@harriettmb Speaking of "poor people deserve to be poor and long term sick people are work-shy", here's Fraser Nelson in the latest issue of the Spectator:
#UKPolitics #CostOfLivingCrisis #PovertyIsNotACrime
#povertyisnotacrime #Costoflivingcrisis #ukpolitics
SHOCKING REVELATIONS! Giving poor people less money makes them poorer. They needed a report to tell them that. And even then they tried to stop it being published.
GPLB: "New DWP research shows benefits cap 'only results in making poor families poorer', says charity"
#DWP #UniversalCredit #CostOfVotingToryCrisis #UKPolitics #PovertyIsNotACrime
#povertyisnotacrime #ukpolitics #costofvotingtorycrisis #universalcredit #dwp
For anyone who's interested, the first part of Led By Donkey's expose of MPs' asking for TEN THOUSAND POUNDS A DAY from a fake consultancy firm is up on the other place.
To put that figure into context for anyone who's not aware - a single person claimant of Universal Credit benefit gets £4,038. A YEAR.
#UKPolitics #PovertyIsNotACrime #FuckTheTories #StopTheGrift #EnoughIsEnough #TaxTheRich
#taxtherich #enoughisenough #StopTheGrift #FuckTheTories #povertyisnotacrime #ukpolitics
Which reminds me of this, extracted from a post with thanks to @flexghost
Iowa Republicans will pass legislation preventing people who receive SNAP from buying fresh meat, butter and flour
Note: Iowa has a $2B budget surplus and SNAP is a *federal* program.
And apparently, enough people saw something (shitty on their app) and said something.
#fuckshitlibs #povertyisnotacrime #topoli
This isn't even #PeakGuardian - it's just poor-shaming.
Two examples from the list:
Number 1 - Reduce your weekly food shop. FFS.
Number 5 - Get out of debt. Oh sure, I'll just snap my fingers and get that done, it hadn't occurred to me!
#PovertyIsNotACrime #CostOfLivingCrisis #UKPolitics
#ukpolitics #Costoflivingcrisis #povertyisnotacrime #peakguardian
"... of the hoardes of new poor.
It is this new politico-economic circle which today encourages the constant human capacity for cruelties that obliterat the human imagination."
John Berger, Bento's Book (2011)
3 of 3
Sounds about right.
#CapitalismKills #PovertyIsNotACrime #NoPlanetB #WeAreThe99Percent #RiseUp #HumanRights #SocialJustice #ClimateCatastrophe
#climatecatastrophe #socialjustice #humanrights #riseup #wearethe99percent #noplanetb #povertyisnotacrime #capitalismkills
@Fife4Europe Nah, let's just encourage hatred and contempt for poor people instead
#UKPolitics #PovertyIsNotACrime #TaxTheRich #EnoughIsEnough
#enoughisenough #taxtherich #povertyisnotacrime #ukpolitics
Another day, another planet-destroying, ultra-rich band of thieves take the absolute piss while the Government does nothing:
image: h/t @tonystevenson
#StopTheGrift #UKPolitics #EnoughIsEnough #TaxTheRich #CostOfLivingCrisis #ClimateCatastrophe #NoPlanetB #PeopleNotProfit #PovertyIsNotACrime #SOSNHS #FairPay #SupportTheStrikes
Last, but by no means least 1000% #FuckTheTories
#FuckTheTories #SupportTheStrikes #fairpay #SOSNHS #povertyisnotacrime #PeopleNotProfit #noplanetb #climatecatastrophe #Costoflivingcrisis #taxtherich #enoughisenough #ukpolitics #StopTheGrift
But giving them an above-inflation pay rise can't be done.
#SupportTheStrikes #PovertyIsNotACrime #FuckTheTories #FairPay #UKPolitics
#ukpolitics #fairpay #FuckTheTories #povertyisnotacrime #SupportTheStrikes
Bleakly accurate.
#TaxTheRich #FuckTheTories #CostOfLivingCrisis #EnoughIsEnough #PeopleNotProfit #PovertyIsNotACrime
#povertyisnotacrime #PeopleNotProfit #enoughisenough #Costoflivingcrisis #FuckTheTories #taxtherich
@endfuelpoverty When the contractors are people like this (from Marina Hyde's column)
" .. a guy who prefaced setting a locksmith on the door of a single father-of-three by telling the undercover reporter: 'I love this bit.'"
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/feb/03/british-gas-bailiffs-meters-poor-people-electricity #PovertyIsNotACrime #PeopleNotProfits #CostOfLivingCrisis #TaxTheRich #FuckTheTories #EnoughIsEnough #UKPolitics
#ukpolitics #enoughisenough #FuckTheTories #taxtherich #Costoflivingcrisis #peoplenotprofits #povertyisnotacrime
When your multi-national energy provider has to be *told* not to send their brother Dave's mate round with a crowbar to forcibly install pre-payment meters in poor people's houses. 😡
#TaxTheRich #PeopleNotProfit #PovertyIsNotACrime #EnoughIsEnough #CostOfLivingCrisis #UKPolitics
#ukpolitics #Costoflivingcrisis #enoughisenough #povertyisnotacrime #PeopleNotProfit #taxtherich
Fuck sake.
#UKPolitics #PeopleNotProfit #TaxTheRich #ClimateCatastrophe #KeepItInTheGround #CostOfVotingToryCrisis #PovertyIsNotACrime #GeneralStrike #FuckTheTories
#FuckTheTories #generalstrike #povertyisnotacrime #costofvotingtorycrisis #keepitintheground #climatecatastrophe #taxtherich #PeopleNotProfit #ukpolitics