@inti I call this Pueblo Colorado Circle. Are #geoglyph or #intaglio better?
Another #GreatCircle on #PachaMama. Outlines in my graphic are relative sizes.
#Stonehenge fits inside the tiny circle beside #NewarkOctagon.
Octagon Earthworks - http://www.jqjacobs.net/archaeo/octagon.html
Results are center-on-center ratios, margins of error less than 4m.
#PovertyPoint #KML, #GoogleEarth file: http://jqjacobs.net/kml/poverty_point.kml
#archaeology #geodesy #mathematics #earthworks #NewMexico #Ohio #Bolivia
#geoglyph #intaglio #greatcircle #pachamama #stonehenge #newarkoctagon #povertypoint #KML #GoogleEarth #archaeology #geodesy #mathematics #earthworks #newmexico #ohio #Bolivia
La primera civilización de Estados Unidos estaba compuesta por ingenieros sofisticados https://tendencias21.levante-emv.com/la-primera-civilizacion-de-estados-unidos-estaba-compuesta-por-ingenieros-sofisticados.html #povertypoint #Arqueologia