ that school breakfast and lunch. We have a bit of a homeless student population, here. It’s a fucking disgusting situation in this country that it has come to this.
#SnowDay #SchoolMeals
#PovertyIsAPolicyChoice #HungerInAmericaIsAPolicyChoice #WeCouldDoBetterButDontCareTo #WhatIfThatWereYou
#whatifthatwereyou #wecoulddobetterbutdontcareto #hungerinamericaisapolicychoice #povertyisapolicychoice #schoolmeals #snowday
@cedr_us thank you for sharing this. Unfortunately, the system is working as designed.
#AMindIsATerribleThingToWaste #SchoolToPrisonPipeline #PovertyIsAPolicyChoice
#povertyisapolicychoice #schooltoprisonpipeline #amindisaterriblethingtowaste
@HazelWood watch/listen to this, and the systemic racism and anti-poor policies really come into sight. Food desserts, the policy choices that promote or even ensure them, the school-to-prison pipeline- it’s all there. How can a government by, for, and of the people do this to their own people?
#BlackEmpowerment #PovertyIsAPolicyChoice
#dosomethinggood #povertyisapolicychoice #blackempowerment
@unearth there should be more punishment. And restorative justice. This asshat should have to provide public services, like mandatory work in a soup kitchen or homeless shelter. Maybe even a PSA about caring for those with so much less material possessions.
#PovertyIsAPolicyChoice #HomelessnessIsAPolicyChoice
#homelessnessisapolicychoice #povertyisapolicychoice
Excellent roundup of speeches from & interviews with Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. on @majorityfm@twitter.com today: https://majorityfm.libsyn.com/martin-luther-king-jr-day-2023
#happybirthdaytoya #mlk #povertyisapolicychoice #endallwar